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The Republic has given up


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This was always the case, IMHO the republic on Luka Sena, unless they came in a full premade group they wouldnt beat us.

What needs to happen is a real incentive to play republic, i tried very hard. I just didnt find it enjoyable. It was "too" good, there seemed to be too much "bureaucracy", making the missions feel in my opinion, very frustrating. Like the 1 - 20 storyline for trooper, You are meant to be a hero and the new leader of havoc squad and yet.... i just felt like any old grunt, with a very awful moral choice system and boring quests. The empire on the other hand literally felt like i was in the driving seat, sure i was fetching stuff but it was more or less, achieve your goals by any means, destroy anything that gets in the way. Made it more enjoyable.


Back on topic,

Every player should have a "gear rating" averaged across all equipment they are wearing, which is then locked (so you cant equip any other items for lowby bashing) then you get put into match making, and fight people with similar gear scores. Balance is preserved, and if there arent enough geared opposition for the higher gear levels to fight, then use the boost system to increase their stats (even at 50) to compensate for lack of gear, make it as if they where wearing the same level equipment. Otherwise PvP in this is dead in the water.


Better idea adopt what every other MMO has. Get better gear, get better skill or get you butt kicked constantly. We dont nee bioware to make this game "fair" in the sense that everyone is equally geared. that wouldnt serve a puprose to getting better gear. Kill or be Killed thats the way PVP is meant to be. now ifyou want ranked warzones thats a different story. like WoW ranked arena matches matches u up with people close to your rank and your point gain is affected based upon if they are higher or lower than you. But for gods sake i wanna get my full set of gear and face roll people best i can. Thats teh only reason i play MMO's is to gear up in pvp and be successfull. I was Grand Marshal in WoW at levle 60 and 2 time Gladiator after that system went away. If you dont suck its not hard to be successfull. And for the republic whiners its not hard to get 4 people (and hopefully 8 people soon) in a premade that know how to play and win some warzones. Surely their are 8 good players on the server.

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everyone knows there is a real problem , the people affected by it whine on the forums and they have every right to do so ! after all they are paying customers ..... sadly the people not so much affected by it or that gain from it come on here defending ,


all you are doing is driving players away , so what i know most of you dont care less , but i bet BW cares when their subscriptions dwindle and its costing them money.


As for me , like a lot of people im having fun in the 10 - 49 bracket which is where i will stay until im bored or a better game comes out.


even more suprising to me is that it doesnt take much effort to sort it out , and pacifying people with acknowledgment and foresite of direction would go a long long way.

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The difference is that Aion actually put some thought into their PvP. BioWare clearly doesn't care about it.



Thats just silly. Only thing Aion has against SWTOR is.....

Oh.. wait... nothing, Its made by Koreans, for Koreans.

A never ending grindfest excuse of an mmo, a money laundering application for Gold selling sites.

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Finally! After the weekend I'll be there. (Gotta buy yet another headset, I don't know how I manage to break them so often.)


Great! Look forward to hearing from you. If I happen to not be on when you roll just message someone in the guild and ask for an invite. The guild name is Eternal Vigilance. Do a /who search and enter Vigilance into the search field because there is another guild with Eternal in their name.

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I don't seem to have a problem getting my 3 WZ wins but Ilum is a lopsided affair that would take hours to complete.


I flew into Ilum yesterday to do my dailies & immediately heard chatter about people being there 2 hours & being a 1/3 of the way done. Screw that. I can live with 1 less bag/day...probably just duplicate gear or 3 champ commendations anyway.

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I have to agree with what the OP and the majority of people here are saying.


Ilum is literally unplayable if you are a member of the Republic faction on most servers (i am talking about EU servers).


This is not a matter of skill and/or gear anymore, i mean don't get me wrong, they are very important generally, but they don't mean anything at all when you are being constantly outnumbered by 1:3, 1:4, even 1:5 ratio on some servers.


Some action needs to be made.


Me and my friends are actually considering re-rolling on a US PvP server and we are from EU because we want to have good PvP experience, fun you know, win some, loose some, balanced...instead of not being able to set foot on Ilum.


I have asked around on several EU PvP servers about the issue and everywhere people told me like yeah. much more Imps, Ilum camping, people wont even go there anymore.....now THAT is a problem, don't you guys think?


If anyone has a more or less normal EU PvP server, with balance ratio not higher than 1:2 please let me know, or message me.


And yes i find even a 1:2 ratio to be great and enjoyable when compared to 1:3, 1:4 on my server.

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So I just got done with a 3v8 Alderaan match that I'd been in queue for a very long time to get.



Why does the game even start these?


It is absurd. It's demoralizing. It's a complete waste of my time.


We're outnumbered by a wide margin on Mind Trick. Just have the game not start a battleground until it's a full 8. If that means the Sith have to wait longer or play more Huttball, great, don't care.






It's one thing to be tone deaf to the imbalance. It's another to actively contribute to making the problem worse.

Edited by JayDubyaDub
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Better idea adopt what every other MMO has. Get better gear, get better skill or get you butt kicked constantly. We dont nee bioware to make this game "fair" in the sense that everyone is equally geared. that wouldnt serve a puprose to getting better gear. Kill or be Killed thats the way PVP is meant to be. now ifyou want ranked warzones thats a different story. like WoW ranked arena matches matches u up with people close to your rank and your point gain is affected based upon if they are higher or lower than you. But for gods sake i wanna get my full set of gear and face roll people best i can. Thats teh only reason i play MMO's is to gear up in pvp and be successfull. I was Grand Marshal in WoW at levle 60 and 2 time Gladiator after that system went away. If you dont suck its not hard to be successfull. And for the republic whiners its not hard to get 4 people (and hopefully 8 people soon) in a premade that know how to play and win some warzones. Surely their are 8 good players on the server.


Thats not the problem and you must be Imperial because i am on one of the better balanced servers and last week it took me a week almost to finish my weekly and i played WZ's the whole time five hours a day,you telling me i did not put in effort? i even have some champ pieces,fact is ,is that at that time we had lvl 10's with us in on Repub and i never saw anything less than 40 from the Imps.

Im burned out,i tried,i put in far and above effort to just complete a weekly.

Edited by Sathid
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I don't seem to have a problem getting my 3 WZ wins but Ilum is a lopsided affair that would take hours to complete.





My WZ experience has greatly improved. On both wednesday and thursday I went 3 for 4 doing my daily. For comparison, on monday my 3 win daily took five hours. That's not an exaggeration, five.


Ilum however... well I'm not even going back until they fix it.

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The pvp in this game favors the population. More get better gear that allows more to get better gear. Vicious cycle that only widens the gap further with every passing day. Not even bringing up all the battle masters that should not have the levels they do.


If only 6 repubs join a WZ and 8 imps IMPs win. Might as well end it in 10 seconds.


Imps are winning at least 75% of the WZ's I enter now it used to be close to 50/50.


The massive imbalance that they created and are so far ignoring are driving people away.

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It's 1:5 on our server. Did 20 wzs yesterday. 2 wins. No way to win anymore. We just get steamrolled. Used to win 50% of the time before the patch.

On Illum, on the first day of the patch, there were 380 Empire to 22 Rebuplic when I was on.

Everyone on the Empire looks exactly the same now too lol.

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I wouldn't mind losing Warzones if I could play.


And by that I mean that my decidedly above-average custom-built computer drops from 70-90FPS when anywhere else (even on the Fleet) to 15-20FPS with significant input delay as soon as any moderate-scale PvP encounter starts up.


I can fight one or two players just fine, but Ilum or a Warzone is just a slideshow much of the time.


That combined with the way the loot system works keeps me away from PvP. This is unfortunate because I enjoy PvP in this game when it works.


Update your drivers.

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It's a bit rough as the gear differential gets much worse Empire outgearing republic because of ease of wins and zerging for valor.


I did however lead a server first raid for the Republic today on Anchorhead where we drove the empire off Ilum pretty much entirely. You have to motivate, eliminate and dominate them to gain some morale for your faction. The top PvP guild on your faction needs to step up as a leader, it motivates those around you to do well and listen to those commanding.


Don't forget when they camp your base to send stealthers behind to get on the cannons to own them. I got over 2000+ kills with particle cannons today.


It's rough though don't get me wrong, I'm sure most servers are far worse than mine. We are currently playing 1:3/4 ratio


Listen to this man and his advice - part of your problem sounds like you've got a bunch of "mom and pop" guilds trying to compete in a mass pvp area. Get organized, form alliances with other guilds in your faction and go own it up - no MMO company can hand you this - time to get a community going on your server.

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Well i did feel for you republic players, until i seen a couple of live streams last night with republics owning Ilum, i think its just the fact both factions need to get together to take it back..


maybe players on some servers just can't be arsed to fight back...

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Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.



On your server Empire may be a bit better than republic on your server. Don't make a faulty conclusion and generalize for everyone.


I can say for my server. Most republic stays away from Illum because of the points you mentioned in your post. We are just outnumbered sometimes 3:1 plus. However since the patch we have increased our win ratio in WZ (the place that actually matters IMO) from about 1 out of 15 to more like 3 out of 4. The fact here is that the Empire vastly has more players more 50s learning about their class and gearing where as on our server very small player base of republic who had to play and learn and find ways to beat the empire that exploded to 50 while we were still 30 - 40 lvl.


In short there are pros and cons. So far I am pro patch!

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Listen to this man and his advice - part of your problem sounds like you've got a bunch of "mom and pop" guilds trying to compete in a mass pvp area. Get organized, form alliances with other guilds in your faction and go own it up - no MMO company can hand you this - time to get a community going on your server.


I highly doubt people are going to put that much effort into getting 1 Champion bag per day. Heck, it's probably easier to get 800 WZ commendations for a bag.


I know everyone in my guild is taking the same course of action I am: Calling it a loss and moving on until Ilum is easily playable again.

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Sadly enough though for you - I am not losing that much, infact I got the feeling that I win most warzones with the premade I am going with. I am just making the arguement that it is relatively easy to save up on the gear. And - given that I can't log on atm to check it - even if it holds that they are unique, that still leaves enough boxes in that week for BM gear + 1000 commendations (warzone + merc) to get quite a bit of gear.


believe me i tried in the past when i was getting closer to 60 to start hogging battlemaster bags.... winning or loosing i just don;t think it helps when ppl come to these forums, spread rumours and obviously wrong facts and paint a much worse picture than what ingame reality really looks like, i.e they all farmed battlemaster gear and within the first day they all had 3k more hps.... it's just not true

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Well i did feel for you republic players, until i seen a couple of live streams last night with republics owning Ilum, i think its just the fact both factions need to get together to take it back..


maybe players on some servers just can't be arsed to fight back...


You cannot fight back when you are outnumbered with 1:3, 1:4, even 1:5 ratio on MANY servers.


That is what people are saying here.


When you are outnumbered so vastly your gear, skill and willingness to fight don't mean jack ****.

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Unfortunately there has been an imbalance since the start of this game. I was not in the beta but hear from those that were those same imbalances existed and were brought to the attention of the developers but obviously fell upon deaf ears. More and more Republic players will either unsub or go to the imperial side and eventually it will be no fun for Imperials, this game will die. I chose Republic because I like to be the underdog but I feel more like the doormat in this game. Personally my days are short...I am giving it 30 more days and if things do not improve it looks like I am going back to the game I was playing before and patiently waiting the release of GW2.
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Its not Biowares fault that 90% of the Republic players are horrible pvpers. Thats right, its not the sheer size of Empire player that wins these matches, its the simple fact that the average Empire player is better.

I know im very harsh but this is exactly how things are right now. And its definitly not just a ''newb'' thing either, majority of Rep players just dont seem to care about pvp at all.

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I play a Trooper.


Most of the people I know who are distraught over the PvP situation PvE'd to 50 then picked up the PvP daily and walked cluelessly into a meat grinder. I don't know any PvP players who leveled their character via PvP, Hit 50 with the Centurion (Valor 40-50) Title, and are upset over the state of PvP in relation to their abilites.


If the 50 bracket of PvP is crushing you roll an alt and lvl it to 14 then start PvPing in earnest, as in do nothing but PvP. The experience you gain will help you with your lvl 50 PvP game.



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Its not Biowares fault that 90% of the Republic players are horrible pvpers. Thats right, its not the sheer size of Empire player that wins these matches, its the simple fact that the average Empire player is better.

I know im very harsh but this is exactly how things are right now. And its definitly not just a ''newb'' thing either, majority of Rep players just dont seem to care about pvp at all.


Then why have I won 75% of my 50 WZs since the patch? You know, the only place the numbers are actually even.


The only place Empire wins is Ilum and ganking where they have vastly superior numbers.

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I understand there is a faction imbalance.


Honestly seems stupid to have this all fixed with an easy button though. Like some have said, get organized, get in a more serious guild, try to do SOMETHING before you request someone else do it FOR YOU! Take the initiative good guys come on!


Republic Commando Medic FTW.

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I'm not sure what imbalance your talking about in Warzones, as for Ilum I finally went over there (I didn't go before the hotfix and did not gain any valor while the area was broken) and I had a great time.


There was an almost an equal amount of republic vs Imperials, so at no point did any side have a vast numerical advantage, that being said it was late at night and neither group was huge. In many ways it was like a huge warzone.

Edited by Dharagada
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