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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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I realise that I'm feeding a troll, but...


Again, what part of the first month of release did you not understand? You shouldn't even be 50 yet in the first month. Not the game's fault you spacebar commando'd up to 50.


Are you seriously stating that, after 30 days of game play, I cannot have reached level 50 without skipping quest dialog? Really?


Learn to enjoy the game, because 1-49 is a freaking blast, and is what this game is all about currently.


Each to their own I suppose, although I completely disagree. A themepark game that is 'all about the levelling experience' is doomed to failure. The amount of questing content in this game is finite and, quite honestly, is a lot less fun the second time around.


In half a year it will be about the end-game aspects, but for now it really isn't. GBTW if you want end-game right now and come back later..
If Bioware ignore the end game for six months, there's unlikely to be any game in twelve months.


Rather than blame doomsayers and whiners for the state of the game, I think I'll instead blame the 'everything is fine' crowd. There's nothing to be gained from denying every critique and blaming the critic.

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Already read everything. The boat is still sinking.

That's the only concrete information we have access to regarding server population, and whatever interpretation that data can provide us, it's a bad one Lol.


Look more trend, everybody love trends:


Edited by Brodsk
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Does correcting peoples spelling make you feel superior? that's kiddy behavour. The OP isn't saying this forum is any worse, he's saying the agressive negative posting will put people off buying the game, like I said before! if I was to visit this forum to find out about swtor, I would give it a wide berth, so what he says has some baring to it.


And if you've played mmo's before, then waiting is nothing new for bugs to be fixed..Neither is hype of games, so people should have learned from that as well.;)


The word is patience, not patients.


And having to wait for months for a product I bought a month ago to start working like I expect it to isn't the kind of patience I care to subscribe to.




If you think I'm being negative: I'm still here. Patiently waiting for BioWare to start cracking away at these bugs and feature-less features. I just find the premise of this thread -- that this forum is somehow worse than other MMO's forums and thus it can be blamed for SWTOR's failures or successes -- to be ridiculous.


And calling someone you don't know a child based on some disagreement you have -- that's actually being childish.

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Does correcting peoples spelling make you feel superior? that's kiddy behavour. The OP isn't saying this forum is any worse, he's saying the agressive negative posting will put people off buying the game, like I said before! if I was to visit this forum to find out about swtor, I would give it a wide berth, so what he says has some baring to it.


And if you've played mmo's before, then waiting is nothing new for bugs to be fixed..Neither is hype of games, so people should have learned from that as well.;)


The only reason I corrected your spelling is you keep bring up phrases like "kiddy behavior".


I just wanted to point out the irony.


Didn't care to read the rest of your post.

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This game deserves the criticism it gets and if it does fail the blame will be squarely on BioWare for releasing a half-baked product with the amount of time, money, and testing they had for this title.


Thankfully not everybody is nomming this **** up so the game actually has a chance to become good before GW2 comes to put the final nail in the coffin.

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[quote=Tronics;The OP isn't saying this forum is any worse, he's saying the agressive negative posting will put people off buying the game, like I said before! if I was to visit this forum to find out about swtor, I would give it a wide berth, so what he says has some baring to it.



Finally someone gets it! You win 100+ internets sir

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Your just trying to be sarcastic and baiting, again there is alot of kiddies on this forum, just by reading 70% of the post you can see that.;)


The only reason I corrected your spelling is you keep bring up phrases like "kiddy behavior".


I just wanted to point out the irony.


Didn't care to read the rest of your post.

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Already read everything. The boat is still sinking.

That's the only concrete information we have access to regarding server population, and whatever interpretation that data can provide us, it's a bad one Lol.


Look more trend, everybody love trends:



Not really no. While a useful site the fact it's just based on what Bioware classify the server load as along with the timing and the fact that any mmo's subscriptions always drop at the end of the free month mean that the interpretation you give to it is flawed.


Activity does seem to be dropping, but whether that's an expected amount due to end of holidays and the first month drop off or something more remains to be seen. It would probably be better to interpret the trend after 3-6 months and see what the population levels would suggest then.


Of course I'm sure you'll consider my view a fanboy blindly defending a "failing" game which is your perogative.

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This game deserves the criticism it gets and if it does fail the blame will be squarely on BioWare for releasing a half-baked product with the amount of time, money, and testing they had for this title.


Thankfully not everybody is nomming this **** up so the game actually has a chance to become good before GW2 comes to put the final nail in the coffin.


Why does it deserve the criticism? How in the name of Ganesh could BW have forseen half the bugs/exploits that came to bare after launch? Is this your first MMO? Every MMO since meridian 54 has had some sort of bug after launch. An MMO will never ever ever be perfect out the gate. Variables (unforseen and otherwise) will happen

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Why does it deserve the criticism? How in the name of Ganesh could BW have forseen half the bugs/exploits that came to bare after launch? Is this your first MMO? Every MMO since meridian 54 has had some sort of bug after launch. An MMO will never ever ever be perfect out the gate. Variables (unforseen and otherwise) will happen


Probably though play testing ? I know the huge bug my IA class quest has at Chapter 1 somehow went missing when it's pretty glaring, The recent turrets in Ilum, as well for example, as well. Other niggling things like the UI becoming unresponsive, maps being black, UI design itself, etc. Lot of minor things, but they pile up.


Not expecting it to be perfect, but there's a lot of sloppiness evident in the game.

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If this game dies I blame the devs. No one reasonably expects a perfect mmo from the start but I think they have really dropped the ball. For example, the random gear from champion bags. To me, it is extremely disconcerting that the devs looked at that and thought "yes, this is a good idea. Now spend time/money implementing, the players will love it." How do you come to that conclusion?!?! I just don't get it. For me, it's not that the game lacks features that bothers me, it's the lack of thought in the features that we do have. Illum was horrible and now it's worse. Completely unplayable for republic. Objective based PVP zone do not work in a 2 faction game. Ever. Professions are horribly imbalanced. If you don't have biochem you're doing it wrong. And when creating professions, when you create one with viable endgame bonuses and another with nothing past level 49, how do come to the conclusion that something like that is acceptable? Then there's orbital stations. **** orbital stations. Just why? Why was that necessary?
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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.


More of an argument on why the forums fail, you gotta take them with a grain of salt. Everyone on internet forums is an extremist speaking in hyperbole with raging froth at their fingertips as they type. Its all over the top to exaggerate points, and it can very much be overwhelming if you haven't been on MMO forums before, but don't let it get to you.

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And how much is expected to drop?

The site show a decrease of 50%. Is that expected?


Sigh, go and really read the faq I linked earlier and how the site displays the data.


The average server "population" category that Bioware show on the status page has dropped. Whether that means actual activity has dropped by 50% is not known.


The activity has dropped by a significant amount most likely I'm not denying that. But I don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be.

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Dont blame us for saying how it is, bioware promised us a new type of mmo and we got crap on a platter, bioware screwed up, the game is trash. Blame bioware for insulting us by releasing this broke piece of crap, i waited years for it....i dispise bioware now.


Omg.. you sound like a disgruntled ex, lol.

'She promised to love me forever, then she cheated, got fat and ran off with the gardener!'


It's a game. You try it, you like it or not, you stay or move on. Disappointments are tough, but part of life, deal with them. But don't blame others for your own overblown expectations. Somehow I doubt you have been actively waiting on this game every day for years. And if you have, you should blame yourself for having such unrealistic expectations. It's just a game, not the next best thing since sliced bread (or however the expression goes :).

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The complainers are most likely young and have never played a 16-bit console before.


I say this because they have not really witnessed the evolution of games these days, going Straight into 3D. think of a stubborn person with a silver spoon.


I don't think this is the case.. I'm 38 and if I complain about a game, it has issues. I use to be forgiving with game companies, but these days there is no excuse for shoddy games, especially considering how much money and how many years they put into making a mmo. If they can't get it together in the first 3 months, they lose everyone in my household. I remember the Atari and ColecoVision I use to have and I remember playing my first mmo which was Ultima Online. I spent years dealing with pvp bugs and balancing with DAOC, but it was fun and I had patience. These days I have little patience for incompetence and the silent treatment BW is giving it's customers. It's all about entertaining your customers with the game and customer service. If a game has neither of these then it fails..I hope BW get it together within the next 3 months, that's all the time I'm willing to give them.

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Well if thats the case OP, I blame the fanbois who refuse to admit there are problems with this game.


Oh there are problems I agree. As with every MMO out of the gatw. I seen this in WoW) worst launch ever,) but had faith that they would patch and balance up the things that fell short. Now if people would actually read the patch notes you will see that an awful lot of the issues are being adressed.


As I have expressed(ad nauseum), if its legitimate feedback its cool. "AHHHHH bw failz" or "Im cancelling because of no playable wookies", that is what is my problem

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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners

If this game dies, I personally blame the fanatics saying that everything is perfect and no changes are required.

I got lucky to get into the beta in September 2011, and could not but note the following trend from the moment I got access to the beta forums:


Betatester 1: "User Interface feels old and bulky and needs trimming and more custumization."

Fanatic 1: "IT'S A BETA!"

Fanatic 2: "We are way behind the devs!"

Fanatic 3: "Wait for the release! They are working on the magical build that will be awesome!"

..Meanwile, the release comes. Same crappy User Interface.

Player 1: "User Interface feels old and bulky and needs trimming and more custumization."

Fanatic 1: "UI is fine!"

Fanatic 2: "Go back to WoW!"

Fanatic 3: "Can I have your stuff?"


You see, the developers say they are listening to constructive feedback. Constructive can be negative. Constructive can also be a post saying "I'm quitting because of X and Y".

But how can the developers even see the feedback for all the noise some people drown it in?

Edited by Massimoto
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But how can the developers even see the feedback for all the noise some people drown it in?


True, hopefully though things will settle down and we will more constructive (positive and negative) feedback and less of the whining and trolling (positive and negative).

Edited by Ellif
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You know he (OP) does have a point. I know a few people that wanted to try this game, but were cautious when they saw all of the complaints/whining posts.


Here is a tip to ANYBODY: If you are even somewhat interested in anything, give it a try. Do not listen to whiners or reviews. Do not think a game is AMAZING to you just because it gets good ratings, or nobody says anything bad about it.


If you do not like the game that is fine. If somebody else likes the game, that is fine too.


I learned this after I played a few games that received a 5/10 or so. It was just FUN for ME.

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The game will fail because of things that acutally have nothing to do with the game itself. The laucher sent me corrupted files during the patching process and crash thus blocking me from playing right as my sub was about to end, doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise I will not be wasting my time trying to get it to work.
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