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*What* Would It Take To Make You Resub?


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I am not going to unsub and I find this kind of whining less than a month in kind of funny.


People have the right to moan paying £9 a month !


I really can't justify resubbing, when for me ( and the other apparent 5% ) the pvp zones is unplayable.


I actually love this game and rate it as one of the best I've ever played in over 25 years of gaming. I'm going to find it hard not playing it but having had the pre order early access and the month I definitely got my enjoyment and my 45 quids worth out of it.

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At this point I don't even know anymore. Fixing the Ability Delay would be a good start. Fixing existing FPs might also help.


In the end they seem to have gotten their fundamentals wrong and no amount of fixing will make the game fun again for me.

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For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


For me:


1) Reset all valour gains since the 1.1 patch. While I am not a pvper, this kind of gaffe is going to completely mess up the pvp demographics of this game for months to come.


and what about all those that gained Valor via WZs and choie not to go to Ilum? this will not happen.


2) Fix the mirror imbalances between classes of the Republic and Imperial. Even though I play on the Imp side, I consider this to be 100% bogus.


name me another game that is perfectly balanced?....get real.


3) Fix JK/SW tanking and dps trees. I understand that you don't want *everyone* rolling these classes, but the answer wasn't to make them as awful as possible. We need AOE tanking tools, less backloaded damage animations and the stupid "parry lock" issue to be fixed. And the fix better not be a nerf to parry! Marauders need love too.


fix the dps not the tanks, me and the other tanks in my guild dont have issues when...wait for it...tanks get time to aggro.


8) If you insist on forcing us to group manually, at least give us a decent LFG tool rather than spamming /1 for 2 hours.


LFG tool will kill all social activity just like it did in every MMO that uses it. and if u use the tools provided it will not take 2hrs. there are global channels that all can use, my server uses a global channel called lfg. simply type /cjoin lfg. you can also /who and look for specific classes, lvls etc and just /w them. neva has it taken me anywhere near 2hrs to get a group for anything.


9) Focus on bug fixing and polishing this game rather than grunting out new content. Of course new content is important, but the amount of issues 1.1 *didn't* fix is staggering.


one of the few things i agree with.


10) Give us sprint/fastmove skills much earlier. The amount of time wasted at lower levels due to shlepping around is awful


o please, you are just sc ra ping the barrel of things to whine about now.


12) Optimize and streamline the engine.




What is your list?


just to keep up what they are doing, very few bugs are affecting my enjoyment, only one i regularly see is loot bugs but as im not a loot whore i dont care. it will all be sorted soon enough. so i dont really have a list.

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Originally Posted by Frostbird

For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


For me:


1) Reset all valour gains since the 1.1 patch. While I am not a pvper, this kind of gaffe is going to completely mess up the pvp demographics of this game for months to come.


and what about all those that gained Valor via WZs and choie not to go to Ilum? this will not happen.


As I've said before it's a tough call, but unless they do a rollback it will do lasting damage to server demographics and pvp for a long time to come. A rollback hurts a few but benefits many more.



2) Fix the mirror imbalances between classes of the Republic and Imperial. Even though I play on the Imp side, I consider this to be 100% bogus.


name me another game that is perfectly balanced?....get real.


Games that claim to have 'mirrors'? Most. A shaman on WoW or an Ice Tank on DCUO is perfectly balanced between factions, despite cosmetic differences.



3) Fix JK/SW tanking and dps trees. I understand that you don't want *everyone* rolling these classes, but the answer wasn't to make them as awful as possible. We need AOE tanking tools, less backloaded damage animations and the stupid "parry lock" issue to be fixed. And the fix better not be a nerf to parry! Marauders need love too.


fix the dps not the tanks, me and the other tanks in my guild dont have issues when...wait for it...tanks get time to aggro.


Talk to the guilds pushing progression content sitting their Warriors to get PTs for AOE or Sassins for damage. No other tank has the ramp up, lack of AOE and horrible dps Warriors do.


8) If you insist on forcing us to group manually, at least give us a decent LFG tool rather than spamming /1 for 2 hours.


LFG tool will kill all social activity just like it did in every MMO that uses it. and if u use the tools provided it will not take 2hrs. there are global channels that all can use, my server uses a global channel called lfg. simply type /cjoin lfg. you can also /who and look for specific classes, lvls etc and just /w them. neva has it taken me anywhere near 2hrs to get a group for anything.


You know what? Most modern MMOs have Finders. They also have strong communities. The difference is that you don't spend 30 minutes of overhead to do a 30 minute instance, unless you are doing the highest tier (ops here). Want to form a group manually or guild? Knock yourself out. Don't force new players to ice-skate up hill once the leveling areas empty out and everyone is geared.


Any damage to server community is minor compared to the ease and efficiency of automated finders.



10) Give us sprint/fastmove skills much earlier. The amount of time wasted at lower levels due to shlepping around is awful


o please, you are just sc ra ping the barrel of things to whine about now.


If you have something productive to say, say it. Otherwise don't bother posting.



What is your list?


just to keep up what they are doing, very few bugs are affecting my enjoyment, only one i regularly see is loot bugs but as im not a loot whore i dont care. it will all be sorted soon enough. so i dont really have a list.



So far I've had:


- Instakill elevator bug, needed me to find someone to take lift for me.

- 2 Holo-things not work at all, stopping me dead in a quest until I reset and started from scratch.

- Tons of visual and other glitches (parry lock, animation delay etc.).


You know what - more than the trolls, more than the haters, more than the exploiters, botters and griefers it's the White Knights that wreck a game. Those that blindy follow along, praising the devs no matter what they do.


I like this game, or else I wouldn't have bothered posting in the first place. But it does have some glaring issues that need to be resolved. Patch 1.1 was a naked grab at getting people to resub via new content and minor tweaks. It backfired in the Ilum fiasco and dissatisfied people everywhere. I don't think I've seen a game's forum this toxic a month after release (and I played Warhammer!). That is a sign that something is squiffy.


I do hope Bioware sorts it out and if they do, I may stick around. But at present too much of this game is frustrating, slow, imbalanced or downright broken.

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I've also decided to resub at some point later this month. (taking a break for a week or so after patch 1.1 irk'd me)




-1.1 was an epic fail on the large scale of things, but i believe the wounds can be healed with time. (contrary to my previous thoughts about Bioware not listening to its community).


-Many of the missing aspects that a basic MMO should have (LFG, ranked WZ's, better crafted items, smoother ability control and animations) will be coming over the course of the next few major patches in the coming months.


-I feel that yes Bioware royally f'd up with it's first month and first major patch, but they have the long term vision and capability to really do something special with this game and I do believe they will make that happen.



Things need to be overhauled and tweeked but when these fixes come, this game will really be a solid and polished product.

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Animation issues, with the trooper its horrid.

Fix the out of range/no LOS to mobs clearly in range standing in open fields.

PvP brackets, not just 1-49 then 50's.

Ability delay.

Missing/broken graphics options.

Green flickering on screen.

LFD tool.

Changeable UI.


Thats just some issues.

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I honestly don't know.


I played my JK to 23 or so, shame didn't even get to use my collectors stuff... I also tried the BH and Smuggler... I just couldn't hold interest. Running missions put me to sleep and waiting for flash points was equally boring.


I think in the end everything just felt generic. I tried to feel like it was KOTOR, but every world just felt unimportant and generic. Yeah, everything was voiced but I still found myself turning on subtitles and space baring since I can read faster and even till I found at times I would just press 1 space 1 space 1 space space space.


Sure story is great, but I don't find any of the story appealing and all the side quests just break up the main story too much for me to care. They really should have focused on more original and creative core gameplay concepts.


I have no real aspirations for pvp in this game, I think I will hold off for GW2 or D3. In the end.


That and the community here is just crap. I mean, there was a time when even with no filter options on games people held back a little. Now a days people just run rampant with disgusting humor, sexist language, and overall just make me shake my head when I think that these are the people I have to co-exist with on Earth. Simply put, E-trolling is just out of hand.



With that said...


1) Allow for a groupless system in bonus kill/collect areas... we are all on the same side after all.

2) Focus more on creative and fun gameplay mechanics.

3) Step up penalties for any form of trolling, I am talking about 1 week suspensions minimum, 3 strikes and your out.



The sad truth however is that, I just think with how they designed this game (from its very basic level), that this game is not my style anymore. Which is really sad because I am a huge SW fan and I really wanted to enjoy it. I think the biggest problem is it just isn't sandboxy enough and I can't hanle that as well as I thought I could.

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Looking at what they are bringing in forthcoming updates has made me confident to resub for at least another 6 months. the games already amazing bar a few bugs.

You'd b silly not to have confidence in bioware at this point

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A bit of rational thought and patience. I've been through many launches and this one isn't half as bad as people would like everyone to believe. As long as I'm having fun I will keep paying. Edited by gridge
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No. 1 by far, and the only issue I care about:


Fluid PvP-Combat - Responsiviness - Ability Delay Fix.


I can live with all the other **** happening in this game, as long as I feel my Toon being under my complete control. The rest can be fixed in 3-6 months, I dont care

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You ask the question then answer it yourself.


I've already resubbed. I give a mmo 6-12 months to work through the issues. People what to rush through everything. If you want a clean version buy an mmo 6 months after release.


I may not pay every month but I also have learned to limit myself and not try to get fully geared ASAP. For me its about enjoying the game now instead of being top dog.

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Have Bioware be the one to make the ga- Wait.


Well then, give Bioware some artistic license to produce the st- Wait.


Hmm, I guess for me to be interested I'd need a reason to play through more than one storyli- Wait.


Ugh, well I guess if the storyline is good, I'd really like to have one of those super awesome tripod robots as a compani- Wait.


No I know, let me meet that trooper from the Hope trailer in a super epic quest chain where he just sh- Wait


How about killing that jerk that sacked Corus- Wait.


Okay well I'll bet you they can't make him an engaging character with more than one dimension, possibly even something like a love interest or a wi- Wait.


Okay, uh...


Yeah I guess I'm probably gonna resubscribe then. :/

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I honestly don't know what all the moaning is about, I have done plenty of warzones completely lag free, all the quests are fun and enjoyable, graphics are top notch, input lag isn't an issue if have 2 brain cells to rub together and can work round it (not that it's bad anyway) bb to everyone who has unsubbed, I didn't know any of you and I don't want to. You sound like a bunch of moaning old women!
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They never lost my trust and I already resubbed for 3 months, this was a massive mmo undertaking even by today's standards so there might be a few more bugs to squash then most are use to dealing with.


Fortunately I have lot of patience and faith, that Bioware will fix issues and add amazing content given some time.

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