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Everything posted by genpion

  1. I am fighting most of the time in the most advantageous position; as far as the cover system of my Agent allows it. This game is already totally unrealistic. An entire planet but enemies stand there lined up every 30 meters ? You fight 4 enemies but would loose without your (one and only) companion; how true to the heroic storyline where you decimate entire armies. Cities of millions of inhabitants that you can cross it in 2 boring minutes by running ? This game is all about the fun for the player and the technical and artistic constraints.
  2. Yes. I would like to have a respawn rate of about 2 or 5 seconds for everything; I am serious. Hence I propose a floating point XP multiplier from 0 to 10 for the gained XP. And make the mobs passive until attacked by the player. When XP are needed, the player can still fight mobs. But when I want to travel from A to B I want to do it quickly. Why is the current state or good enough better than better ? How do the failures of other games improve or redeem SWTOR ?
  3. It is Bioware's goal to please as much people as possible. Otherwise they could have programmed another pong clone or no game at all. Either you like the game and continue or you do not like it and stop playing. Introducing an XP multiplier would improve the game for everyone without hurting the experience of somebody. Plus it is simple technically; they have it already in the form of rested XP.
  4. Yes I understand that. But my time and patience have limits too. There are other good games available. For now I have no intention to resub the game just for another 100 hours of grind for one more story line. Either you like the game and continue or you do not like and stop playing. Introducing an XP multiplier would improve the game for everyone.
  5. With a group the mobs die within few seconds. Of course: - you can do it alone, but then it takes much longer and then you have to rest to full health. - you do not find anybody to do the solo content as a group with only 20 - 40 players of various levels per planet. The best solution would be that the mobs would stay passive until attacked by the player. And yes, it is as if Bioware was afraid about going through the game too fast and so they introduced all kind of time sinks (trash mobs, cover long distances at low speed, running in empty spaces to your space ship, enemies with enormous health bars, ... ). Korriban felt good because the enemies fell quickly and the distances were short. The higher the level the more of the same rotations you have to do in a fight and the larger distances you have to cover.
  6. Nobody complains about too much content and missions. Some people are complaining about leveling too fast and not enjoying the content anymore. And I am complaining about having to do missions just for the XP to follow the main story. My time is restricted and I would like the see all 8 stories instead of just 1 or 2 before my 60 day subscription ends. I would like to have a floating point XP multiplier for the gained XP from 0 to 10.
  7. There is no chance that Bioware will change existing worlds; which are fine if you run with a group. They are already extremely slow on fixing even minor things like the GUI (e.g. resizable comment field in the grouping tool). But I wish that the mobs would not attack by themselves and that it would be the players choice to fight or not.
  8. The simplest thing were for Bioware to introduce an XP multiplier (from 0 to 10) that the player can set himself. The "one size fits all" does not work. Bioware should introduce choice to the player whenever possible. You are not the first who complains about leveling too fast. I am not the first who complains about leveling too slow and doing many fights and missions just for the XP to be able to follow the main story.
  9. Funny rant, but: - SWTOR is a theme park. - Star Wars is a theme park. - Hollywood movies in general are a theme park. It is all about the impression of a moment or situation. You go from one event to the next. You go from one particular surreal presentation of reality to another. Like in a theme park where you go from one attraction to the next and forget the last one. You encounter stupid and inconsistent things everywhere in this game.
  10. I guess nobody can answer that question for you. I liked the first act and I find the second act (I am level 35 at the end of Taris) even better. Only the quarrel and competition with that Sith lady apprentice on Taris is stupid and childish. I would have killed her after the first meeting; instead I have to play her game. In contrast, the first acts of the Agent and Smuggler stories are absolutely boring and the worst of all.
  11. As proposed a month ago, I would like to have a multiplier (from 0 to 10 or 100) for received XP that the player can set himself. I level up way too slowly. At my current progress speed, I might not finish the game with a single char before the 60 day subscription ends.
  12. Bioware should introduce a setting where the player can decide how much XP is gained. There is no other way Bioware can satisfy players than by choice. There are those complaining that you can not grind 1000 hours to level 50. There are those like myself who are addicted to the story but have not time enough to level up to see a complete story. Which is partially my fault because the grind for XP makes it hard for me to play more than 2 hours in a row. My 60 day subscription might run out before reaching level 50 with even one char. And people abusing XP opportunities do not complain about leveling up too fast; do not take people for idiots unless proven otherwise.
  13. Ich kann diese Unterstellungen von Faulheit auch nicht mehr hören. Für Viele bedeutet spielen oder Herausforderung eben nicht: - warten - laufen - tausend mal dieselben Gegner töten auf dieselbe Weise. - irgendetwas hunderte Male wiederholen ohne Variation. Zugegeben, all das ist klassisches MMORPG Gameplay. An den OP, ich finde die Wartezeiten eher gering im Vergleich zu anderen MMORPG. Mich stört am meisten, dass man einen bestimmten Fähigkeitswert haben muss, um die meisten Ressourcen zu scannen.
  14. People tend to roll on the populated serves. And stop crying when your only problem is the crying of others.
  15. Such pride is the reason for a less good game than it could be. Bioware was too proud to install more servers at the beginning because of the fear of merges. They are too proud now to merge servers. You keep and gain players with a good game but not with pride, signals or promises. And cross server grouping with a good looting system is the best solution. You can group easier without having an overpopulated world.
  16. Ich bedaure den Kauf nicht, weil ich unbedingt wissen wollte, wie das neue Bioware Spiel denn so ist. Wenn du ein klassisches Single Player Spiel willst mit Multiplayer Funktion, dann rate ich dringend vom Kauf ab; auch wenn viele SWTOR als solches bezeichnen oder beschimpfen. SWTOR ist ein fast typischer MMORPG und WoW Klon mit sehr guter Vertonung der Dialoge. Das bedeutet: 1) Primitives MMORPG Gameplay. Drücke Knopf 1 - 20 und wachte auf den Cooldown für die nächste Fähigkeit. 2) Ungefähr 90 % der Kämpfe spielen sich praktisch identisch ab. 3) Viel Zeit wird mit Laufen und lästigem Kanonenfutter verbracht, um von Ort A nach B und zurück zu kommen. Anscheinend ist SWTOR in diesem Aspekt schlimmer als WoW, welches ich nur bis Stufe 7 gespielt habe. 4) Viele Grind Kämpfe zum Aufsteigen. Du kannst nicht einfach deine Charakterstory verfolgen. Auf 10 - 20 Stunden charakterspezifische Story kommen wohl über 100 Stunden generische Kämpfe und Missionen (töte 10 X oder sammle 5 Y) die identisch sind für alle Klassen einer Fraktion. Falls du aber gerne klassisches MMORPG Gameplay hast, ist SWTOR sicher einer der besten Vertreter seiner Art. Außerdem rate ich momentan dazu, deinen Character auf einem sehr gut besuchten Server zu erstellen. Ich habe auf meinen Servern das Problem, überhaupt 3 - 4 Mitspieler für eine Gruppenmission zu sammeln, ganz zu schweigen von der richtigen Komposition (Tank, Heiler,...)
  17. So true. Except maybe, it might not have been for free. IGN probably earns a lot of with SWTOR advertising.
  18. This interview was only talk for the press and the investors and far from reality. He talks as if the game had already delivered what he is talking about. And the guys at Bioware are not so clueless. They know very well what other games offer and what is considered as modern standard. The lack of tools like combat log and others (I guess) is not by design as stated in some interview.
  19. They are not capable to fix even the UI (resizable, movable, sortable items) within several months. All this is standard in every UI or web page out of the box. What do you expect them to do in 3 further months ? Furthermore: 1) The story is not worth hundreds of hours but only a few hours per char. There are hundreds of hours of grind and running and recycled quests for every char. 2) There is not much polishment at all. The game is very primitive and rudimentary in every aspect except voice acting. At least they have fixed the problem of getting trapped in polygons. 3) Just today has been created a thread about how the story choices and diversity are a lie. 4) Where are the tens of thousands of characters ? There are only standard mobs that attack you blindly on approach.
  20. Maybe the reason was that a team mate "reanimated" me before I chose to respawn in front of the flashpoint entry anyhow.
  21. I have no reason to lie. But it seems to be fun to make wrong accusations and calling someone a liar.
  22. This NOT a lie. I swear. Maybe this was a bug. But I am happy that you consider this crazy too.
  23. I start to give up on this game and the forum. Probably there are people like you designing the game: - who love to wait. - who love to run. - who love the grind. - who love to repeat most of the content for their alt char. - who love to repeat skill rotations thousands of times fighting the same enemies. I guess a happy trance state sets in for some people when playing the game; I am serious. - who do not mind to start a new char instead of server transfer or joining "evil" strangers on another server because your current server is empty.
  24. These 9 minutes are possible and are crazy. I had to wait 9 minutes for my second death in flashpoint Athiss despite having chosen to respawn in front of the flashpoint entry on the fleet after my first death. Waiting is crazy; even for 1 second. If you want such time sinks and penalties for your death, then please punish yourself. For many people this waiting after death is just as annoying as waiting in a queue in the super market or on the road. No even more so because there is a good reason to wait in real life.
  25. I propose this: Only 25 mission entries are allowed. Please finish or abandon missions before accepting another one. Seulement 25 entrées de mission sont permises. Veuillez accomplir ou abandoner des missions avant d'accepter une autre. Nur 25 Auftragseinträge sind erlaubt. Bitte beenden oder entfernen Sie offene Aufträge, bevor Sie einen weiteren annehmen.
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