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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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Exactly my point. You can't force people to play a certain side, so you definitely can't blame BW for more people playing Imp.


Yes, they designed the game.


They tested and polled for years, to see what people's faction-tastes were. They could have planned systems to either a) encourage more faction balance towards the least favorable faction, or b) better designed aspects of the game (Ilum) to not completely punish the underpopulated faction.


Again, you want to absolve BioWare of responsibility for their game. That's fine if you really feel that way, but it isn't going to make this game any more successful to say, "It's the players' fault!!"

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It's not game breaking to not be able to read your allies health in an operation boss fight?


You try again.

Again, what part of the first month of release did you not understand? You shouldn't even be 50 yet in the first month. Not the game's fault you spacebar commando'd up to 50. Learn to enjoy the game, because 1-49 is a freaking blast, and is what this game is all about currently. In half a year it will be about the end-game aspects, but for now it really isn't. GBTW if you want end-game right now and come back later.

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Yes, they designed the game.


They tested and polled for years, to see what people's faction-tastes were. They could have planned systems to either a) encourage more faction balance towards the least favorable faction, or b) better designed aspects of the game (Ilum) to not completely punish the underpopulated faction.


Again, you want to absolve BioWare of responsibility for their game. That's fine if you really feel that way, but it isn't going to make this game any more successful to say, "It's the players' fault!!"

Okay. You tell me what they could possibly do to deter people from playing the Sith, which btw is the first game in history that has allowed you to actually play as the Imp side.

Edited by Maeleena
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The complainers are most likely young and have never played a 16-bit console before.


I say this because they have not really witnessed the evolution of games these days, going Straight into 3D. think of a stubborn person with a silver spoon.

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Yes and your posts are the most usefull and enlighted in this thread... NOT

get over yourself everyones knows the game problems, its people that dont have the patience to wait, and want everything now, now now, and now.

Its a mentality problem and global issue though.

Here- http://www.nerfnow.com/

This is so spot on.


When people pay £45 for a game thats been 5 years in developing and cost an estimated $500 million to make and get fed trailer after trailer telling them how wonderful this new game will be and how it will change the face of the MMO forever you build up expectation.


When the game is released full of bugs and does not even have the basic mmo requirements such as guild banks, custom UI and battleground brackets people get angry. Stop blaming the people and grow a pair and blame the liars that fed us this ********. I have no sympathy at all for what has and will happen to SWTOR!

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Again, what part of the first month of release did you not understand? You shouldn't even be 50 yet in the first month. Not the game's fault you spacebar commando'd up to 50. Learn to enjoy the game, because 1-49 is a freaking blast, and is what this game is all about currently. In half a year it will be about the end-game aspects, but for now it really isn't. GBTW if you want end-game right now and come back later.



You're a talented troll.



Edited by Kozor
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You're a talented troll.



Not trolling. Speaking facts. This is the first full-voiced MMO in history, so you are telling me that the leveling process, where 99% of the voice-acting takes place, isn't the main part of the game, at least the first half a year after launch?

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1000000,0000 AGREE, the older you are the more you apreciate were we have come from in gaming, and what to expect, patients is something that is lacking big time with younger people these day, never mind manners.;)


The complainers are most likely young and have never played a 16-bit console before.


I say this because they have not really witnessed the evolution of games these days, going Straight into 3D. think of a stubborn person with a silver spoon.

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It's how people are complaining that makes this forum look like a kiddies playground, if you can't see that then there's something wrong....;)


Yep I dont buy into that dogma "if someones complaining they must be a child". And even if they were (which they probably arent) why cant a child have a complaint? Money on the game probably means more to them.

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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.


I just blame the people who made a bad game.

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I blame the people who instead of pointing out flaws decided it would help to instead boost Biowares ego by telling them how great everything was, when it isn't.


See how this works?

That's exactly how the majority of general beta testers were. The ones of us that did bring up legitimate concerns were told by other testers to go back to WoW, and other rude remarks. All because we saw flaws in the game and wanted to help make it better. Most testers were constantly praising Bioware instead of pointing out mistakes/bugs/design flaws etc.

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Quite the opersit, fans of swtor, know how to behave on forums or any game for that matter, Trolls are the ones with bad manners and find any excuse to backup their crap behavour.:(


Fanboy = Someone that pretends not to notice bugs and flaws


Troll = Someone that mentions the bugs and flaws.


Brilliant community here like.

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Yep I dont buy into that dogma "if someones complaining they must be a child". And even if they were (which they probably arent) why cant a child have a complaint? Money on the game probably means more to them.

Actually, I would bet money that 90-95% of them are children in the age range of 11-15.

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When people pay £45 for a game thats been 5 years in developing and cost an estimated $500 million to make and get fed trailer after trailer telling them how wonderful this new game will be and how it will change the face of the MMO forever you build up expectation.


When the game is released full of bugs and does not even have the basic mmo requirements such as guild banks, custom UI and battleground brackets people get angry. Stop blaming the people and grow a pair and blame the liars that fed us this ********. I have no sympathy at all for what has and will happen to SWTOR!


Because their budget directly influence the amount of fun you can have? Also £45 I've played the game for maybe more than 100 hours, well i wish I could get the same ratio pound per hours on my ps3 games...

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Again, there are ways to complain, and infact a constructive post about bugs is not a complaint, it's an intelligent feedback, adding insults with feedback and saying the game is crap or insulting others because they won't insult the gaming company, is hardly intelligent. but some just can't see the difference, must be an age thing.:D


Yep I dont buy into that dogma "if someones complaining they must be a child". And even if they were (which they probably arent) why cant a child have a complaint? Money on the game probably means more to them.
Edited by Tronics
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Not trolling. Speaking facts. This is the first full-voiced MMO in history, so you are telling me that the leveling process, where 99% of the voice-acting takes place, isn't the main part of the game, at least the first half a year after launch?


Try to mention voice-acting less. One time per post is enough to make your trolling believable. Right now you're too close to stereotypical biodrone which makes your trolling too obvious;)

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1000000,0000 AGREE, the older you are the more you apreciate were we have come from in gaming, and what to expect, patients is something that is lacking big time with younger people these day, never mind manners.;)


The word is patience, not patients.


And having to wait for months for a product I bought a month ago to start working like I expect it to isn't the kind of patience I care to subscribe to.




If you think I'm being negative: I'm still here. Patiently waiting for BioWare to start cracking away at these bugs and feature-less features. I just find the premise of this thread -- that this forum is somehow worse than other MMO's forums and thus it can be blamed for SWTOR's failures or successes -- to be ridiculous.


And calling someone you don't know a child based on some disagreement you have -- that's actually being childish.

Edited by Leporello
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How are developers supposed to know whether their game is meeting the paying public's expectations without honest feedback? Would you prefer everyone to post that everything is hunky dory while at the very same time, quietly cancelling their subscriptions?



I dont think people on this forum dont want you to have an opinion. I just think everyone is fed up with name calling and the outright rudeness towards each other. its sad to see how people treat each other in here.

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I agree with the op, but I also hold Bioware accountable. There isn't a doubt in my mind that someone out there decided to pass on trying swtor if they ever read these forums. Not to mention I've seen people posting nothing but their bad experiences on other forums, so that's not good for business. A little depressing. Personally, I'd rather they just revamped the forums, got rid of the general discussions, and gave us server forums. :3 There's something about dumping thousands of people into a little room and telling them to play nice, with the only security being a few medium-waged moderators with little to no breathing room for punishment...that just doesn't seem like a good idea. BUT WHATEVER.


Anyways. Free subs ran out. I'm sure some of them have stuck around to see if they'll get the last laugh or if BW will make any changes. These forums need more damn sunshine and rays of hope. Blegh.

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