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Are we troll free? So we can talk now (Constructive)


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Ignore WarTornPanda, he's a multi forum account troll, so best to just leave him alone.


With regards to the op. While I support AI modifications, I am still not in favour of Raid/Combat Analysis. I want to play a game, not take a maths quiz. In WOW my Guild used combat stats, and it isn't pretty. People kicked for too high/low dps/healing, and everyone else told they had to play a specific way, with a specific order of abilities.

It stopped being a game and became a chore. One of the reasons I stopped playing. you could literally script every encounter. Try and remember that it is a game.


At the moment, people are downing bosses and without any Raid Analyzer, so it has been proven you don't need it. So why do you want it?

L2P is the obvious answer here.


Certain Addons would be good(inventory, trade info etc), just not combat ones.


Other improvements needed include :-

-Sort out combat lag(No1 priority)

-Sort out the AH, it is a joke.

-Sort out space combat, it is a joke

-Sort out PvP, make items harder to get. Give us a proper warzone, where we go to war. AV style would be great.

-Give class missions the ability to split therefore allowing me to go to more than 1 location. ATM it is too linear, and certainly not open world. I have no choice.

-Class mission choices should affect the story in a significent way.

I should be able to play the same class but experience it in a completely different way. Light/Dark being the obvious.

-Why if I go dark can it not progress in such a way that at the end of my story I can change sides and go imperial, same with imperial going light. A light side imperial makes no sense in terms of the story/lore.

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Let me premise I support this game, me and my gf will play it for next years. It's our new MMO and we will stick to it. We want this game to be successfull, I suggest Bioware to look forward to add those things as priority for the next upcoming patch:


This may come as a shock to you but the game is doing fine without bowing to your every whim.

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OP, I'm happy you like the game.


I agree that bugs need to be fixed.


I think all the UI needs is the ability to scale it up and down, otherwise it's fine. Maybe another quick select bar in the middle at the bottom.


I do not agree with the rest of your post.

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These are not the trolls you're looking for...


But really, they will be adding everything other MMOs have from launch. But there's the catch.


Their selling point was story. And the story has been seen already, making more costs more than it does for other MMOs. Adding functionality to interface (yes, everything else in the game are just tools to see the story) won't bring back those who already saw the movie.


This is the reason why they should've done a cross platform B2P game instead of PC-only P2P. Combined PC+Console sales on every major title have been around 10 million. That would've netted them the development costs. They would also have been able to sell more movies to the game every 3Mo instead of the (supposedly) disappointing retention rate they get from these 2 million PC-gamers that rarely look back to a ditched title.

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Seems sort of self defeating to buy a game and load it on your computer to just log in on the forums to say you hope it fails. I don't for a minute believe anyone that posted complaints of the game really want or wanted it to fail. I personally don't think it will. It just seem to get off to a rocky start.


For the most part gamers expect a few glitches the first month of a game. But having said that, they expect a game put out in 2011/2012 to have learned from past games and mistakes to make sure the effort is put in it to make it the best it could be. I think the hype on this game was built up that people were just let down and disappointed that it seemed so linear, laggy and just not as exciting after a few days than they thought it would be.


Other than leveling, lets be honest, there isn't much of anything to hold your attention long. I can't imagine once you have all the characters to level 50 that you'll actually find reason or want to log in and play them for years. I'm at level 43. I've certainly not rushed through content to hit 50 and I'm at the point of making myself log in to play just to feel like I'm getting my moneys worth over the cost of the game. I'm not enjoying it. It feels like a chore at times and I dread the travel and loading screens.


I'm glad the original poster is happy and having fun and hope you do for a long time in the game. I just don't see without any other options than leveling its gonna hold any ones attention for years.


I realize there is crafting but to anyone that has crafted in swg its paying your companion to do stuff for you not crafting. It doesn't have the feel of crafting that you (your character) put forth effort other than throwing money at a companion and commanding it to craft.


The spaceflight is an issue being on rails. I try to log in and do my space missions each day but feel glad when I'm finished just to have it over with not actually whoo hoo this is fun stuff. I was one of the swg pilots that loved having different ships and flying without rails. How many times have you gotten to the end of a mission only to need one more of something for the quest and it just floats you off into space hanging there waiting on the timer to finish and if you could just turn around you could finish off what you needed. Its frustrating not fun.


I don't pvp I made my character on a pve server so not even gonna comment on that other than to say its not for everyone. Yay to the person that likes it because it does give you something else to do but its not for me.


Questing seems linear and I've always liked having things I want to do other than quest on my way or way back from doing a quest. Say I cook and need meat it gives you some sort of side track thing to do on your own to kill animals or fish for meat you need to cook stat food. That isn't in this game. I feel compelled only to hurry down this path to get to this mob to kill them and hurry back down the path to turn it in to get blabbed at again by the npc. That's certainly not how some people feel. Its how I've felt and I'm sure there are other. Just because I feel this way doesn't make it wrong it just means I simply wanted more to do while questing. I'm not even sure why there are animals in the game they aren't there for any reason I can see so far.


Some people like to post comments to provoke arguments but for the most part people "complaining", which I take as suggestions to make the game better, don't want the game to fail they just want their post read by someone that might take their suggestions to someone in the company that would think yeah, that does sound like something we should do. So far I don't see any golds other than to say they are closing threads. No golds offering to forward suggestions on where the developers can make note of it. Alot of the complaints/suggestions are the about the same things. Obviously there are or were groups of people that wanted the same changes or things in game.


What upsets people, is when you believe no one is listening which in turn feels like no one cares.

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With regards to the op. While I support AI modifications, I am still not in favour of Raid/Combat Analysis. I want to play a game, not take a maths quiz. In WOW my Guild used combat stats, and it isn't pretty. People kicked for too high/low dps/healing, and everyone else told they had to play a specific way, with a specific order of abilities.

It stopped being a game and became a chore. One of the reasons I stopped playing. you could literally script every encounter. Try and remember that it is a game.


This is how I enjoy playing games and apperently a gozillion of other people. Just find a guild that shuns such behavior and let us do what we enjoy doing. For me, enjoying a game is knowing everything that is going on at any given time and knowing exactly which button combination gives my own class the best output in any given situation, it is why I play MMO games. This is the dopamine factor for me, just like playing for no other purpose but fun is your calling.

Edited by Schnerf
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This is how I enjoy playing games and apperently a gozillion of other people. Just find a guild that shuns such behavior and let us do what we enjoy doing. For me, enjoying a game is knowing everything that is going on at any given time and knowing exactly which button combination gives my own class the best output in any given situation, it is why I play MMO games. This is the dopamine factor for me, just like playing for no other purpose but fun is your calling.


As a raid leader you need to be able to look at raid logs. I don't mind that some folks prefer to faceroll content and I don't begrudge them getting epix ( I never understood the mentality that someone else having it cheapened mine). I want to push content and be challenged and without those tools you can't effectively raid lead.


Playing in a for-fun siftball league is one of my favorite pastimes. Noone is out there with a radar gun checking pitch speeds, keeping track of on-base percentage, slugging percentage, pitch counts, etc. Doesn't make sense to deny those tools to guys who get their fun from more competitive leagues though. Let them have logs/meters, people that don't want to use them willnot be forced to use them.

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Yes, I am.


Thank you for clarifying.




you might want to edit your sig before posting stuff like this, I was drinking coffee while reading it now my keyboard is a mess and my nose hurts....


I'm sorry, but I am NOT cleaning that up for you.

Edited by Zorvan
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Thank you for clarifying.




I'm sorry, but I am NOT cleaning that up for you.


Can I ask why you would continue to play a game you don't enjoy until it goes free to play? O don't understand why someone would waste their free time/life doing something that retarded.


Also, just because a game goes free to play, doesn't mean it "failed" I imagine all next gen MMOs will be free to play because no one wants to pay monthly anymore.

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What's interesting in this thread is there does seem to be lack of jerkish bashing trolls. BUT the mindless defenders are still out in force. This started as a reasonable post on items for improvement and devolved into a "why are you still here? thread. Nice.


So my analysis = forum community is still awful

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Let me premise I support this game, me and my gf will play it for next years. It's our new MMO and we will stick to it. We want this game to be successfull, I suggest Bioware to look forward to add those things as priority for the next upcoming patch:


Combat log + Raid Analyzer tool + Gridlike Raid Frame

I wish SWTOR endgame somehow be competitive with wow, even more now that wow is loosing milions of sub, it's time to offer a serious alternative. I think those tools may be very needed to let PVE improve and be considered as much good as wow for the majority. The combat delay-issue is another kind of problem, I consider it important as well but somehow I can adapt and live with it, If I must choice I think Combat Log + Recount \ Omen + Grid like Frame are more important. Considering also the upcoming new UI.


You may consider to avoid all this work, simply releasing the API and allow addons to be made in game. I would be glad to write an UI addon for the bars and frames myself if I only had the tools to make it.


Bug Fix

There are many, none game breaking for me, could be a good idea put in game a more "easy" way to report bugs instead to open ticket and have many "click, next, click, etc". Something as like 1-2 passage to report and issue may help u Bioware to have a more complete view of the bugs present in game.


Speed up the game could be agood idea in some months

Give sprint at lvl10

Give mount at lvl20

Raise mount speed up to 150% at max level.

Add something like "Come back to your ship : 1 hour cooldown"


Spread out more AH terminal

Some on Corellia spaceport, some on Alderan, some on Tatooine, etc. This may help to lower lag on Imperial Fleet. Even on imperial Fleet let's avoid to have all AH on the space station, we can have some also on White Nova or Ziosh Shadow. Maybe a good idea could be use those space station for things like AH, etc. So they don't fell useless to most of players.


I wish those changes for patch 1.3. Keep going with the good work, the game is clealry not complete but we love the enviroment, we lose sci-fi, we love SW and we support this game.


Thank u for the reading.



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