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*What* Would It Take To Make You Resub?


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For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


For me:


1) Reset all valour gains since the 1.1 patch. While I am not a pvper, this kind of gaffe is going to completely mess up the pvp demographics of this game for months to come.


2) Fix the mirror imbalances between classes of the Republic and Imperial. Even though I play on the Imp side, I consider this to be 100% bogus.


3) Fix JK/SW tanking and dps trees. I understand that you don't want *everyone* rolling these classes, but the answer wasn't to make them as awful as possible. We need AOE tanking tools, less backloaded damage animations and the stupid "parry lock" issue to be fixed. And the fix better not be a nerf to parry! Marauders need love too.


4) Anticipate the need for an automated group finder, especially for levelling content. The current rush will soon be over and it will become virtually impossible to get a group for this stuff. Whether or not you like finders, they are standard in the industry at present and their lack causes far more problems than their inclusion.


5) Allow us to use the High quality textures if we so choose. The fact that Bioware continues to use these for advertising purposes while shutting us out of them is downright obnoxious.


6) Make crafting skills equally good rather than trying to make them equally bad.


7) Offer incentives to the Reps on very imbalanced servers. Bonus % xp, valour and similar gains may help. At present anyone looking to PvP is moving to Imp due to the post Ilum-disaster gear advantage, skill balance and 'bad side being the pvp side' syndrome.


8) If you insist on forcing us to group manually, at least give us a decent LFG tool rather than spamming /1 for 2 hours.


9) Focus on bug fixing and polishing this game rather than grunting out new content. Of course new content is important, but the amount of issues 1.1 *didn't* fix is staggering.


10) Give us sprint/fastmove skills much earlier. The amount of time wasted at lower levels due to shlepping around is awful


11) Allow us to choose our first companion. Sure it may muck with canon a touch, but I *really* don't want to have to wait until 40 for my healer, 30 for my first interesting/female companion or drag a big lizard man who prattles on about 'points' for my first 12 hours of gameplay.


12) Optimize and streamline the engine.


What is your list?

Edited by Frostbird
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I'm resubbing because I have high expectations for this game. I think BioWare will come through on their promises -- eventually -- and the game will eventually be at the level that we all hope. However, some people can never be pleased; even if all of their complaints are answered, they'll continue to complain. That's not being a fanboy, that's exposing the ugly truth about the internet.
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Nothing is need to make me resub, i'm already subed for 3 month. Even if you guys can't see it, this game as a big potential and is doing way better then wow was doing for the same periods of time after it launch.


Wow can't sill patch there server in a day without a **** up lol. That allot for game who made that much money over those years imo lol

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Pretty much what you said. Except the companion issue. They just need to realized elite mobs are not suppose to be large parts of groups just roaming around. This would help a lot with need to min/max a companion everytime you die.
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For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


What is your list?





  1. Demonstrate that they can put out quality improvements (no repeat of patch 1.1)

  2. Demonstrate that they can quickly respond to a major flaw (no repeat of their response to the 1.1 Illum fiasco)

  3. Lose the Arrogance and act like a company that appreciates my business



I can wait as they improve things. I understand and accept things take time. I am even fine with mistakes (I let my employees slide all the time for mistakes).



What I do not like, is when I see 'sloppy' work, sloppy response and a sense of arrogance (those employees are quickly fired).


Edited by Loekii
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  1. Demonstrate that they can put out quality improvements (no repeat of patch 1.1)

  2. Demonstrate that they can quickly respond to a major flaw (no repeat of their response to the 1.1 Illum fiasco)

  3. Lose the Arrogance and act like a company that appreciates my business



I can wait as they improve things. I understand and accept things take time. I am even fine with mistakes (I let my employees slide all the time for mistakes).



What I do not like, is when I see 'sloppy' work, sloppy response and a sense of arrogance (those employees are quickly fired).



If you don't mind me asking, when were they arrogant? Also, in the MMO world, fixing the Ilum thing happened REALLY quickly. I've seen gamebreaking flaws (not bugs, things like the Ilum issue) that have gone on for weeks before being addressed.

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This is my post in a separate thread. Any of the following number items would get me to subscribe for one month. Additional months would depend on my experiences in the first.





First of all, this games leveling experience is second to none. If there were no monthly fee I'd stay and level alts for quite some time. In order to continue playing under a subscription ANY of the following will get me back in the future:


1) Dungeon finder - All I ask is that it incorporates a porting system like PvP. Just let me queue up, run dailies or whatever. Just like Warzones. I do foresee issues with only 4 person flashpoints as you only have two dps with one tank and one healer. In most games dps already have a decent wait, it will be worse in this situation. And so a simple dungeon finder might not be enough. I'd have to wait and hear how it works out


2) X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter style space combat - My guess is this won't even be possible until an expansion. But it will get me back



3) Balanced PvP matchmaking - I should start by saying that if BW doesn't rollback valor gains in Ilum from patch 1.1 AND cap the daily valor obtainable there, I'm not sure I'll ever care about PvP in this game again.


Assuming they do fix the crazy valor gains yesterday, I'd like to see either:


a) premades versus premades only and pugs versus pugs OR

b) gear balanced pvp


There would need to be other improvements made to the pvp system but this would be a start. I don't think this is feasible without a cross server implementation or by buffing players stats for the instance.

Edited by fro_do_fraggins
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full 100% detailed description of what Legacy is adding including screen shots of any and all new character customization options (or at least concept art; models probably aren't done if there's going to be any new hair/beards/heads/etc) Edited by ParanoidHobo
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Resub? I never unsubbed, and I am damn well looking forward to whats coming up next!


This is the right attitude to have. Yeah the game has problems, but being optimistic and trusting that the company won't just let the game fall into buggy oblivion is both intelligent and undoubtedly correct. The majority of these trolls are just following /v/s coattails and have no real opinion of their own.

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for me its


1. merge the dead servers or do something about those ghost towns


Where they all gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?


Back on topic, acknowledgment from Bioware they dropped the ball and instead of a project manager managing the product they slapchopped the game together.

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