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Sorc/Sage healers need a massive nerf!


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It's just getting ridiculous, the outcomes of all the warzones now are just the team that has the most sorcs/sages spamming their overpowered heals wins.


Yeah, it's getting ridiculous, spamming "focus fire healers first" in the chat since some people simply don't get it :/


The problem with sage/sorc healing is that none of it is instant. Damage interrupts healing really badly, a healer getting damaged can't even heal themselves, much less their teammates. That's ignoring interrupts and stuns.


This means that yeah, a sage/sorc healer is ridiculously overpowered when everybody's merrily pounding on tanks (I once spent half a round just pounding my healing hotkeys since nobody bothered to attack me, my team was pretty much invincible as a result with a second healer as well), but they're very squishy when focused down. Once people start teamplaying, strategy kicks in - with people using chain healers (healer healing another healer), other side using guard, the other side responding with forked focus guardian/healer, then the other side using knockbacks/roots to protect healers and so on, it becomes pretty fun.

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It's just getting ridiculous, the outcomes of all the warzones now are just the team that has the most sorcs/sages spamming their overpowered heals wins.


Wake up please, then please learn how to use potential of whatever class you play (focus on section which explains how to use interrupts and stuns). When you gain this wisdom move to final section: "How to play with team."


When you complete this trial, you will realize that what you just wrote is complete and utter crap and only then we can have meaningful debate on minor tweaks for classes.

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I love these silly threads. Keeping me amused at work :rolleyes:


I agree love it heh if people were to use tactics and teamwork they wouldnt be QQ-ing so much! Ive seen a sorc/sage healer go down in a matter of seconds when they are focused in comparison to a merc healer who took 3x that

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Yeah, it's getting ridiculous, spamming "focus fire healers first" in the chat since some people simply don't get it :/


The problem with sage/sorc healing is that none of it is instant. Damage interrupts healing really badly, a healer getting damaged can't even heal themselves, much less their teammates. That's ignoring interrupts and stuns.


This means that yeah, a sage/sorc healer is ridiculously overpowered when everybody's merrily pounding on tanks (I once spent half a round just pounding my healing hotkeys since nobody bothered to attack me, my team was pretty much invincible as a result with a second healer as well), but they're very squishy when focused down. Once people start teamplaying, strategy kicks in - with people using chain healers (healer healing another healer), other side using guard, the other side responding with forked focus guardian/healer, then the other side using knockbacks/roots to protect healers and so on, it becomes pretty fun.


I think this will end up being more of an issue once people start to get geared and more experienced. The fact is the sorc healer is still in the weakest armor, and has no damage migration outside of a bubble with a cooldown. This glaring weakness becomes evident playing against more experienced pvpers or premades.


I suggest either a self heal instant cast available, or a form of "super bubble" to allow said healer to not crumple in seconds under focus.

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well he does have a point that healers in general are way too strong, and never runs out of ressource ( force, heat, energy ) ever if they use a correct rotation.


I tried specing healer for the lulz ending up with 500k healing ( would have done more but nobody were taking damage, no one even died on my side at all. )


I could get 2-3 good pvpers on me and still manage to survive easilly.


Interupts need to block the whole healing school spells. Because it is just so easy to get interupt and use another healing spell, and again and again.


Even when focused firering enemy healers, if they are half decent and have guard on him, its a waste of time trying to kill him if his dps are good peeling enemies.


Its not the healing debuff the problem its the fact that interupts are almost useless and healer never run OOM.

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I'm an operative and me and my other operative buddy couldn't take down a healer guarded by a tank in a 2v2. We completely failed at using stuns, interrupts, and after the healer didn't loldrop in 3 seconds we got confused and tried the tank next





Oh yeah



Edited by malignment
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well he does have a point that healers in general are way too strong, and never runs out of ressource ( force, heat, energy ) ever if they use a correct rotation.


I tried specing healer for the lulz ending up with 500k healing ( would have done more but nobody were taking damage, no one even died on my side at all. )


I could get 2-3 good pvpers on me and still manage to survive easilly.


Interupts need to block the whole healing school spells. Because it is just so easy to get interupt and use another healing spell, and again and again.


Even when focused firering enemy healers, if they are half decent and have guard on him, its a waste of time trying to kill him if his dps are good peeling enemies.


Its not the healing debuff the problem its the fact that interupts are almost useless and healer never run OOM.


fail troll is fail.

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I think this will end up being more of an issue once people start to get geared and more experienced. The fact is the sorc healer is still in the weakest armor, and has no damage migration outside of a bubble with a cooldown. This glaring weakness becomes evident playing against more experienced pvpers or premades.


I suggest either a self heal instant cast available, or a form of "super bubble" to allow said healer to not crumple in seconds under focus.


My sage is leaps and bounds tankier than any smuggler/trooper healer.


Sages/Sorcerers get way more utility and get away cards on shorter cooldowns than their counter parts. They also get -several- heals. I'm not saying healing is in any way overpowered, but I am saying the difference between a Sage/Sorcerer healer and everything else in this game is NIGHT and DAY.

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well he does have a point that healers in general are way too strong, and never runs out of ressource ( force, heat, energy ) ever if they use a correct rotation.


I tried specing healer for the lulz ending up with 500k healing ( would have done more but nobody were taking damage, no one even died on my side at all. )


I could get 2-3 good pvpers on me and still manage to survive easilly.


Interupts need to block the whole healing school spells. Because it is just so easy to get interupt and use another healing spell, and again and again.


Even when focused firering enemy healers, if they are half decent and have guard on him, its a waste of time trying to kill him if his dps are good peeling enemies.


Its not the healing debuff the problem its the fact that interupts are almost useless and healer never run OOM.


Trolling or playing against horribads.

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My sage is leaps and bounds tankier than any smuggler/trooper healer.


Sages/Sorcerers get way more utility and get away cards on shorter cooldowns than their counter parts. They also get -several- heals. I'm not saying healing is in any way overpowered, but I am saying the difference between a Sage/Sorcerer healer and everything else in this game is NIGHT and DAY.


Tanking means taking damage and shrugging it off. CC/kiting (which we can do) is not tanking. BHs do tank way better.

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well he does have a point that healers in general are way too strong, and never runs out of ressource ( force, heat, energy ) ever if they use a correct rotation.


I tried specing healer for the lulz ending up with 500k healing ( would have done more but nobody were taking damage, no one even died on my side at all. )


I could get 2-3 good pvpers on me and still manage to survive easilly.


Interupts need to block the whole healing school spells. Because it is just so easy to get interupt and use another healing spell, and again and again.


Even when focused firering enemy healers, if they are half decent and have guard on him, its a waste of time trying to kill him if his dps are good peeling enemies.


Its not the healing debuff the problem its the fact that interupts are almost useless and healer never run OOM.


I really hope you are kidding..

2-3 good pvpers on a healer lock him or her down completely. The people you are talking about where a) not good pvpers b) were much lower compared gear and skill wise then you c) see a

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I'm not trolling at all, if you are in a good and geared, aka rank 50+ full champion or battlemaster team, killing anymore is VERY hard.


You just havent seen or been part of a good lv 50 organised team.


You can't go from "I solo tanked 2-3 good pvpers" to "well you just need to be a part of good team". If you are serious and not trolling read your first post again. Nothing there implies you have peels or guard on you.

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I'm not trolling at all, if you are in a good and geared, aka rank 50+ full champion or battlemaster team, killing anymore is VERY hard.


You just havent seen or been part of a good lv 50 organised team.


Ah ok, so you want to nerf us because our team (aka the people around us) know how to play and have been working on good gear? Gotcha..

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You can't go from "I solo tanked 2-3 good pvpers" to "well you just need to be a part of good team". If you are serious and not trolling read your first post again. Nothing there implies you have peels or guard on you.


didnt said I TAKED THEM SOLO lololol, no i said I manage to survive, with my whirlwind CC, my stun, knockback with root, bubble that blind, instant heals sprint etc. when i say healers are too strong it doesnt mean standing ground in the middle of 10 people and trying to spam 2.5 seconds heals on yourself. and with teamates helping slowing / rooting surviving lots of people on you is pretty easy, and easier with a tank guarding you and taunting enemies.

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I'm not trolling at all, if you are in a good and geared, aka rank 50+ full champion or battlemaster team, killing anymore is VERY hard.


You just havent seen or been part of a good lv 50 organised team.


Yeah, I have.


Yeah, I'm a sage.


The idea that you just specced heals for the Lols and got 500k healing is trolling.


The idea that interrupts should lock out all healing is trolling (lol should improved interupts lock it down for 6 seconds?)


I win most of my warzones, I heal most of the time. Most I've ever got, and that from slamming AOE heals on voidstar objectives, is 365k.


In fact, I've never seen 500k heals from anyone on either side. I don't suppose you screenshot-or-it-didnt-happen for the luls?

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