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Ninjaing other people's objectives is just rude and wrong


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Seeing as we're all allready in hell that argument is mute.


The word you're going for is moot.


And the meaning of the term "the point/argument is moot" actually means "The argument/point is up for debate."


When someone says "the point/argument is moot", the mean that it's a point of contention, not that the argument is over.


But please, continue.


I find myself riveted.

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


It's not your target.


You have no more right to it than anyone else. I typical will offer an invite to group, but if they aren't quick about accepting I'll take the objective. Especially the ones that take forever to respawn.

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when i come upon someone fighting right in front of an objective, node, or chest, i either help or move on. why? because thats who i am. i believe in showing other people respect and courtesy until they show me a reason not to... yes even in a video game.


to everyone else, ive been playing mmo's since everquest was released, and being rude in an mmo is a time honored tradition. don't let them get under your skin, thats really all they are trying to do. smile, and move on.

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


But wait...I thought people *wanted* this as part of their 'this feels like a single player' gripefests?? J/k...just had to get in a dig at that silly argument...yeah, this sucks and I think its happening alot since this game pulled in people who are new to mmo's or something, because it is considered very rude in every mmo.

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The word you're going for is moot.


And the meaning of the term "the point/argument is moot" actually means "The argument/point is up for debate."


When someone says "the point/argument is moot", the mean that it's a point of contention, not that the argument is over.


But please, continue.


I find myself riveted.


nah, I won't continue ..it's time to go to work.


But I'll leave with this.


I don't blame the game design or the devs (although faster respawns would be nice) ..I blame the school system, 4th place trophies ..and not not being able to spank children. Common courtesy and respect are simply not taught anymore.


It used to be that most children would get over the thought that they are the center of the universe at about age 12 (not all, but most) ...these days some never figure that out.


I'm betting these notions go right over your head my friend ;)

Edited by Grecanis
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nah, I won't continue ..it's time to go to work.


But I'll leave with this.


I don't blame the game design or the devs (although faster respawns would be nice) ..I blame the school system, 4th place trophies ..not not being able to spank children. Common courtesy and respect are simple not taught anymore.


It used to be that most children would get over the thought that they are the center of the universe at about age 12 (not all, but most) ...these days some never figure that out.


I'm betting these notions go right over your head my friend ;)


Ah, you misunderstand the basic premise of my argument.


I am not the center of the universe... there is no center.


No point.


No purpose.


No destiny.


No karma.


Just a swirling mass of matter and energy slowly degrading into heat death.




Respect has no purpose.


In the end, we're all just going to be a giant ubiquitous cloud of dust.


So stop getting so upset when someone takes a quest item you were going for, it's really inconsequential in the long run.


Just enjoy your temporary existence as a wet, sloppy machine.

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As some have said before, just follow them and ninja thier items and nodes. Its what we do as a team who are working in an area. They soon move on or get the message and zone out. If people have bad manners and cant spare the time to send a /tell to ask for an invite then they deserve to be griefed back.
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You should adapt to it instead of fighting it.

I don't care about someone who happens to be in the same place as me, who needs the same objective as me.

What do you expect? I make a bow and tell them Ill wait for a min. or 5?


Ofcourse not. I take what I need and if someone gets in my way then it's too bad for them.

Then can whine and ***** all they want, it will only make me laugh harder.

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As some have said before, just follow them and ninja thier items and nodes. Its what we do as a team who are working in an area. They soon move on or get the message and zone out. If people have bad manners and cant spare the time to send a /tell to ask for an invite then they deserve to be griefed back.


Or they just report you for griefing.


Might wanna think about that.


Guy "steals" your clicky.


You follow him around to "pay him back".


All the while he's recording YOU and sending in that ticket. ;)

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You should adapt to it instead of fighting it.

I don't care about someone who happens to be in the same place as me, who needs the same objective as me.

What do you expect? I make a bow and tell them Ill wait for a min. or 5?


Ofcourse not. I take what I need and if someone gets in my way then it's too bad for them.

Then can whine and ***** all they want, it will only make me laugh harder.


Oh your internet tough guy act just gives me the chills. You go on with your bad video game self!

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Not all people are jerks though. If I suspect someone is working towards an objective I'll either help them or pull back. I even helped a couple of republic players fight some angry mobs the other day. We bowed to each other and moved along... for now, bwa ha ha! But the point is, try not to let people who do that get to you. :)
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I find its a similar self-indulgent attitude that you find amongst people who will quite happily use aimbots and wallhacks in fps games. They just want to achieve their objective - which in itself is some utterly pointless achievement or title, and they couldn't care less how many people's fun they ruin in the process. They are utterly self centred and can't see past their own nose in most cases.


As far as I'm concerned the developers and the community should come down on top of these types of players like a ton of bricks - just as society does with criminals and murderers. Now I'm not attempting to equate someone who steals a chest with a murderer of course but we, as a community, should have the ability to say this isn't acceptable, and if you do it, you will be punished. As the MK person keeps saying there isn't anything against the rules in what they are doing, but equally so, the wintrading that people used to do in WOW arenas wasn't 'against the rules' either for a long time, yet this action benefitted certain people at the expense of others through explicitly underhand means.


I would love for a game to have the option to black mark people in some way - and I hope that EA prevent character migration and character name changes. Therefore, ways of behaving that 95% of people disagree with will actually be punished as the morons will not find any guilds to join, or people to group with.


I repeat there is nothing technically wrong with stealing the chest, but there's nothing technically wrong with being an obnoxious imbecile to everyone you meet in the street either. Frequently however, in that situation there are consequences.

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Why respect a human being more so than a rock of the same relative weight?


They're both constructed of the same sub-atomic particles in the end.


Lego put together in a different pattern.


Mold with shoes flying through the cosmos on a hunk of molten rock.


Can I please have some of what you're smoking, good sir? Also, I just don't get the big deal. People wanna finish their objectives, and quite frankly I don't understand why people would expect people to just sit on their haunches while you finish (sometimes taking excruiatingly long) killing the pack of mobs. By the time some tanks are done fighting, I could have stealthed up, hit the objective, moved on and killed the NEXT set of mobs before they're done with the first. In the end, everyone eventually gets their objective and nobody is out anything. There are much bigger things in the game we can worry about.

Edited by rlhaas
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If it happens to me I will then just hide and ninja them lol Happened to me yesterday doing the bonus quests on hoth and some creep ninjad me twice so I ran off and hid behind a rock and when he started to fight a mob after he thought i left I just ran up and ninjad him. Happened two more times and my quest was done. Nice turning the tables on him
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It's really easy to judge but try looking at it from the other persons perspective - if you're in a room with 6 different fast respawning mission objectives then there are enough for you both. Don't stand around wasting both players time by calling them out in general and whatnot, just click your stuff and go. Otherwise you are the one being rude.
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I have people like the OP to thank for me being able to rush past my class quests using others to distract mobs around my objectives. Saved me much hassle.


And for my standard quests as well, getting those objectives whilst you are knee deep in Jawa guts makes my day and quest turn around much nicer :D


thank you kind questers

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