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why do they call the smuggler a smuggler if he doesnt smuggler anything


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this must be a joke. He's a "am I Nathan Drake or that guy from that one cancelled T.V show who was a Han Solo ripoff" who wears a pimp coat with a cowboy hat, has a gun but punches people, is a Smuggler but doesn't smuggle, and his ship doesn't even desrve to be called an Outrider rehash. God, bioware... what's wrong with you? Edited by RainbowDaaash
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Well, actually, you start the game smuggling some weapons... and after that, you're busy looking for your ship so you can get back to smuggling. By the time you GET it, and wind up roped into doing something else instead... you're not a Smuggler anymore! You're a Gunslinger, or a Scoundrel, so you can do whatever you damn well please as long as it involves guns or... scouns? Whatever that is. :rolleyes:
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this must be a joke. He's a "am I Nathan Drake or that guy from that one cancelled T.V show who was a Han Solo ripoff" who wears a pimp coat with a cowboy hat, has a gun but punches people, is a Smuggler but doesn't smuggle, and his ship doesn't even desrve to be called an Outrider rehash. God, bioware... what's wrong with you?


I had the same question on the forum for the smuggler's story.

And I was told to consider the smuggler as a privateer in the service for the republic.


That was good enough for me.


Much worse is that the jetpack of the bounty hunter is useless apart from some combat moves.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall much of Han Solo's time within the movies being spent smuggling things. :rolleyes:




Also, this:


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to smuggle severed human heads, endangered wildlife, and men frozen in carbonite around Republic space; all things you do as a Smuggler in this game. Plus, as someone already stated, the first 20 or 30 seconds of your introductory class quest has you landing on Ord Mantell to .. get ready for this .. smuggle some weapons to the Republic soldiers fighting the Separatists! Crazy, I know. There's also a quest where yo can smuggle spice on Coruscant, surgically implanted inside your body no less; course you can make Corso handle that one for you.


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In a movie - the key to a 'smuggler' is usually "don't ask what the cargo is" (and then they invariably discover it's a beautiful woman etc etc).


In TOR, everything remotely smuggling-oriented seems to play out that way...

- get me these boxes, oh... and they are full of illegal drugs!!!

- get me these chips, oh did I mention they are for evil slave collars???


No, really, that's wonderful but could you just let me smuggle stuff without giving me a guilt trip and forcing a LS/DS choice on every possible occaision?

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this must be a joke. He's a "am I Nathan Drake or that guy from that one cancelled T.V show who was a Han Solo ripoff" who wears a pimp coat with a cowboy hat, has a gun but punches people, is a Smuggler but doesn't smuggle, and his ship doesn't even desrve to be called an Outrider rehash. God, bioware... what's wrong with you?

How dare you sir, wait whilst I sic the Reavers on you o_O

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall much of Han Solo's time within the movies being spent smuggling things. :rolleyes:


Han was in the cantina in mos eisley because of a smuggling run that went bad. He got boarded by an imperial customs squad and had to jettison his illegal cargo. Also dont forget he smuggled himself, chewie, luke and Obi Wan onto the first death star.


Most of his smuggling days are chronicled in the han solo trilogy which takes you from his child hood right to the point where he sits down with Luke and obi-wan for the first time. After he met up with Luke he turned into a reluctant rebellion general.

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I declare them every chance I get


"I am currently hording enough weapons and armor to outfit a strike team capable of decimating the imperial fleet"


but I finished the IA story quests and don't exist in imperial records anymore so when they try to ID me, *smoke grenade* *cloaking screen* *hidden strike*


customs agents have a life expectancy measured in minutes when I'm landing somewhere.

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They should give smuggler class special smuggling missions, on foot and in space. Same for the Imperial Agent, just different tasks.


Every class could use some class mission only. To get away from being Medic or Tank all the time.


For example Troopers should get mission where they end up in big battles or must hold the line with other troopers players and NPC's.


BH also should have BH terminals like they had in SWG. Maybe even add BH on players later on.


Also change so both Factions can play BH and Trooper.


Tho this don't have to be made ASAP. But in the future it would be nice. Story in this game is great, but in the end you are just healer or tank, dps player.

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Also, this:


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to smuggle severed human heads, endangered wildlife, and men frozen in carbonite around Republic space; all things you do as a Smuggler in this game. Plus, as someone already stated, the first 20 or 30 seconds of your introductory class quest has you landing on Ord Mantell to .. get ready for this .. smuggle some weapons to the Republic soldiers fighting the Separatists! Crazy, I know. There's also a quest where yo can smuggle spice on Coruscant, surgically implanted inside your body no less; course you can make Corso handle that one for you.



You know what's funny about that spoiler.....


As a Jedi Consular..




I get the quest to find the people smuggling the spice because it's killing the people who are smuggling it, so I have to go and heal them.... ironic huh lol





As well, the Smuggler is really serving the republic during the war - getting supplies and what not. Also, you have the opportunity to do some other types of smuggling on the side through side quests.

Edited by rhirne
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oh wait I get it, is this a ghost of SWG past rising to troll the forums?


Smugglers in SWG had literally nothing to suggest that they ever smuggled anything ever. no story, no quests, no abilitys.

They were more accurately "guy that uses pistol and sometimes punches people"

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Han was in the cantina in mos eisley because of a smuggling run that went bad. He got boarded by an imperial customs squad and had to jettison his illegal cargo. Also dont forget he smuggled himself, chewie, luke and Obi Wan onto the first death star.


Most of his smuggling days are chronicled in the han solo trilogy which takes you from his child hood right to the point where he sits down with Luke and obi-wan for the first time. After he met up with Luke he turned into a reluctant rebellion general.


So in other words, his story as presented in the movies is pretty much the same concept as the one smugglers experience in the game; did job that went south, falls in with a rag-tag band, goes on an adventure, and learns to believe in something larger than themselves.

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oh wait I get it, is this a ghost of SWG past rising to troll the forums?


Smugglers in SWG had literally nothing to suggest that they ever smuggled anything ever. no story, no quests, no abilitys.

They were more accurately "guy that uses pistol and sometimes punches people"


That changed a few years back in SWG as they intronduced smuggler missions for funky powerups, weapon schemetics and titles.

Edited by Shuno
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Have you played through the entire story? The story definitely has an underworld, criminal activity type feel. Not to mention (spoiler) your ship is full off ill gotten warez that you deliver for the first act. There are also areas of ill repuite that you can get acess to. Why doesn't if feel like a smuggler?
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  • 8 years later...
this must be a joke. He's a "am I Nathan Drake or that guy from that one cancelled T.V show who was a Han Solo ripoff" who wears a pimp coat with a cowboy hat, has a gun but punches people, is a Smuggler but doesn't smuggle, and his ship doesn't even desrve to be called an Outrider rehash. God, bioware... what's wrong with you?



lmao this thread is from 2012.... and its still true

after 7 years nothing really changed, what did they add to smuggler in that time besides removing good animations and adding much worse

did they work on the smuggler story or anything on that class to make it more like starwars?

when did they see han solo running around punching jedis to death and killing everything with his trusty double barrel shotgun?!?! this is just prove that BW does spent their money on crack rather than on good ideas!

just why?! whyyy?!



i just came back to the game but after 2-3days + tons of infos from my friends and i just wanna quit again...


good job BW


Edited by MuonGoldSmuggler
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