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Ninjaing other people's objectives is just rude and wrong


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Ok lets say u need to "reprogram 8 terminals" that respawn instantly, you could go to one and redo it 8 times... That wouldn't work. The game is easy enough. Don't beg them to make it easier.


Which is easily solved by simply having each terminal marked as "one use only". Like when you tag the acolytes on Dromund Kass, if you try to tag the same one more than once it says "You have already tagged this target".

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Nobody has any more right to it. If they did, Bioware would make a condition of activating said object "Must kill X Imperial Troopers to activate". They either group with me immediately or I'm taking it. They can sit around for 10 minutes waiting on a respawn, but I'm not because some stubborn player doesn't want to share it.


It is ultimately Bioware's fault for having ridiculously long respawns.


Lol come on. Anyone with any integrity should realize that if someone went through the effort to clear the mobs to a target, they did so for a reason. Pretending that isn't the truth so you can do whatever you want simply makes you ignorant.

Edited by Cancrizans
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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


I am sorry for your troubles but that is part of the MMO world. No one likes it and others may think well someone has done it to me so I'm going to do it to them.. Which is the wrong attitude to take.

Just wait for the respawn =/

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I have a rule, if anyone does that to me I follow them and do it to them for as long as possible until they log off or change instances. It's a great way to teach them manners.


That's a great way to get reported for harassment and/or griefing. I invite you to do that to me for a few hours so I can gleefully anticipate your vacation from the server for awhile.

Edited by terminova
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Well the game does sort of ask for it, considering that many of the objectives have horrible respawn times.


Personally I don't see why they even want people to be standing around twiddling thier thumbs, waiting in queue to quickly right click something and run away. There are many alternatives, like making the objectives client side except for when in groups so that you don't need wait for other players to use them or wait for obective respawns.


Chests are almost pointless in high population zones as whoever goes to kill the guardians is going to watch as somebody else dawdles over and ninjas the chest. They could be tied to the guardians themselves and only openable by the person/group who defeats them.


Some of the 'defeat enemy NPC' objectives could simply do with an increase in spawn times. Some of them take over 5 minutes to respawn, which is far too long.


People wont just suddenly stop doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. If it's possible to do people will do it because they don't want to sit around waiting, doing nothing. It needs to be designed by the developers to avoid the issues rather than encourage them. That is the only way to stop it.

Edited by Syncourt
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Couldn't agree more. For some reason I thought when I purchased this game that it would be an older, more mature playerbase than what I am accustomed to. How wrong I was! This game has just as many if not more rude, obnoxious and generally crass players than any MMO I've ever played, and I've played them all. If I had a credit for every time someone stole my objective, lockbox or herb out from under me while I put the pack of mobs down around it I'd be able to outfit my whole account in boe epics! I've even had a few fellows follow me around trying to KS. I don't even talk in game or bother anyone, I mostly just keep to myself; so the angst I find directed at me in this game is interesting.
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Ninja 'ing is part of the game, it isn't ever going to go away. But then you have days like today, when a republic player helped me get a holocron... then you realise that not everyong in this game is a total douche.... pay it forward!!!.. lol


Doesn't have to be part of the game. I always wait my turn if I clearly see someone battling over an objective.


I realize not everyone will follow my example...however, I'll also caution those who think it's okay/funny to do: You realize this is one of the reasons WHY instancing was invented for MMOs? Because of player douchery. Ninja looting, ninja objectives, ninja spawns.


But go ahead, keep acting selfish...


And if they keep snagging your objectives, clearly 'griefing' you, report them for harassment. I've done that once to good effect.

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This thread gave me some cheap laughs atleast!


My experience is pretty dull, I rarely see many people out and about, if someone loots my quest objective I wait, if I happen to loot someone elses quest objective I dont really think to much about it, it happens, I'm not in a hurry and I dont really care if it takes abit of extra time anyway.


Cant belive people blow a fuse over something this trivial.

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It is not yours until you are able to click on it and have it in your inventory. Until then, it belongs to no one. I cannot steal something from you unless it is yours to begin with.



I guess you're right...the next time someone grabs an objective I'm fighting over, I'll just follow them around and snag their objectives, lol. You know, 'cause it doesn't really belong to them. I'm sure they won't care... :rolleyes:

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It happens, it can be frustrating but it's just one of the joys of playing an mmo and mixing with the general populace.


The other days we where being followed by a sith who would let us take on the mobs while he snuck in and took the objective. Not just once but he was actively hanging back and waiting for us to draw agro then he'd pick off the stragglers and snatch the objective before we where out of combat. Change of tactics was called for, my inquisitor friend initiated combat then pulled every mob in the room (maybe 12 +3 strongs) then when our sith stalker moved in we broke combat and watched from a safe distance. Muhahaha!


To our surprise he managed to take down the mobs, only just but he did it. So we gave him a round of applause and went our separate ways. He didn't bother us again and no-ones enjoyment was spoiled.

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It happens, it can be frustrating but it's just one of the joys of playing an mmo and mixing with the general populace.


The other days we where being followed by a sith who would let us take on the mobs while he snuck in and took the objective. Not just once but he was actively hanging back and waiting for us to draw agro then he'd pick off the stragglers and snatch the objective before we where out of combat. Change of tactics was called for, my inquisitor friend initiated combat then pulled every mob in the room (maybe 12 +3 strongs) then when our sith stalker moved in we broke combat and watched from a safe distance. Muhahaha!


To our surprise he managed to take down the mobs, only just but he did it. So we gave him a round of applause and went our separate ways. He didn't bother us again and no-ones enjoyment was spoiled.


haha, that's awesome. In LOTRO, on my Hunter, I'd simply use Desperate Flight to teleport away, leaving the hapless ninja to fend for himself. Good times.


Edit: although I should say, it happens far less in LOTRO than it does in SWTOR. In my experience least ways.

Edited by Cerion
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As peeps have said, it's the problem with the general public.


Personally, I would never ninja! But that's just me. On several occasions, someone and myself have got to a place/mob at the same time, but my rule is, who hits first, it's there's. I might of had to heal or what not, but if they go in first, I'll wait my turn, or give them a heal or two. It's just common sense and good manners.


So it then really annoys me when other people do it to me. :mad:

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I guess you're right...the next time someone grabs an objective I'm fighting over, I'll just follow them around and snag their objectives, lol. You know, 'cause it doesn't really belong to them. I'm sure they won't care... :rolleyes:


You would not be snagging their objectives because they have not claimed them yet. They would be your objectives.

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haha, that's awesome. In LOTRO, on my Hunter, I'd simply use Desperate Flight to teleport away, leaving the hapless ninja to fend for himself. Good times.


Edit: although I should say, it happens far less in LOTRO than it does in SWTOR. In my experience least ways.


Happened a ton with their last expansion. They opened up a new tier of crafting and harvesting and people would do this all the time. It is not that the other game has a better community, it was that stuff was more spread out and you hardly ever run into another person. When everyone got dumpped in the new zone, the so called Ninjas came out in force.

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There was a group gathering to fight the world boss on Coruscant tonight, and as you know that pick-up routine is going on in general chat.


Well we all race down to the market area and as we are staging and waiting for a few last members, a Level 44 Jedi shows up and basically ninjas the boss solo.


Then they log out after looting it.


Then another user shows up almost immediately wanting to sell a Prototype Purple item.


Pretty crappy thing to do. You know who you are.

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There was a group gathering to fight the world boss on Coruscant tonight, and as you know that pick-up routine is going on in general chat.


Well we all race down to the market area and as we are staging and waiting for a few last members, a Level 44 Jedi shows up and basically ninjas the boss solo.


Then they log out after looting it.


Then another user shows up almost immediately wanting to sell a Prototype Purple item.


Pretty crappy thing to do. You know who you are.


That's just....rude. The least they could have done is mailed it to their alt and put in on the GTN instead.

Edited by terminova
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You would not be snagging their objectives because they have not claimed them yet. They would be your objectives.


This sort of attitude is why ninja looters exist. It's pretty disgusting.


One of the most frustrating situations I've run in to was while doing the bomb diffusion quest on Belsavis (Empire).


For those of you not familiar with it, you hit something like 4 different objective points. At each point, there's a bomb planted that you have to right-click to eject its core. Before you can grab the core, enemies spawn, and you have to kill them because you can't take the core while you're in combat. Pretty simple, right?


Except while the core is ejected, anybody who's on the quest can snatch it, whether they ejected it or not. So, while i'm fighting off the enemies that spawned from the quest objective I triggered, this jackhole strolls up and steals my core. So I have to wait for the bomb to respawn and do it all over again.


It only really wasted about a minute of my time, but the gall of somebody to steal my quest objective right from under my nose (not to mention the obvious stupidity of the moron who developed the quest not making the objectives tagged once they're used).

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You would not be snagging their objectives because they have not claimed them yet. They would be your objectives.


I guess there will always be people who desperately try to justify rude and shallow behavior. May most of your time be spent waiting for objectives to respawn, after you've cleared most of your way to them, only to have someone else run in and grab them while youre fighting... and may the mobs you cleared respawn before the objective does, forcing you to kill them again while someone ELSE runs in and grabs the objective.


Hopefully on endless repeat.

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