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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People doing this should be banned on sight


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No, you misunderstood me as I said that I was referring to other smaller issues and bugs other than the open world pvp and its exploits. I was going off topic.


But even then to say that this wasn't anticipated.. I mean even before 1.1 hit and even right after the patch notes were listed. There were threads saying wait a min... this is going to turn into a problem. The warnings were there. The other major issue is that there is no way to transfer lvl 50s to the test server so this really was never "tested" AND it should have been.


But still, dude... you're talking about a matter of 2, 3 weeks at most here. Even if we give them 3 weeks ago (which would make the game 1 week old), they would still need at least 2 weeks to even come up with a plan to fix it. Meanwhile, they already have 1.1 in the pipeline.


Problems like this are only caught in a Live scenario. The game is just now today officially a month. 1.1 came out... like... 2 days ago. They wouldn't even realistically be able to tackle a problem like this until 1.2 - which is I guess another month?


I know it's not Beta. We're paying customers. We have a right to expect this to be fixed. But we don't have a right to lose our heads and unreasonable about this. Bioware made pretty good with 1.1. It wasn't a huge patch, but it was decent, considering half the time they spent developing it, it was Christmas and New Years.


I think everyone can chill for at least one more honest update.

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The only things that would restore some viability for me:


1. Massive bans/suspensions and valor resets to 0 of everyone and i mean everyone who exploited in past few days either base camping/kill trading


2. Reverting Ilum to pre 1.1 until they have something that actually works, updating for sake of updating is fail, current state is worse than it was. I dont mind waiting until they make something that stands on its own 2 legs. Whats happening is not something "new", its PvP 101

Edited by GrandMike
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Bioware won't and hasn't punished anyone for exploiting. Or maybe a 3d ban or something. They let the credit exploiters keep their billions, and the valor farmers their valor.


Instead of having faith in bioware, just give into reality.


Wrong. They do ban for exploiting. Guildie got one to gnaw upon for a week, so this is a fact. As for myself - i report bugs/exploits as soon as i see them.



And weekly ban just for the time when the case is being weighted and considered. Final measures is still unknown.

Edited by Kerus
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its always funny to see when you lot justify your anti social behavior by trying to blame others because you new something was wrong.


Technically speaking, trading kills is a lot more social than mindlessly running out there to get killed (If you're a Rep) or find nobody to kill (If you're an Imp).


Illum is like this because it's a broken mess. If people weren't trading the planet would practically be 100% dead. It simply isn't. Fun.


That's the problem. But I guess people are too thick to recognize it. Keep blaming the players for Bioware's terrible game design- they can leave whenever they want. Bioware can either fix their game, or ban large chunks of their playerbase and watch their game suffer a slow death.


It so simple, yet it seems to be going right over everyone's heads.

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This mere video game represents not only real-world gain to the developer in question, but others' paychecks will disappear if this game fails. It's very hasty to call for anyone's job as we will never know who actually called what shot. However, to pretend that hundreds of millions weren't spent on this trivial video game and real people's livelihood could potentially be on the line is so obtuse it doesn't abide the telling.


wait so farming rebels is ok.. Rebels farming imps.... bannable?




Looks perfect. I asked if this is legal earlier. It will be a great way for me to level battlemaster gear.


Imps, you can do the same thing ya know! I'd be willing to have my guild and your guild farm each other.

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Wrong. They do ban for exploiting. Guildie got one to gnaw upon for a week, so this is a fact. As for myself - i report bugs/exploits as soon as i see them.



And weekly ban just for the time when the case is being weighted and considered. Final measures is still unknown.


no proof. I can sa anything on the web. That is so made up.

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A 3 or even 7 day ban for this would be not enough.


What I like to see would be a prison zone added to the empire and republic capitol, the offending chars would be permanently transferred there.

The player can still log that char in but he will be restricted to his 10 by 10 feet cell.

If he logs out his char still remains there with name and guild tag for all to see and laugh obviously this prison could be visited by the players.


The char would obviously become none deletable in the menu.

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Fight Clubbing.


This is what happens to PVP when you have gear progression with magic pvp stats.


Instead of playing the game people just want the shiny and dont care how they get it.


SWG comes to mind with the Jedi gind, FRS fight clubbing, the nade tossers then the AFKers on Kash.


I am just suprised that people just dont start farming medals in WF's as well, Like in hutball all the people with guard just guard people in acid baths then take turns farming kills at each other end zone.. that will be the next phaze of people i guess.

Edited by Razot
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no proof. I can sa anything on the web. That is so made up.


Nah, it does happen.


A habitual botter on my server got a 7-day ban. And that seems to be the MOST SERIOUS ban they give out. I have NEVER heard of any permabans.


The botter in any other game would've gotten a permaban, easy.


He warzone botted from 11-45, exploited a story quest that allowed him to level from 45-50 in an hour. He continued to bot at 50 for the next two days. He had a champion title and had almost full champion set from pure botting. He was banned for 7 days after more than 100 people reported him for a good WEEK.


BioWare does punish people. But the delay and the punishment makes it a joke.

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How to fix the problem:


- Have a GM overseeing Illum

- GM sees kill trading.

- GM instagibs everyone involved.


The angry hand of god maybe (Monty Python-esque) would be a great way to do this, that way it is very clear to everyone involved that Kill Trading is not appropriate.


Perhaps after a few weeks, once they get Illum working properly, if the problem still exists, perhaps they could start using the ban-hammer.

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If they want to show hard evidence then submit it to support not post it publicly on a forum and youtube where more ppl can see it then make it even more public to where the main stream hops on board and now 2 days later Ilum pvp turns into that **** where ppl just sit in the center and trade kills instead of caps..


That's EXACTLY why they should show it publicly, so Bioware can't sweep the claims under the rug like they always do.

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The thought processes in this thread are mind blowing. People actually think like that?


I leave my keys in my car and you steal it and it's my fault you stole it? It's my fault you decided to get into my car, start the ignition and drive off? I made those decisions for you by leaving my keys in my car?


Sure, the insurance company may laugh in my face when I tell them what happened. But when the police catch you how well do you think, "He made me do it by leaving his keys in the car," is going to work when you're put in front of a judge and charge with grand theft auto?


Say I go to Wal-Mart and steal a pocket full of jewellery and a leather jacket. When I get caught you think it's gonna fly when I say, "It's their fault, they shouldn't stock anything that can fit in my pocket or that I can wear."


No, it's my fault. I made the decision to take the stuff without paying for it. I "exploited" a "bug" in the system and broke the law. And for that I will have to pay the price.


The ToS is the law, and it's purposely very vague. If BW decides you are using the system in an unintended way they can take action against you. You agreed to it when you checked that little box. It doesn't matter if you're paying for the game or not.


Now, maybe I am "out of touch with reality." Or maybe, just maybe, I was just raised right as another has said. Taught to take responsibility for my actions and not feel as though I'm entitled to any and everything.


As Johnny would say, "Flame On!"

Edited by MagikxMan
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Wrong. They do ban for exploiting. Guildie got one to gnaw upon for a week, so this is a fact. As for myself - i report bugs/exploits as soon as i see them.



And weekly ban just for the time when the case is being weighted and considered. Final measures is still unknown.


I don't think you know what a ban is. That is a suspension. Slap on the wrist. After those 7 days are up he gets to keep all his ill-gotten gains.


That's not a punishment for exploiting. That's why Bioware fails.

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Careful what you say around here. I expressed that view quite openly earlier and I was called pathetic, scum, and told that I was a sad person. I got warned because apparently calling for someone who messed up to be fired is bad, but insulting another player for it outright in the forums is legit.


The warn you for saying sneezing. Buncha *********** nazis. You should see my infractions.

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The thought processes in this thread are mind blowing. People actually think like that?


I leave my keys in my car and you steal it and it's my fault you stole it? It's my fault you decided to get into my car, start the ignition and drive off? I made those decisions for you by leaving my keys in my car?


Uhh... yes? Are you somehow trying to say getting your car stolen via your own stupidity means it ISN'T your fault? Really?


Sure, the insurance company may laugh in my face when I tell them what happened. But when the police catch you how well do you think, "He made me do it by leaving his keys in the car," is going to work when you're put in front of a judge and charge with grand theft auto?


I wouldn't say you made me. That's stupid. I'd just come to accept the punishment. That is, of course, not the situation we're in right now with the game, as Bioware does kind of want to keep players.


Say I go to Wal-Mart and steal a pocket full of jewellery and a leather jacket. When I get caught you think it's gonna fly when I say, "It's their fault, they shouldn't stock anything that can fit in my pocket or that I can wear."


But Wal-Mart's objective is to make money. That's directly stealing from them, and punishment should be handed out. Bioware is in a different situation, because the exploiters are still the playerbase who can easily choose to go to another MMO that knows what they're doing instead of banning players for their stupid mistakes. On another note, Wal-Mart takes all the necessary precautions to ensure they DON'T get stolen from, so stealing from them is a very difficult task anyways. I don't see Bioware taking any precautions to stop people from trading points.


No, it's my fault. I made the decision to take the stuff without paying for it. I "exploited" a "bug" in the system and broke the law. And for that I will have to pay the price.


You also got caught, because Wal-Mart has serious security, protecting them from getting stolen from. If they get robbed blind because they don't have any cameras, security, or tag detectors (Or whatever it is they're called) in front of their doors, then it is THEIR FAULT for not having taken any steps to prevent themselves from getting stolen from.


The ToS is the law, and it's purposely very vague. If BW decides you are using the system in an unintended way they can take action against you. You agreed to it when you checked that little box. It doesn't matter if you're paying for the game or not.


That was never the argument. It isn't in Bioware's best interest to leave an easily exploitable objective out there that practically nobody finds fun normally, and then just ban every person who uses the exploit. All ten of you people still playing might be happy, but while everyone else is out playing WoW, GW2, Tera, ect. it won't be so fun, now will it?


Now, maybe I am "out of touch with reality." Or maybe, just maybe, I was just raised right as another has said. Taught to take responsibility for my actions and not feel as though I'm entitled to any and everything.


No, you just don't have a shred of business sense in your entire body. You're the percentile, the average peasant corporations take advantage of because you think with how you feel and not your actual brain.


As Johnny would say, "Flame On!"


Comments in bold. I await your rebuttal.


I still don't see why everyone wants everyone to be banned. Why not just ask for the brokenness to be fixed? Is that really so hard?

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Come on - it's not anywhere near "beyond repair." The problems are very big problems, yes. But the solutions are very, very simple.


The question is whether or not they make the right decisions on the solutions.


Yea. Give everyone battlemaster status. That was the point of Ilum. Go there and in 3 days farm battlemaster status.


Now Republic players have a way and Imps are crying exploit. The players who grinded in wz are crying about it as well since they no longer can have a huge statistical advantage.


I think this is working as intended.


Although they probably should just let anyone get the armor for 1k. Then the title is just a title.

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Fight Clubbing.


This is what happens to PVP when you have gear progression with magic pvp stats.


Instead of playing the game people just want the shiny and dont care how they get it.


SWG comes to mind with the Jedi gind, FRS fight clubbing, the nade tossers then the AFKers on Kash.


I am just suprised that people just dont start farming medals in WF's as well, Like in hutball all the people with guard just guard people in acid baths then take turns farming kills at each other end zone.. that will be the next phaze of people i guess.


The solution imo is to just remove Ilum and roll back valor for the last few days. People don't actually want world PvP, we've proven that by how much we've complained about and exploited the new system. You don't want it, you just want an easy route to gear/status titles that now mean absolutely nothing.


Despite the fact that I really like how Ilum is now when it is legitimately played, I vote for removal of the pvp section of Ilum and rollback of the valor system just to give people what they really want.

Edited by Celebrus
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Fight Clubbing.


This is what happens to PVP when you have gear progression with magic pvp stats.


Instead of playing the game people just want the shiny and dont care how they get it.


SWG comes to mind with the Jedi gind, FRS fight clubbing, the nade tossers then the AFKers on Kash.


I am just suprised that people just dont start farming medals in WF's as well, Like in hutball all the people with guard just guard people in acid baths then take turns farming kills at each other end zone.. that will be the next phaze of people i guess.


Because the system overall awards powerlevelers with a big statistical advantage. The system is designed to force you to do this sort of non-sense.


My first post ever on the forums (2009) when I registered was pvp gear should be equal because of what it creates in-game. I got flamed for it and called all sorts of names mainly insulting my gaming skills because I didn't want to powerlevel for elite status.


Now the community is outraged over the entire pvp gear issue. Essentially, this is about pvp gear, its statistical edge and how easy/hard it is to obtain.


Oh and fun factor, which is like 3rd on the list of everyone.


The point is pvp gear should be easy to obtain, use. If its going to provide an edge it should be a very little mathmatical edge to players and I assume very challenging to obtain. Thus make going for it functionally not necessary to enjoy PvP.


Or you can have this model. A farming, loot camping, spawn killing, kill-trading, whore yourselve out for valor game.


I know its more fun for me.


It is completely obvious to anyone whose done any pvping in mmo's this is what happens. Its why the guy incharge of the pvp needs to be demoted. This sort of thing was going to occur given the system.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Seriously, you idiots are part of the problem. Just don't *********** farm valor. What's the point? does it make your epeen swell and throb?

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Seriously, you idiots are part of the problem. Just don't *********** farm valor. What's the point? does it make your epeen swell and throb?


These are the people who are saying "Stop QQing, stop whining, stop complaining." But when/if this game fails they will have no one to blame but themselves.


All that time exploiting for a game that is sinking.

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