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Everything posted by Grendol

  1. May be an old topic but searching up everything on the GTN by typing the items name in EXACTLY gets old quick. Would be much more hassle free if we could right click the item we are searching for in order to pull it up on the search. Just gets old real quick typing in every individual item I want to find and I'm sure others find it annoying as well. cheers.
  2. From what I've read here, My two cents is that "Phantom" has saved me multiple times and actually can be a game changer when it comes to facing an opponent that blew all they got and you are able to escape for a long enough time and then come back at them. Another instance it helps me is that on nodes I am able to defend a little bit longer while I interrupt a cap on Civil war, go invisible and pop back in to play with the person or just destroy them. Depends on what you want to play like as well.
  3. I'll agree we do alot of dmg, but from my point of view we can still be stun killed just like anyone... If we are focused we die or have to pop our CD's to get out and run... Also, gear does actually play a roll into how much dmg we deal and take due to expertise. I find us to be alot like BH's with the high dmg yet squishy when focused, but play what you feel i guess its a game.
  4. Ok, from my standpoint right now in PvP... It is ridiculous facing Sages/Sorc's that are grouped up... Trying to figure out a way to burn one down without the others re-bubbling his ***/Healing him till topped up... This is not just the trio vs me but 4 of my team trying to take them on... Sure we consider gear issues yet they can heal/burn better than all of us just by staying packed on each other with the huttball or on a node... But anyways I would like to know what possible way to actually take them down cuz CC's aren't working great cuz they always pop out quite instantly and resolve is usually topped... Ok, enough of my whining lemme know what you guys do against this...
  5. Last I checked a GOOD Trooper/BH can rip us a new one with all those knock-backs and stun... Sorcs/Sages can destroy us if we are not stealthed and jump em... Too many people die by Ops/Scoundrels due to poor usage of their OWN mechanics. A good Trooper when jumped quite literally pops his CD's and blasts your face and oh wait... that took maybe 6 sec tops. BW is making this game for the majority to enjoy not the minority and guess we just have to deal with it but I see way too much player failure to use their own mechanics to get out of sticky situations...
  6. What would make you re-sub? Not reading forums and playing the game for what it is, not reading all the **** that hit the fan on here would be a fantastic idea if I do say so myself. Now I am gonna go pvp adios!
  7. Ya pretty much... Bunch of girly boys not getting everything they want and not even giving constructive criticism because they obviously have no clue what the REAL problem is... Do research before making drastic statements. NOW is not always better and everything has to adapt and even us so take a chill pill the world isn't over and let the dev's figure THEIR work out so that we can come home from work/school etc. and chill on the game we all know and love!
  8. Being an Imperial and then doing a Republic character I thought they threw a lot of work into the Republic. All the action in the beginning with the troopers and smugglers was well done and grabbed interest to me almost instantly. I would play Republic only if I hadn't started off as an IA but seriously the population is overall the players attitudes towards the game and I feel art and perception is huge in choices. The troopers are a HUGE picture in Star Wars and I know plenty of people jumping on Republic due to that. I also think they give the Republic a fair game of Winning in the cinematic's like Hope and all that. My big issue though is that we have too many girly boys or socially inept people playing that don't communicate to get things done... MMO's require the social part and numbers would show up if there was some actual guidance and support from the whole community on a server. All MMO's are great when they have a fun player base that communicates and guides one another. Just my two cents and hope we can all get along which I think BW wants to happen.
  9. Wondering how many of you guys pick up Survival Training and drop Conditioning or what not. Been chatting with members in my guild about this...
  10. I may be right or wrong on this but as soon as you hit 50 you are very reliant on your gear such as Expertise like you are saying. I noticed one piece of gear boosted me on my 1v1 fights with my buds.
  11. Interesting might give what you have set up a try! I haven't been working too much with the flashbang and heal but yeah that sounds like it could work nicely.
  12. Screw what people say about nerfs, and as long as your good at your class you will do fine. Wait it out because I don't believe we are going to the crapper anytime soon.
  13. Wouldn't it still be viable for the points when you DO need to get away from your target example such as Jug or Assassin? I feel like i need to run at some points quickly and then get back into the fight. Thanks for suggestion though, will consider!
  14. I'm not trying to just use peoples builds, but see what they are using due to so multiple alterations of the concealment spec. Sorry if i'm sounding noobish to you but i like to switch specs up a lil to see what i can maximize in certain areas. I never just copy people's spec because they never work towards my exact play style etc.
  15. PvP'ing has been great so far but I'm looking for some feedback on what tree's we are using. I'm not finding the cookie cutter spec to be the most viable in a lot of the situations i have been dealing with. If anyone has been finding some nice tree setups, I would like to try some out thanks. COOKIE Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGhGodkrbfzZhr.1
  16. Everyone at 50 gets their quest to go to Ilum... This really isn't BW's fault that the player base isn't fighting each other. Go rile some people up, make them want to fight, be creative! Most people see PvP only in Warzones so just give em something to think about back in World PvP! If you can't, i guess check other servers to see if anyone is more active because I have had no problems with World PvP and jumping groups with my buds... Sorry for inconvenience but the game isn't **** because of Ilum. Maybe check Tatooine for lowbie levels cuz maybe not everyone is 50 that you would like to see....
  17. Wouldn't really know because i used her in like 3 of the light/dark choices i had and then got her to 10000 affecting in a day with my treasure hunting companion gifts... But you kill jedi's and act harsh she gets pissed... That's my definition of dark. Every light choice i had i gained 100 or so affection so the way i see it being light is a hella more beneficial but meh do what you feel we have companion gifts for a reason!
  18. Sweet! Thanks for the info and much appreciated. I have tried Darkness in warzone situations and i do end with a good end match status such as "Protection" "K/D" etc. but where i lack was if i faced another assassin or a shadow... I'm not sure why but they ended up rolling the floor with me even though i CC'd like mad to keep them at bay. I'm assuming it's just the huge burst in which they put out but now that I'm deception it seems pretty easy to pick my targets from stealth and take them out unless of course it's a group of more than 3. But hey thanks for the feedback!
  19. Ahh im Dec spec and using 5/33/3 srry bout that
  20. Ya straight dps companion no tanking. Thats what Khem is for! But ya she has a good romance and does great dmg!
  21. Ok, so i want to hear from you guys about what you find the most useful in openers and certain situations such as facing troopers/BH's Marauders/Sentinels and those damn Consulars.... I've used different approaches but i'd like to hear what you all have to say and what works
  22. Yes you can romance her but you have to be more light side and not really a viable tank but good dps
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