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The real reason republic gets destroyed


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"Oh no we're outnumbered, this is bullsh*t things are so unfair i'm going to do stuff that isn't PvP related and make the gap between my rank and the sith players even higher"


not a troll, carefull observation


Which part was not trollish? The swearing? The accusations? The generalizations? Im confused.

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A. Most of what you wrote doesn't make sense.

B. If I understand you correctly, you're wrong.

C. You're probably bad but think you're good because you can participate in zergs exclusive to your faction


Translation: hes saying is that republic spends more effort crying than it does trying to actually fight the empire. (I am not necessarily agreeing/disagreeing)

Edited by DarthDartheous
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Translation: hes saying is that republic spends more effort crying than it does trying to actually fight the empire. (I am not necessarily agreeing/disagreeing)


strange, why would people in quest orange try to fight exploiters who cheated for a bunch of shinys they didn't earn. Just so they can go round tellin everyone their "well ard"...

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A. Most of what you wrote doesn't make sense.

B. If I understand you correctly, you're wrong.

C. You're probably bad but think you're good because you can participate in zergs exclusive to your faction


Actually the only zerg i participate in is farming the imps zerging while every other republic kid out there is shedding tears over factional imbalance.


Or to put it more clearly; The majority of republic quits hard and fast all day long

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Translation: hes saying is that republic spends more effort crying than it does trying to actually fight the empire. (I am not necessarily agreeing/disagreeing)


ding ding ding! they should redirect that effort into something productive.

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Translation: hes saying is that republic spends more effort crying than it does trying to actually fight the empire. (I am not necessarily agreeing/disagreeing)


My interpretation is he's mad that Republic aren't showing up so he's not getting fast enough queues or not finding enough to kill on Ilum since all the republic said to hell with pvp and found something else to do.

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OP needs to understand and accept that people are not going to participate in a zerg fest to enable them to progress in an unbalanced game, to think otherwise is sad and pathetic.


Republic are gonna do it the right way, through WZ's and not waste there entire night trying to get 30 kills from zerg groups from battle-masters who farmed turrets and base camped.


This is a Fact, you want proof, there's like 30 vids proving such, empire has way to many benefits to make the 2+hours for 1 bag worth it, people have jobs and lives, they want to to other contents within the game also.



and too all those tools who have no idea and an IQ of 3 who state "well you picked the faction" if people didn't pick republic the emp would complain that PVP is non existent and waiting hours in a PvP queue is BS, well you cant have your cake and eat it.


so how about you stop your hate posts on people who have problems with the current state of the game which are justified and get a Life.

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I'm not, I'm awfull.

Although i am an exceptional pokémon master


I would crush you at either game. I can tell because you try to be funny but aren't, which, believe it or not, is a great indicator. What is the point of playing a game that not only has bugs, but is making absolutely awful DECISIONS which ruin gameplay. Also, anyone with half a brain knows you weren't farming those people. They see red they kill it. It's why they're all grouped up, unless you want people to believe you're able to take on a 1vs100 mob?

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and too all those tools who have no idea and an IQ of 3 who state "well you picked the faction" if people didn't pick republic the emp would complain that PVP is non existent and waiting hours in a PvP queue is BS, well you cant have your cake and eat it.



so what you're saying is you picked to be republic so imperials would have people to kill? Like you're doing us a favor or something? And i absolutely can have my cake and eat it. If you went out and bought a cake and someone told you that you couldn't eat it what would you do? <<< not rhetorical


My server is republic dominated pvp and its a low pop server so its mostly 4-6 repubs and 2-3 empire on ilum doing daylies and its a blast. No base farming very little 50 premades and i have YET to see a battlemaster on either side.

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What's it called when Republic face-rolls Imps in 10-49 warzones because they apparently never learned how to play them without 50s?


It's called strategy, it's called not going for the kills and going for the distraction instead.


We win Most WZ's for no other reason that charging in and stopping them sniping and not caring about surviving as long as there's other republic there to do the same.


We don't do it by "rolling face" we don't dominate the maps by kills, we may not survive a zerg but we can hit the ones trying to take control.


Ilum is a completely different ball game. there is no strategy involved in Ilum, if you people think there is, then they need to get there heads out of the the clouds

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"Oh no we're outnumbered, this is bullsh*t things are so unfair i'm going to do stuff that isn't PvP related and make the gap between my rank and the sith players even higher"


not a troll, carefull observation


The real reason Empire gets smashed - HAN SOLO OWNS DARTH VADER.


Cept when outnumbered 3-1 in Ilum...but thats another story, instanced/even numbers pvp usually tells you who is actually better.

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so what you're saying is you picked to be republic so imperials would have people to kill? Like you're doing us a favor or something? And i absolutely can have my cake and eat it. If you went out and bought a cake and someone told you that you couldn't eat it what would you do? <<< not rhetorical


My server is republic dominated pvp and its a low pop server so its mostly 4-6 repubs and 2-3 empire on ilum doing daylies and its a blast. No base farming very little 50 premades and i have YET to see a battlemaster on either side.


People picked republic because they wanted too they also like PvP too, and expect it to be balanced and alot are on heavy pop servers, you little low pop isn't even in teh same league as the heavies, that's where the problem lies.


So what, you got lucky, rolled on a low pop where more people put up with republic since they like them more, that isnt teh same for every server.


So what your saying is if your little pop server has benefits everybody else should put up with the all new rushed abomination which is Ilum PvP.


There was no thought put into it, no strategy, just lets make them spend time killing 30 people and be done with it. yay for originality right?.

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I would crush you at either game. I can tell because you try to be funny but aren't, which, believe it or not, is a great indicator. What is the point of playing a game that not only has bugs, but is making absolutely awful DECISIONS which ruin gameplay. Also, anyone with half a brain knows you weren't farming those people. They see red they kill it. It's why they're all grouped up, unless you want people to believe you're able to take on a 1vs100 mob?


Actually i would crush you, i can tell because you pretend to be able to read the skill level of a player off a forum post based on silly assumptions, which by the way is a huge indicator of being bad, and that's not to say this has anything to do with the subject at all because even if i'd crush you i'm still bad as well, since nowhere in my post did i mention skill level at all. But merely pointed out that the mentality of the average republic player is to quit rather than regroup and retry.

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zerg this zerg that zerg is skill zerg not mindless zerg is zerg always skill never numbers *** is zerg means


Wanna know why DAOC is highly praised amongst real pvpers?


Because it's the only game ever where skill is involved in beating a zerg. Every single other zerg mmo pvp is decided by numbers because there just isn't a high enough skill ceiling to matter in zerg vs zerg pvp.

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not a troll, carefull observation


I shudder at the thought of the quality of your quick observation.


It sounds more like passive resistance to me and if indeed that is what is occurring on even a moderate scale then it could easily prove to be a very effective tool to force or accelerate action.


People are supposed to be playing aspects of this game for their own enjoyment, there is no obligation for the Republic to pvp. If pvp isn't enjoyable for many people then they have every right to go do other things with their time and no amount of crying about that freedom of choice will change it.

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