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Nerf grav/tracer omg!


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Some people surely haven't played a merc. They have no mobility. You can avoid spamming tracers by moving and interrupt. They can't give chase and shoot tracers. It needs to stack 3-5 times which is why they spam it so they can hit you with there real damage abilities. 30 sec to 1 minute cool down is a ridiculous notion. So it would take 2 1/2 to 5 minutes before they could use any of there power abilities on someone. Talk about killing the merc. One tracer run off for a minute, come back and find same enemy toon to stack second tracer a minute later, run off again and repeat a few more times then use power ability then run off again and hide. Should take about 15 minutes to kill one toon unless they healed.
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Commando has at least 4 ability right now, each can be used in pvp: grav round, high impact bolt, demolition round and full auto. The funny part is that full auto currently broken and its not looks like BW will fix it any time soon. And hib/dr both are instant with crappy animation (just as grav round), so you barely can say, when troper hits you with any of these abilities:)

Actually i dont undestand, what problem do you have with 1.5 sec ability, that hits for 1.5k and crits for 2.5-3 and can be easily interrupted. Any good 50 lvl char in champion gear has at least 17k hp.

Edited by Anttonen
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freaking nerf grav round and tracer missiles jesus christ all they do is spam them and its 1 button wonder. its a joke thats not funny anymore nerf them they need to be nerfed badly.



either greatly reduce them in damage give them a 1 minute cooldown or make the ability cost alot to use and i mean alot.



i know this will get trolled by troopers and bountyhunters that want to keep there 1 button spam wonder abilitys but tracer missiles and grav round need a dam nerf period.


lolPvP :D


Stop trying to nerf my PvE because of the idiocy that is PvP. Down with the oppressors! :D

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As a BH Merc, you're nicely set up to go around destroying the foolish.


The skilled will destroy you, however. Those that know how to use LoS and capitalize on your total lack of mobility while attacking with most of our abilities? Those that know how to force you to burn our moderate defensive CD before unloading holy hell in the form of an unreadable hailstorm of red numbers interrupted by nothing until the Respawn gui pops?


Think of we mercs as your intelligence test. If you can't kill us, you're not as smart as you think you are and you're not skilled no matter what your gear is. It doesn't take a genius to LoS us and force our hand, use our immobility while using most of our attacks against us and so on.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you're being tracer spammed (Which is almost always a bad idea and, in my experience, kiiiiiiinda marks someone as inexperienced with the class), GO AROUND A CORNER.


S'right. You are one broken line of sight away from interrupting the spam. Yeah, we've got some talents that can slow you for 2s on other attacks, and the smarter of us will pop you with those before dropping two tracers and an unload chased by a quickshot or two for minor damage and letting the heat drop, then popping tracer, rail shot and heat seaker again.


That's a high cost attack pattern right there in terms of heat. Follow it and if they aren't dead, you'll have to clear out or avoid the backlash by kiting, or more realistically just die to the two meleers you'll never escape that've been wailing on you the whole time through the energy shield CD they forced us to pop in the first five seconds.


So yeah, play one sometime OP. It'll educate you.

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Same can be said for sith shooting lighting out of every orifice. All I do in pvp is dance around the zone jigging to the ten million people who rolled sith doing nothing but shoot lightning at me.


To be fair, every visible thing that a sorc does to you has the same lightning graphic.

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To be fair, every visible thing that a sorc does to you has the same lightning graphic.

Or the graphic is subtle. All three dots have incredibly subtle graphics compared to








Compared to the lightning graphics, people barely notice that they have a bunch of dots stacked on them.

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yeah, i have no problem fighting pyro spec'd mercs. its pretty easy to figure them out. they hit you with their dot, so clear it. yeah the thermal det is still going to hit hard, but youre forcing them to expend a lot of heat to reapply that dot. without the dot there is no rail shot for a pyro merc


sticky grenade/thermal detonator/assault plastique can be cleansed as well

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read my post again and rethink your lack of comprehension.

commando vs pyro merc = priest vs affliction warlock with no dispel resistance. your dmg sources are dot/tech with activation time. now think again


the lack of comprehension is on your end


1) only a scoundrel/op and commando/bh can remove tech debuffs without spec'ng into a healing tree. seers can if spec'd. the 12362265234230948070070808990 lightning spamming sorcs in your game can not.


2) anyone burning a gcd to remove stuff of themselves is not doing damage to you. they are already losing. if you're alone fighting a premade who had dedicated cleanser then..well you're alone vs. a premade. if it's premade on premade the pressure on their healer should be high enough that he's got other things on his mind than trying to cleanse ANYTHING.



3) poster before you is wrong - my scoundrel who can remove tech baseline can not cleanse any of the grenades. only the dot portion of plasma grenade can be removed by triage. my scoundrel is a battlemaster and got it as sawbones, not scrapper.


if yo uare up against a bh who is cleansing your incendiary round dot, you are still reapplying it with hammer shots which hit like a truck as full assult and he's still going to eat your charged bolts and full auto and assault platique - which when it crits is particularly nasty. hammer shots in this spec apply plasma cell a LOT and if your opponent is stupid enough to just sit there and cleanse himself while you're busy pillar-humping his attempts to tracer missle you - he's lost.




Edited by Corran
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You remind me of those Pyros back at Rifts release.


calling everyone bad when all they did was stand in a circle and one shot anyone within a 10 mile radius.


Same thing here Im afraid except instead of a circle its a bubble...


And instead of one shotting its pressing one button over and over.


Sure I can beat most mercs if I catch them unawares on my Guard or Scoundrel... but gueas what happens if they see me?


Bubble + Tracer spam with the ocassional knockback when I interupt tracer so My window of opportunity is gone.


Mercs and Commandos Will get balanced weather you believe so or not... even Pyros got what was coming to them and they put on a far more convincing case than you lot are.


You have no earthly idea what you are talking about comparing pyro's to BH/Commando's back then. We dont have a thing we put on the ground that makes us immune to Knockback, Interrupts, Pushback, Take 40% less dmg and then litterally crit someone for 11k+ with an instant cast. If for some reason you become blind and not notice the stupid missile explosion hitting you and LOS it or find the person doing it and interrupt them then you deserve to die.


What do you think is going to happen if you let a glorified stationary cannon sit there and hit things without stopping it? :eek: IT HURTS THATS WHY YOU DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT and if you dont you get beat and deserve to and Pyro's never had a convincing case and if you think they did im sorry but you're stupid.

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Just for note, i play neither a merc nor a commando.


that being said, here is why grav/tracer are far from OP.


  1. you have to spec into it
  2. it is high cost
  3. you have to spec into lowering the cost
  4. it isn't overwhelming damage
  5. it has a cast time
  6. even at reduced cost, it is still less than cheap to use
  7. did i mention the cast time? use your interrupt
  8. specing into it means not speccing things like healing


There are interrupts that can be specced as low as 6s. they interrupt the current action and disable it for 4s. the cast time on grav/tracer is 1.5s.




.5s when you can reasonably cast it w/o it being interrupted. forget stuns, kb, and death.


on top of that, a tracer spammer is a tracer spammer, don't expect them to adjust well to the interrupt and in most cases enjoy your 5.5s of not being attacked.

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and that BH aint even in full pvp gear either from the looks of it. once he is they will be 4k's and 6k's


grav round hits in 1 go or a damage on hit then more when it explodes i forgot.


but ive been hit by grav round for around 13k is the hardest and then on average 4k to 11k


so giving this ability a 30 second cooldown so its not spammable would be perfect


Take your make believe numbers and stick them where you got them from. You start out saying 8k now you you see a video of one with decent gear critting for 2.4k non-critts for 1.3k and it's "oh they will be 4-6k's by the time he's got gear!".


It's one of the few BH ability's that isn't on a cooldown, of course it's going to get spammed (plus to keep the debuf up). Mercs have to stand still a long time to do damage, makes them an easy target.

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Everyone who thinks tracer missile is "iwin" needs to l2P. Tracer missile spam at 50 is more an "ifail", as they've got no clue what to do if it gets interrupted or they get dotted. They just flee in terror.

Also, LOS is your best friend. Get hit for 4k? MOVE ffs.

And ye, at 50 with champ. gear tracer missile will do 4k +/- at most, with trinket and adrenal.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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As a Sith Assassin, one of the squishier classes, I don't have a problem with tracer missile. It is the easiest to avoid ability I encounter in warzones. The exception is if that merc is PVPing with someone who can root. Since this doesn't happen often, and lets face it, 2v1 you are going to die anyway, it isn't a big deal.


What I suspect has happened is a few bads who have no idea what good position is and how it matters in pvp got splatted because they sat still in one spot for the 15 seconds it took for a merc to spam tracer missile long enough to kill them. Sorry bad, but you deserved to die. Go QQ on the wow forums or something.

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Everyone who thinks tracer missile is "iwin" needs to l2P. Tracer missile spam at 50 is more an "ifail", as they've got no clue what to do if it gets interrupted or they get dotted. They just flee in terror.

Also, LOS is your best friend. Get hit for 4k? MOVE ffs.

And ye, at 50 with champ. gear tracer missile will do 4k +/- at most, with trinket and adrenal.


Tracer is the highest damage/lowest heat (when speced) move not to mention the armor reduction debuf. Shoot off any other combination of specials and you're heat locked. If you run up on a fight and you're not getting beat on then tracer is the best option to keep attacking for a sustained amount of time. The problem is that mercs have a very small bag of tricks except for being tanks (long range slow reload heavy Hitter).

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