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Cancelling my pre-order


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how does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 usd on three collector's editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if i was only getting one day... The not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and i can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or i take my money back!



i pre-ordered in october, but codes were all kinds of messed up and i did not receive an actual working code until december 1.

No one has seemed to of yet give me a reason to give swtor my money (in purchase of the game and then subscription fees) when they can not seem to manage basic communication to its customers! If they can't manage that, how am i to expect them to successfully manage a large scale mmo?!:mad::confused::confused::mad::(


kk thx bai

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Yeah stop the QQ'ing, never complain about anything, ever. These people who don't QQ have never complained in their lives, their perfect you see. If you don't like it then don't bother playing, Bioware don't need customers!! So what you paid extra?, it's only money, after all.
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I think that the main issue is one of communication, or lack thereof.


I didn't pre-order until after the beta weekend. I wanted to check out the game and make sure it was something I'd invest time in. When I ordered, it was clear I would 'get up to 5 days' pre-release access... it was used as a marketing ploy to draw people in. Good job, worked well.


Even now the Origin site says "Early access has now started" - there is a reasonable expectation to people that if they have this access by pre-ordering, they will be playing imminently. This is not the case. For me, it is very very grey advertising.


The issue is that BW then can't just not communicate how the invites are being done, where they are up to in the queue etc. Some of the Dev comments I have seen are pretty shocking when taken at face value eg:


To paraphrase 'everyone will get at least 1 day... maybe less if you have to download the client'. That is taking 'up to 5 days' to the limit of honesty.


This is sub-optimal, the fact that people are frustrated is sub-optimal. It generates doubt, confusion, rumors and bad blood in the community between the ones who are 'in' and those who are not.


I can understand the OP, I can understand the people who say that getting in even 1 day before is a privilege... however the lack of communication, for me, is worrying. All they need to do is send out mails saying ok, you are in within the following period - it will be auto-activated. Making people wait for emails like a raffle is insulting to people who have already paid good money.


They already stress tested - they have had enough time to tune servers to a point after the beta weekend. They are inviting 4/5 waves, an hour apart... that does not give time for monitoring, checking stability etc. I just don't see the need for this debacle.


It can only be a deliberate ploy to generate 'hype' and I can see it backfiring in PR terms.


I know that after the Dev responses, I am thinking that if things are like this now, when info should be sugar coated for future customers, I dread to think what it will be like down the line...


All in all, as I say, I understand both sides, but it could and should have been handled much much better.


/still waiting, and yes I did enquire about a refund, as I don't see any point at this stage to start now, or after Xmas when the price of the game will have dropped, and the inevitable hiccups are out of the way.



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Mommy hasn't paid my bills in 25 years... she also died last month thank you very much.


Then your obviously old enough to comprehend what a staggered launch is and take an educated guess on when you'll gain access to the game.....DUH!


From the dates posted from players that have already gotten in, it's up to October 2nd, so that means they'll most likely be half-way into Novenber by tomorrow and could possibly have the rest in by Friday. However they just added 45 new servers, so realistically everyone could get in tomorrow........


They did make a post that tomorrow's waves will be the same size as todays waves, guess we'll have to wait and see....

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Origin is not giving early access EA/Bioware/Lucas is. I did not order my CE from Origin (nor would I) I ordered form Best Buy...I just spoke to a CS rep from them where they are experiencing a number of people placing the orders on hold and cancelling because of this issue.

My order is on hold until tomorrow at which point (if I do not get to speak to a real live person at SWTOR or get an email) I will get a call back from Best Buy (a service that SWTOR doesn't offer) to give them my decision.


Please just quit you self-entitled, victim attitude drama queen.

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I don't know if this is true, but it shouldn't be. It would be easy to use statistics to figure out how to stagger the launch.


They already have 2 waves done, so they should know how they are doing the rest. It's not hard to figure out and they know what they are going to do.


Now, why they aren't telling us, well, I can't figure it out.



Wrong... do you work for a large scale gaming company? Because you really have no idea do you?


I will make it easy for ya... Not that easy, never will be that easy, and game is out on the 20th.


secondly, getting in early is a BONUS that they DONT have to do, but are BEING NICE to do it. So pretend this is the email.


Dear valued customer,

We understand your eagerness to get in to the old republic, probably just as excited as we are about showing you all the hard work we put into this game! We GUARANTEE that you will be in the game on the release date of dec. 20 as we promised. However as a BONUS to people who pre ordered, we will email you IF AND WHEN we are capable of getting you in early!! Now to be fair, we are letting in the people who PURCHASED THEIR COPIES FIRST and will hopefully reach you with NO COMPLICATIONS before the 20th so you can get in some game time. But since we are learning from the mistakes of mass releases from other MMO's, we are taking our time to make sure this transition goes as smooth as possible in order to ensure the best game experience for our customers!!! So far things are going great and we hope to have you in asap!!!


ps. I ordered this game late november. But being the holidays, if i got in early, I would still spend time with my family over obsessing about something that is JUST A GAME. These guys are ACES on customer service in what they are doing, and your obsession and impatience just says you need to take a break from gaming. Being a jerk to a company like you have been wronged when it WONT CHANGE A THING since what they are doing isnt a part of your purchase in the first place, means you just being dramatic. Be a REAL gamer and MAN UP. Your life is NO DIFFERENT having to wait for the email any longer, just curb your enthusiasm into something more creative rather than trolling people who are being nice to you by trying to hook you up.

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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!



I pre-ordered in October, but codes were all kinds of messed up and I did not receive an actual working code until December 1.

No one has seemed to of yet give me a reason to give SWTOR my money (in purchase of the game and then subscription fees) when they can not seem to manage basic communication to its customers! If they can't manage that, how am I to expect them to successfully manage a large scale MMO?!:mad::confused::confused::mad::(


Then quit. Why make a thread about it? Contact customer service if you can't figure out how to cancel. Otherwise, this is just a "HEY LOOK AT ME" thread and should be locked and deleted.

Edited by choxor
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The only reason I pre-ordered was to get the 5 day early access, I didn't know anything about this wave bs they were doing. I might as well cancel tomorrow if I don't get in. On their main page it clearly said 5days early access, if not then its false advertisement. I think I would rather cancel it than to feed my addiction to this game know it will be great.
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I think that the main issue is one of communication, or lack thereof.


I didn't pre-order until after the beta weekend. I wanted to check out the game and make sure it was something I'd invest time in. When I ordered, it was clear I would 'get up to 5 days' pre-release access... it was used as a marketing ploy to draw people in. Good job, worked well.


Even now the Origin site says "Early access has now started" - there is a reasonable expectation to people that if they have this access by pre-ordering, they will be playing imminently. This is not the case. For me, it is very very grey advertising.


The issue is that BW then can't just not communicate how the invites are being done, where they are up to in the queue etc. Some of the Dev comments I have seen are pretty shocking when taken at face value eg:


To paraphrase 'everyone will get at least 1 day... maybe less if you have to download the client'. That is taking 'up to 5 days' to the limit of honesty.


This is sub-optimal, the fact that people are frustrated is sub-optimal. It generates doubt, confusion, rumors and bad blood in the community between the ones who are 'in' and those who are not.


I can understand the OP, I can understand the people who say that getting in even 1 day before is a privilege... however the lack of communication, for me, is worrying. All they need to do is send out mails saying ok, you are in within the following period - it will be auto-activated. Making people wait for emails like a raffle is insulting to people who have already paid good money.


They already stress tested - they have had enough time to tune servers to a point after the beta weekend. They are inviting 4/5 waves, an hour apart... that does not give time for monitoring, checking stability etc. I just don't see the need for this debacle.


It can only be a deliberate ploy to generate 'hype' and I can see it backfiring in PR terms.


I know that after the Dev responses, I am thinking that if things are like this now, when info should be sugar coated for future customers, I dread to think what it will be like down the line...


All in all, as I say, I understand both sides, but it could and should have been handled much much better.


/still waiting, and yes I did enquire about a refund, as I don't see any point at this stage to start now, or after Xmas when the price of the game will have dropped, and the inevitable hiccups are out of the way.




As long & drawn out you made your post, and had some intelligence in there I wonder why you didn't use that same intelligence to figure the later you preordered the later you will gain early access.


UP TO 5 days means between 1 and 5...


What lack of communication? Can you not see what they have been posting? Yesterday they threw in 5 waves including the extra, stated a huge spike in orders initially that steadied out, clearly posted should be into August preorders today which happened. Plent of posts telling you it pretty much got everyone for August.


So, what conclusion could you draw for tomorrow? Maybe all of September and possibly a few days in October for tomorrow?


Then after tomorrow, would it be that hard to find out what dates are still waiting? Figure out how many were let in and be able to conclude for the next?

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How does on go about cancelling their pre-order? This early access fiasco is crazy.

I spent nearly 500 USD on three Collector's Editions and you can't even give a general idea as to when we will get early access to the game.

I would not care if I was only getting one day... the not knowing and hovering over my email every day is ridiculous!

Ya know communication goes a long way in resolving issues and we can;'t get through to customer service on the phone, tweets contain no real information, and I can't get an email from you either...

Give me a reason to give you my money or I take my money back!



I pre-ordered in October, but codes were all kinds of messed up and I did not receive an actual working code until December 1.

No one has seemed to of yet give me a reason to give SWTOR my money (in purchase of the game and then subscription fees) when they can not seem to manage basic communication to its customers! If they can't manage that, how am I to expect them to successfully manage a large scale MMO?!:mad::confused::confused::mad::(




You are able to access the game on 12.20.11


issue solved. please close this thread.

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Then quit. Why make a thread about it? Contact customer service if you can't figure out how to cancel. Otherwise, this is just a "HEY LOOK AT ME" thread and should be locked and deleted.


It's no one's job to convince you to give them your money. You're obviously a fickle, impatient person. Can't please everyone, especially those who think like children.


1.You obviously did not read the other posts I made in the thread.

2. Contacting customer service is a no go as far as Bioware is concerned... have you tried? :rolleyes:

3. I will admit my first post was full of unnecessary emotion. I stated what I was really trying to say in a later post. I have serious concerns about the ability of Bio/EA/Lucas to "back" the game with service.

4. It is a communication issue for me. The lack of communication is very concerning.

5. When one can not get through to customer service by phone or email... one might think of posting in the Customer Service forums... like this one...:)

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Valid points. But, what do you expect them to say? They say they're using this wave system to ensure that everything's running smoothly with the current server load before adding more to the system. In this case, is it better to assume that no news is good news? They've continued to add more people to the servers on a steady basis, so I would assume that things're running well as far as server loading and stability's concerned.


If that's not the case, then why continue waves?



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Put yourself into the CSRs shoes. Maybe that person didn't get the memo of the dates, misplaced it in their Email, god who knows what and you're on the other end of the phone/chat/Email (that wasn't clear to me) blasting away at them. Do they get a chance to come to your workplace and scream at you for what you call "simple details".


Also I think Bioware has done an amazing job communicating to us the end user of their product. Unless you are blind or illiterate you would notice the UP TO part on ALL of their Early Access ads prior to the access beginning. They also have a fully functional forum for us to converse in that I must say is working quite well and allows us as end users to provide all the information they probably would provide anyway.


On that note if you think "well it would be better hearing from them and not some other guy" why??? When the same information is out there, why would they take 2 seconds from helping someone who has a real problem (if it's a CSR or Mod that would write the post) to post the same thing someone or multiple someones have already posted.


WoW forums suffered greatly from people who just don't stop and think about the people on the other end. I hate seeing it manifest here as well. This is an incredibly busy time for the people launching this game and what they don't need is people like the OP and his supporters trying to impose their will on them and getting them away from what matters THE GAME!

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I know Origins site would let me on to my account yesterday even if I wanted to cancel my preorder I think there were few preorders being canceled , and the blocked the site to keep, the orders from being canceled.:rolleyes:




Anyone that cancels over something this stupid.. are nothing but victims of being a lame customer with the belief that "complaining brings self entitlement." Too bad life doesnt actually work that way and thank the lord I dont have to see these people in game due to canceling.

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