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Sorc/Sage healers need a massive nerf!


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didnt said I TAKED THEM SOLO lololol, no i said I manage to survive, with my whirlwind CC, my stun, knockback with root, bubble that blind, instant heals sprint etc. when i say healers are too strong it doesnt mean standing ground in the middle of 10 people and trying to spam 2.5 seconds heals on yourself. and with teamates helping slowing / rooting surviving lots of people on you is pretty easy, and easier with a tank guarding you and taunting enemies.


If you have rooting knockback and bubble that blinds then you Can't be that high in the healing tree, you can't even have the AoE heal. And you still claim you got 500k healing? Btw its instant "heal" not heals, that crits for maybe 1k.


Again I say, fail troll is fail

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Tanking means taking damage and shrugging it off. CC/kiting (which we can do) is not tanking. BHs do tank way better.


CC/Kiting is tanking damage.




There is a reason why you see Trooper/BH healers die way faster than any sorcerer/sage healer. Here's a hint, their toolbox is crap.

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didnt said I TAKED THEM SOLO lololol, no i said I manage to survive, with my whirlwind CC, my stun, knockback with root, bubble that blind, instant heals sprint etc. when i say healers are too strong it doesnt mean standing ground in the middle of 10 people and trying to spam 2.5 seconds heals on yourself. and with teamates helping slowing / rooting surviving lots of people on you is pretty easy, and easier with a tank guarding you and taunting enemies.


Healing sorc/sages don't have the blinding bubble or a root on the knockback. And we have 1 instant cast heal and 1 channeled heal. The instant heals maybe 10% and some change as a HOT. The channeled roots us and isn't that strong with someone attacking the caster. I'm going with trolololo.

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Healing sorc/sages don't have the blinding bubble or a root on the knockback. And we have 1 instant cast heal and 1 channeled heal. The instant heals maybe 10% and some change as a HOT. The channeled roots us and isn't that strong with someone attacking the caster. I'm going with trolololo.


This. Basically, to stop a healer you have to learn their abilities, then:


* ignore their channeled heal (pretty much cancels out with any dps they receive)

* ignore their HOT (does pocket change healing)

* interrupt their first heal

* stun on their second heal


Pretty much guarantees a dead healer if your team is also focusing on him.

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I only play a sage atm. Mix of t2/1 pvp gear. Was 54 ish valor per 1.1 Comcast has been down since Wednesday otherwise would be bm.


When I get focused by a couple people that don't understand interrupts/stuns and allow me to heal I am very durable, but still eventually drop. Usually when another red name joins in.


When I am focused by 2 or more people that understand interrupts/stuns and do not allow me to cast any effective heal (the instants are all weak). I die, generally relatively quickly.


500k+ healing is plenty possible in a void star that goes the full time of both rounds. Got 530k in one last week. Aoe healing around the doors each time it was up.

Edited by Fatbaldandalone
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CC/Kiting is tanking damage.




There is a reason why you see Trooper/BH healers die way faster than any sorcerer/sage healer. Here's a hint, their toolbox is crap.


nah bro, that's just survivability. I never meant to imply that sage survivability was better/worse, just different because you kite/cc more rather than tank.

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Broad-sweeping generalizations are never a good basis for arguments against one class or another. You wouldn't expect me to cry for a ban on water, simply because I saw someone drown. Besides, there are some classes which will have more trouble killing a healer than others. I don't think everyone in this game is SUPPOSED to kill them.


I've never had trouble killing healers, since they moved the 50s to their own bracket. Some are tough and smart about their cooldowns, and sometimes they delay the inevitable long enough for back-up to arrive. But I don't think there is much they could do against me alone, one on one. I think that's what my class & spec are supposed to do though.


I'm a level 43 Jedi Shadow as of last night, which I only got right before I logged for the night, and I approve this message.

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I am a Sage healer with mostly Champion gear. WZ's really suck because I have started making a name for myself as a healer and I am focused down in 2-3 seconds. The only chance I have is we get put up against a bunch of bads that ignore me and, yes, then we are invincible.


If even one good dps gets on me I have to spend all of my cd's and gcd's healing myself just to stay alive for 8-10 seconds and connot heal anyone else.


This is a matter of L2P and L2Teamwork. If you focus a healer they are no where near OP. In a full healing spec I have no chance against most decent dps one on one as well. If they are a bad dps I can run away and kite but if they get a root or slow on me, im done.


PvP should not be balaned based on the lowest common denominator, sorry but if your bad it's your fault.

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Yeah, I have.


Yeah, I'm a sage.


The idea that you just specced heals for the Lols and got 500k healing is trolling.


The idea that interrupts should lock out all healing is trolling (lol should improved interupts lock it down for 6 seconds?)


I win most of my warzones, I heal most of the time. Most I've ever got, and that from slamming AOE heals on voidstar objectives, is 365k.


In fact, I've never seen 500k heals from anyone on either side. I don't suppose you screenshot-or-it-didnt-happen for the luls?


Sadly the only screenshots I have are when I'm dps spec doing 400-450k dmg while also healing for 100-220k.

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I only play a sage atm. Mix of t2/1 pvp gear. Was 54 ish valor per 1.1 Comcast has been down since Wednesday otherwise would be bm.


When I get focused by a couple people that don't understand interrupts/stuns and allow me to heal I am very durable, but still eventually drop. Usually when another red name joins in.


When I am focused by 2 or more people that understand interrupts/stuns and do not allow me to cast any effective heal (the instants are all weak). I die, generally relatively quickly.


500k+ healing is plenty possible in a void star that goes the full time of both rounds. Got 530k in one last week. Aoe healing around the doors each time it was up.


Like he said, 500k is plenty possible, the hardest part in doing 500k healing isnt in the spells, classes or survivability, its only the fact that people are usualy already all full and you cant overheal even by spamming that infinite ressource pool.

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Yeah, I have.


Yeah, I'm a sage.


The idea that you just specced heals for the Lols and got 500k healing is trolling.


The idea that interrupts should lock out all healing is trolling (lol should improved interupts lock it down for 6 seconds?)


I win most of my warzones, I heal most of the time. Most I've ever got, and that from slamming AOE heals on voidstar objectives, is 365k.


In fact, I've never seen 500k heals from anyone on either side. I don't suppose you screenshot-or-it-didnt-happen for the luls?


I did 418k last night in a Void Star. That is very rare and the team we were up against were bad. They left me alone the whole match. I have done as much as 450k once. It is very rare but it can be done. Just because you cant does not mean everyone is a liar.

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Sorry, if you aren't CCing/Kiting/LoSing people as your sage/sorcerer you are doing it wrong. Everyone dies to 2-3 people on them. If you can keep 2-3 people busy enough by running around LoS objects (which works against melee as well as ranged), know when to pop your trinket, how to use bubble and your channeled heal (which heals for more total than the 2.5 second cast heal), your team will kill what is attacking you.


If you are healing and not playing with at least 1 other person you know, then you really are doing it wrong. If you are solo-queing, I suggest going Balance/Madness.

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In fact, I've never seen 500k heals from anyone on either side. I don't suppose you screenshot-or-it-didnt-happen for the luls?




You can heal over 500k, I've had numerous WZ achieving it (the one in the pic was my best).


But it requires a tank with guard, luck (not being focused, enemies ignoring you mostly or giving up due to guard), spamming AoE heal all day (and more luck because you need people realizing the glowing circle on the ground does heal) and champion gear (had 3 set pieces and some other pieces at the time of the screenshot, stupid RNG)

Edited by QuimboQuambo
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I did 418k last night in a Void Star. That is very rare and the team we were up against were bad. They left me alone the whole match. I have done as much as 450k once. It is very rare but it can be done. Just because you cant does not mean everyone is a liar.


I've broken 700k on Voidstar multiple times before and even 800k a few times. I'm currently at work so I can't upload anything but I have these saved to Photobucket.







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I did 418k last night in a Void Star. That is very rare and the team we were up against were bad. They left me alone the whole match. I have done as much as 450k once. It is very rare but it can be done. Just because you cant does not mean everyone is a liar.


He claimed he specced heals with blinding bubble, rooting knockback and got 500k


That means at least 17 points spent in the telekinetic tree. Meaning he didnt have AOE heal, and still claims he got 500k healing.

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He claimed he specced heals with blinding bubble, rooting knockback and got 500k


That means at least 17 points spent in the telekinetic tree. Meaning he didnt have AOE heal, and still claims he got 500k healing.


You don't need the aoe heal to reach that number, it is easier with it yes but it is not required. If the enemy team is totally incompetent and just hitting the first thing that comes in range, which is sadly very common, a healer can just team up with a tank leading the pack, and heal him like crazy. You also have to remember that medpacks count for your total healing done, so if they focus him a bit and he has to pop a medpack or two, that can also skew the numbers.

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He claimed he specced heals with blinding bubble, rooting knockback and got 500k


That means at least 17 points spent in the telekinetic tree. Meaning he didnt have AOE heal, and still claims he got 500k healing.


when i did the 500k+ heals ( both games were in voidstar, did 440k in hutball still ) I was speced pve heal aka 31 with the AOE. That being said, a real pvp spec would be with the binding and imp shields.


CCing > raw healing in pvp. If you have never even seen over 365k healing done in a warzone you either didnt play many games or your server isnt very good at pvp at all.

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I've broken 700k on Voidstar multiple times before and even 800k a few times. I'm currently at work so I can't upload anything but I have these saved to Photobucket.








lol stop lieing mali...i know you don't work..! ^^

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1.4 second cast.


Heals for 1100


Crits for 1900


(With pvp debuff)



2.4 second cast


heals for 2200


crits for 3900


(with pvp debuff)







That's Pre-Expertise, and without Bio buffs. Deliverance can crit over 7k for me.

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That's Pre-Expertise, and without Bio buffs. Deliverance can crit over 7k for me.


Nice is that with full BM. I have mostly Champ and I can get a crit for about 4k. Still have not been able to get the 5k heal medal...sigh.

Edited by Ruuprect
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Nice is that with full BM. I have mostly Champ and I can get a crit for about 4k. Still have not been able to get the 5k heal medal...sigh.


No, I wouldn't even began to imagine how insane it is with BM. I have full Champ, minus main hand.

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