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Did you read the patch notes today?


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They need to shut the game down for two weeks revamp the engine and fix the endgame.


Make an official apology post admitting they suck and didnt listen to their players.


Everyone that quit would come back and the game would flourish.


But they are gonna take the standard use the PR guy to talk in circles, patch a few things break a few others, heavily censor the forums when people complain and basically let the game sink because ME3 will launch and they wont care.



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I cant wait for the 14 year old idiots to unsub, just thinking of greener pastures!


Games been out 1 month, we have had 6 patches. Neck yourself if you cant see the good in that.


Or conversely, it was released too early and NEEDED 6 patches only 1 month after release.

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Something broke, they fessed up, shutdown the ability to grief/exploit once they realized it and then immediately patched the problem AND rolled back Valor points.


Did they fix EVERYTHING overnight?


No, but they did the right thing here.


Some people never want to see the positive.


Tell me what part of this particular fix did they do the WRONG thing?


The right thing would've been being smart about faction balance from the start to avoid this disaster.

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Im having fun in the game, dont see what all the fuss is about.


its called trolling. people pulling facts out of thier butts or taking a teeny bit of info twisting it however they can to meet their argument and turning it into the end of the world, pretty much normal forum behavior for a game, hell look at the diablo 3 forums right now after Jay Wilson's post, pretty entertaining but the best advice to give anyone on these forums is this . only a fool would take anything said in this forum as fact or even take it remotely seriously unless of course it was posted by a dev.

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Enough of the damn bickering already! I reached Valor 58 the legit way and am locked out of the game because of the patcher problems.


They don't give a rats arss about a bunch of kids steam rolling their way to BM, they care about playing snipets of psuedo customer service while looking at how to attract more subscribers.


To heck with all this nonsense about Ilum and other ig issues for the moment, just fix the dagnabbit patcher so the rest of us can get back ig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Something broke, they fessed up, shutdown the ability to grief/exploit once they realized it and then immediately patched the problem AND rolled back Valor points.


Did they fix EVERYTHING overnight?


No, but they did the right thing here.


Some people never want to see the positive.


Tell me what part of this particular fix did they do the WRONG thing?


Didn't rollback Valor, just pwned as necessary. We'll never know exactly what they did unless they make a statement about it like they did about the Illum bans but still.

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They didn't:


- Give everyone a free year of game time.

- Give the loudest complainers gold-plated speeders that boost movement speed by 250%.

- Give those complainers each 500k credits.

- Tell everyone that they are failures and rolled out a game that's still in the Alpha stage.

- Bring world peace





Easy now with that Biojuice or you pass out.

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They need to shut the game down for two weeks revamp the engine and fix the endgame.


Make an official apology post admitting they suck and didnt listen to their players.


Everyone that quit would come back and the game would flourish.


But they are gonna take the standard use the PR guy to talk in circles, patch a few things break a few others, heavily censor the forums when people complain and basically let the game sink because ME3 will launch and they wont care.




Blizzard didn't do that the first 5 months WoW was out, other companies that released MMO's didn't do that either. Why fix what ain't broken?

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So much whining here. This is barely something worth whining about. It´s not like Valor is hard to grind up.


I remember in DAOC when EU database was corrupt and you lost all of your items. That was something to whine about.

And that it took 2 month before some were corrected, and that you had to have active subscription to be fixed.

THAT is something to whine about.


This, this is nothing compared.

WoW/Xbox generation is really something...

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lol. No. They haven't even sold 2 million copies and your laughably absurd claims was the worst kind of fanboy denialism flying in the face of facts..


Their initital sales were about 1.237 million with pre-orders and first week copies. 269k the next week. 95k the third. It sold 21K copiesthe first week of January. It didn't even make Top-40 which required, last week, sales of just over 47,000 units.



That's why the analysts downgraded EA. They look at the sales numbers. They know what 21K sales means. Even if you and the other people in denial don't.


They also look at server numbers. Which, if you'd seen the server data, you'd know the sever populations have dropped in population by 50% in the past three weeks as huge swaths of 'the silent 95%' seem to be moving on or are already getting plain old BORED and finding other things to do...


Three weeks ago Thursday night at this time: 800K concurrent users.

Tonight at this time: 400K concurrent users.



That's why people who say this game appears doomed to fail are probably right. This is no WoW. If you're sales drop to 21K in AAA release this early -- YOU ARE ALMOST CERTAINLY DONE AS A VIABLE EXPANSION-CAPABLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. You have, to be blunt, screwed the pooch with a massive sales drop-off like this.


And it's NEVER going to be a WoW killer. That's for sure. At 21K a week, with no drops, it will take an additional 309 weeks (almost six years) for SWTOR to have as many subs as WoW got in one year. Do you think nobody is going to cancel in the next six years?


I'd be curious if this game will have a population as large as LOTRO (350k subs plus all the F2P people) in a year. So deny all you want. Pretend you've got 2 million fellow players.


And enjoy your river... The one called De' Nile. The one not bothered by analytics that say RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG.


Nope, it's all unicorns and fairies in the garden...


Denial involves ignoring the facts which do not support the world view you wish to hold - a behaviour which is evident within your post.


For example, you seem to ignore the fact that server concurrency would inevitably go down as the holidays ended and people's many other obligations and activities reduced their playtime.


The fact that you can only accept facts which support your intended view makes you as deluded as you're attempting to convince us others are. You've even ignored the entire business model of an MMO, and the demonstrated fact that Bioware is capabile of seeing their games experience post-launch growth (see: DA:O.).

Edited by Inarai
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I don't understand the constant cries for shutdowns, rollbacks and downtime. Every issue is fixable without interrupting service beyond scheduled maintenance and emergency maintenance for emergency patches.


If people are exploiting, those issues need to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, not with some shotgun method that ruins the game experience for the vast majority of players who did not exploit.

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Something broke, they fessed up, shutdown the ability to grief/exploit once they realized it and then immediately patched the problem AND rolled back Valor points.


Did they fix EVERYTHING overnight?


No, but they did the right thing here.


Some people never want to see the positive.


Tell me what part of this particular fix did they do the WRONG thing?

They won't roll back most of the valor points. You can't punish people for pvp-ing and taking advantage of a bug that BW only announced in the forums.


Besides, BW deserves to be skwered for it because the game breaking bug was easily avoidable with adequate testing. They are showing a trend in the first month that they don't pay attention to issues in testing until they blow up something in the live game (slicing 1.0, Ilum 1.1).

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Besides, BW deserves to be skwered for it because the game breaking bug was easily avoidable with adequate testing. They are showing a trend in the first month that they don't pay attention to issues in testing until they blow up something in the live game (slicing 1.0, Ilum 1.1).


I love how people have this skewed notion of the kinds of testing that are possible.


Some issues will never come up until you hit live. You cannot create true live circumstances in testing - it's an actual impossibility.

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Where is the cool down graphic fix? Where is a single response to all the threads about it?


Frankly, the design of the cooldown fix is good - the implementation requires but one addition to be great: a colour for "on cooldown, you have the resources for it". Actually, perhaps a two-piece indicator: an outline indicates true/false cooldown status, and a colour code indicates resource status. It presents more information than simply greying out all abilities that are on cooldown, and delivering as much information as efficiently as possibly is a principle of good UI design.

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I'm curious...


What would shutting the game down do? Bioware actively works on updates, fixes, and what have you whether the game is running or not.


I also doubt they could fix the engine in two weeks not to mention whatever is wrong with the end game. Though I do enjoy seeing such blanket arguments crop up everywhere.


Also Mass Effect 3 and SWTOR is handled by two different teams at two different studios.


Bringing it down would free up resources currently involved in non-improvement tasks so those resources could be put to use on actual improvement. Rethinking the server distribution of players and merging servers where necessary made easier by bringing it down. Less complaints about the game being down "now and then". Create more interest in the game and an assurance to players that they are doing whatever they can to fix this and are not afraid to take drastic steps to do so.


Is that enough or should I go on?

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They needed rollbacks of yesterdays valor and implement valor daily caps for Ilum. It should supplement your valor, not be the main source of it.


I also assume that limiting shard sizes will mean lots of shards with just the oversized faction and no opponents?


I would disagree, world PvP should be the MAIN form of PvP and the meaningless cage fights they call warzones should be side games, nothing more.

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Ahh yes--the blind detractor.... There were no issues with patch 1.1. Move along. Nothing to see here...


Not saying there weren't. But don't try to pretend the blind detractor doesn't exist. It's kind of like blind cynics - they're harder to spot than they're counterpart, but they're just as wrong.


In any case, every patch ever from any software developer will have issues. If you're expecting otherwise, you're being completely unrealistic - though it's not unusual for people to have ridiculous expectations of software do to a lack of understanding of the subject.

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