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The Republic has given up


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Well yes, that's what Sith do - they kill their own too. But that guy who said mission accomplished - you sir an idiot. If cannot see the damage this is causing the the game, and the fact people are giving up and leaving already just a month into the game release. This is NOT YOUR game, I am not asking you for permission to play, and ask you to play nice, there are community rules of conduct, that already many players have broken entirely, and Bioware remain silent over the issues.


Good luck on empty servers, you will get bored and then start hounding players on other online games instead. You nothing but trollfacedpigs. Sucking the life out of a game before it even got going. I will NOT do WZ and I will not go to Ilum. I do not care what you call me, or come up with what ever smart answer you want.


Republic faction has been screwed over by this game, the developers, and greedy valor hungry people who just gang **** players to get their fix of Valor so they can cheat more by getting the valour\Tokens they need for the gear.


Not acceptable. I wont un sub - I am waiting to see what happens with this.




Likewise. Don't assume to speak for us either. Your situation is not the whole picture seen on many servers. Glad your winning though, must be sweet for you.


Um, sorry, but from what I've read you are the one who needs to grow up. "I won't do it because I can't win!" seems to be your only response. Well, you could win if you would pick yourself back up and keep working at it. I've been on the underdog faction in another Star Wars game and yes, even then, the Empire was more popular. So the Rebels just kept getting better until it didn't matter.

Also, BW allowed people to pick their side. They did not screw over the game by doing so. The simple truth is the Sith look cooler. The primary reason my guild picked Republic was so that we would be the underdogs and have a lot of hard fights, i.e. we LIKE having to play hard.

Finally, the community rules prohibit direct attacks against other players, such as calling them trollfacedpigs lol. Having crossed that line in the past during the beta, I can assure you that you will be receiving your warning email soon.

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are ppl really that dumb that they believe ppl got battlemaster gear within one day?

like someone posted before : "well all of a sudden everyone has 3k more HP, coincidence?"


so someone explain to me, even if you managed to get from valor rank "x" to 60 by "exploiting" ilum, where the **** did everyone get full battlemaster gear all of a sudden?

asumeing you bought one bag before you hit 60...finished your two dailies and two weeklies, thats 5 battlemaster bags you could have gained, so what the likelyhood of getting full battlemaster gear out of 5 bags?

haven't played my 62 assassin in a while because i rerolled republic for faster WZ pops and no more huttball lamenes, but even at 62 i never once got a single piece of battlemaster gear out of the bags i got...so how would this have changed all of a sudden?


You are having a serious misconception here. You can always "farm" the gear for battlemaster. You can just start accepting the battlemaster instead of the champion "bags" once you believe yourself to have enough champion gear. And than there is still the stuff you can buy from the warzone + merc commendations. And alot of people I know capped out on those. So basicly you can stock up on the things you need way before you hit valor level 60.


Result: Quick gain of BM gear.


And to Eranus my comment about the alt+f4 wasn't an ideal solution, it's why I quit pvp servers in the game that shall not be mentioned but it IS an option to wait for them to go home. It's just as ideal as punishing the whole for the crimes of the few (not saying it's right but *shrug* what can you do sadly : /)


Maybe it is due to me playing EVE before. But one thing I learned is that you should never underestimate the patience of people while camping / if there is something to be gained. Just sign up for warzones - enjoy the Ilum buff and farm Republic players. The main problem was that even if I quit - you couldn't get out of the base before the "fix" (killed on spawn).


As for the people that say they "sneaked" out of the base... that works as long as you don't have a ****ton of people that spam both entrances with AoE / Anti stealth or being killed on spawn.

Edited by Eranus
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You are having a serious misconception here. You can always "farm" the gear for battlemaster. You can just start accepting the battlemaster instead of the champion "bags" once you believe yourself to have enough champion gear. And than there is still the stuff you can buy from the warzone + merc commendations. And alot of people I know capped out on those. So basicly you can stock up on the things you need way before you hit valor level 60.


Result: Quick gain of BM gear.

I was under the impression that BM bags from the daily/weekly quest rewards were uniques.

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Sad to see some people cant enjoy the game properly.

Which server do you guys play?


I play Kai-Kan and I can honestly say that we (imps) got served yesterday.


We had a team of 15-25 players and we all died a couple of times.


I say let time do its thing. It will come around you'll see.


Also if it makes it any better, I win more often fighting imps in warzones than I do fighting Repubs :p The force is strong with them XD

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Um, sorry, but from what I've read you are the one who needs to grow up. "I won't do it because I can't win!" seems to be your only response. Well, you could win if you would pick yourself back up and keep working at it. I've been on the underdog faction in another Star Wars game and yes, even then, the Empire was more popular. So the Rebels just kept getting better until it didn't matter.

Also, BW allowed people to pick their side. They did not screw over the game by doing so. The simple truth is the Sith look cooler. The primary reason my guild picked Republic was so that we would be the underdogs and have a lot of hard fights, i.e. we LIKE having to play hard.

Finally, the community rules prohibit direct attacks against other players, such as calling them trollfacedpigs lol. Having crossed that line in the past during the beta, I can assure you that you will be receiving your warning email soon.


Thats not what I said. You have a funny way of twisting peoples words. I didn't say its because I cant win, you assume too much. You sir should grow up, because your making assumptions and accusing people of saying things that are not even written. Telling some one to grow up is not a mature conversation, and just shows how bad you are at social skills.


Its IMPOSSIBLE to fight against a fully geared side when you have no gear of your own. Its ridiculous to assume you can. If you just want us to fight for the sake of fighting, just so YOU get your valour points, good luck to you, but do me a favour and don't insult us, for not wanting to play WZ or Ilum right now. Nothing to do with "I can't win" .. I have played plenty of WZ's in the past lost lots.. I still played. I stopped recently because WZ has become unplayable. Laggy frames, can see through the floor.. Now I believe we have to contend with fully geared imps. Yeah sounds like fun. For you maybe :)

Edited by dronepilot
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Sad to see some people cant enjoy the game properly.

Which server do you guys play?


I play Kai-Kan and I can honestly say that we (imps) got served yesterday.


We had a team of 15-25 players and we all died a couple of times.


I say let time do its thing. It will come around you'll see.


Also if it makes it any better, I win more often fighting imps in warzones than I do fighting Repubs :p The force is strong with them XD


Playing on Frostclaw - we were in a raid of ~24-25 people and were outnumbered 1:3 - at peak times it felt more like 1:4.

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Well i dont get it, have People forgotten the Movies ?

Han Solo, Obi Wan , Luke ans so they have been my Heros as i was a Child

And now we are just a shadow of what we have been.


I dont believe how bioware could mess this Faction up so much, it makes me sad

We the Republic , an Army of brave Men And women are now nothing more then

Cannonfodder for imperials.


Shame on you Bioware



And Shame on you People who only roll Empire, you are betraying the Star wars fiction

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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You are having a serious misconception here. You can always "farm" the gear for battlemaster. You can just start accepting the battlemaster instead of the champion "bags" once you believe yourself to have enough champion gear. And than there is still the stuff you can buy from the warzone + merc commendations. And alot of people I know capped out on those. So basicly you can stock up on the things you need way before you hit valor level 60.


Result: Quick gain of BM gear.



no you can't.... as the other guy said they are "unique" items which means you can't ever have more than one unopened bag at a time... sry to say man but you are probably just makeing excuses for why you keep losing warzone after warzone without looking what might be the real problem there......

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no you can't.... as the other guy said they are "unique" items which means you can't ever have more than one unopened bag at a time... sry to say man but you are probably just makeing excuses for why you keep losing warzone after warzone without looking what might be the real problem there......


I thought they were, but they aren't according to torhead.



I can't check now obviously because I already finished my daily quests and I'm only valor 38 so far, so I don't normally select them.

Edited by LordZanos
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no you can't.... as the other guy said they are "unique" items which means you can't ever have more than one unopened bag at a time... sry to say man but you are probably just makeing excuses for why you keep losing warzone after warzone without looking what might be the real problem there......


I'll be the first to admit that we are losing warzones because the Empire is better. Other games solve the problem of endless losing with some sort of skill based matchmaking. If TOR has such a system, it is very ineffective.

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I really don't know where all the complaints about the level 50 PVP brackets from the Republic. I have yet to lose a single warzone, sine the patch (played about 15) and Have got the daily done each day. In fact, I have tallied my score over the last week 37 - 4. I think the Imps beat up to level 50 and owned us early on. now that its a fair fight its a faceroll on our server Mask of Nihlus. Atleast for my guild and our premades.


As far as Ilum goes...You have to really like to pvp to do the daily. And if you don't like to pvp then stop trying to get free pvp gear.

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You are having a serious misconception here. You can always "farm" the gear for battlemaster. You can just start accepting the battlemaster instead of the champion "bags" once you believe yourself to have enough champion gear. And than there is still the stuff you can buy from the warzone + merc commendations. And alot of people I know capped out on those. So basicly you can stock up on the things you need way before you hit valor level 60.


Result: Quick gain of BM gear.



no you can't.... as the other guy said they are "unique" items which means you can't ever have more than one unopened bag at a time... sry to say man but you are probably just makeing excuses for why you keep losing warzone after warzone without looking what might be the real problem there......


Sadly enough though for you - I am not losing that much, infact I got the feeling that I win most warzones with the premade I am going with. I am just making the arguement that it is relatively easy to save up on the gear. And - given that I can't log on atm to check it - even if it holds that they are unique, that still leaves enough boxes in that week for BM gear + 1000 commendations (warzone + merc) to get quite a bit of gear.

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I have one big question to all the Republic Crybabies about warzones: Why exactly do you think warzones are unfair?


I am a republic L50 battlemaster shadow (Was already valor 48 or so when I reached level 50), and with my small guild (12 members or so), we win around 90 % of our matches. Do empire have better gear? Some of them do, some of them don't. Face it... champion pvp gear is very easy to get by. Battlemaster on the other hand is hard to get, but still, it is only a small increase in stats and damage & reduction. So a skilled champion player, will always win from a buttonbashing battlemaster (Unless it's a facerolling operative killing a squishy, I personally still eat operatives for breakfast)




Of course, Ilum is totally broken balance-wise and a mass zergfest, but even there, we outsmart Empire there most of the time and finish our daily within an hour. I wonder if Empire people can even finish it at that time, because there are so few Republics going there.


After we finished our daily, we also leave Ilum instantly again, as it is totally not a funny pvp experience at all with all the lag and zerging going on. But as said, we finish it all within 1 hour.


And then again... Let's not even talk about one particular sentence Empire people have to face so often: Lets play HUTBALLLLLLLLL :D



Conclusion: I am happy to play the underdog!

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I have one big question to all the Republic Crybabies about warzones: Why exactly do you think warzones are unfair?


I am a republic L50 battlemaster shadow (Was already valor 48 or so when I reached level 50), and with my small guild (12 members or so), we win around 90 % of our matches. Do empire have better gear? Some of them do, some of them don't. Face it... champion pvp gear is very easy to get by. Battlemaster on the other hand is hard to get, but still, it is only a small increase in stats and damage & reduction. So a skilled champion player, will always win from a buttonbashing battlemaster (Unless it's a facerolling operative killing a squishy, I personally still eat operatives for breakfast)




Of course, Ilum is totally broken balance-wise and a mass zergfest, but even there, we outsmart Empire there most of the time and finish our daily within an hour. I wonder if Empire people can even finish it at that time, because there are so few Republics going there.


After we finished our daily, we also leave Ilum instantly again, as it is totally not a funny pvp experience at all with all the lag and zerging going on. But as said, we finish it all within 1 hour.


And then again... Let's not even talk about one particular sentence Empire people have to face so often: Lets play HUTBALLLLLLLLL :D



Conclusion: I am happy to play the underdog!


Most Republic 50's on my server are fresh and ungeared. The Sith are more often than not Gladiator or higher. I'm constantly getting put in matches where we stand no chance.

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This says it all. The server population of SWTOR is melting faster than the arctic ice cap in July. In my opinion, BW is unable to figure out how to fix the imbalance in the game, the horrible lag in pvp areas and a percent of imperial players who don't have a clue or care to realize all the exploits and cheats they are doing doubles the reason people are leaving this game.


My guilds number one question is "Do the Devs. even play this game?"

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This says it all. The server population of SWTOR is melting faster than the arctic ice cap in July. In my opinion, BW is unable to figure out how to fix the imbalance in the game, the horrible lag in pvp areas and a percent of imperial players who don't have a clue or care to realize all the exploits and cheats they are doing doubles the reason people are leaving this game.


My guilds number one question is "Do the Devs. even play this game?"

You mean that less people play the game as people go back to work and college students go back to school from their winter breaks?


*Removes glasses*


Holy ****.

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Your right, no one is quitting this game.


Head back in sand.

I would also like to take this time to mention that those graphs are based on comparative server load. So when the population cap went up, that graph also went down. Less servers were considered "Heavy", even with the same number of people.


Unreliable chart is unreliable.

Edited by LordZanos
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