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While it is frustrating, from a coding stand point it is not 'easy' to fix considering the situation. Adding items takes more work than simply 1-2-3.


They have to adjust the crafting systems for the appropriate mod. This means adding the coding for the base crafting, the RE chance schematics, REing itself, critical chances, and adding the schematic as a world drop or vendor drop among other things. If it is a world drop, they have to code in where it'll drop, or what crew skill mission it can come from.


With the additional weapon schematics (assuming any can have mods placed into them) they have to do similar coding for a new hilt with appropriate stating. The step above is mostly repeated.


They have to come up with new names for most of the items, and testing would have to be done to ensure everything works correctly and there are no bugs in place by some odd clash of coding.


It is not as easy as you seem to deem it. Not at all.

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My main is a Smuggler, and has a companion (Bowdaar, the Wookie) that is a melee-tank that uses STR as his primary stat. He's pretty much a Jedi Knight, just with no Force powers.


It's an easy fix to Qyzen: make his primary stat STR, and then change him so he doesn't actually show armor that's equipped on him. That's how Bowdaar is currently handled, and it works fine. He has a Jedi robe equipped, but you can't see it because his model doesn't actually show it - the options to change his look are just done through the customization vendors.


I think this would be a better idea anyway. Instead of just seeing a walking dinosaur with trooper armor, you'll be able to see a Trandoshan with his native garb. It'll look more natural, in my opinion.


I think this is the best available option. The only concern I have for it, is the sheer lack of customization available for Qyzen at this time. We are given no customization option as a quest reward (such as other classes get). No traditional vendors (i have seen) sell any customs, but they sell many for all 3 other starting companions. The only one I have seen was from the security vendor, for :sy_auction:25,000. I am thankful i can change his clothing now because of this. If that was missing, we would have green Qyzen, and the few people who dont want their account stolen have gold Qyzen.


While i like having control over what he wears, this is the simplest form to fix this. For the argument that the strength hilts carry force power, instead of tech, other companions in the game are already affected by this (pretty sure Bowdaar uses no force power - does it get converted to tech power for him? that would be a great fix!


*Or even make the game convert aim on his gear to strength and let him use strength while still keeping his trooper/hunter look - i know devs -want- him to look like a trooper so they are not wanting him to wear strength, but half the qyzens' i see out there are in jedi robes because either a: people like him to look like that, or b: people are so confused as to why he uses aim with a sword, and just equip him with strength out of ignorance*


//EDIT to add the following:

Our mirror class' first companion, Khem Val also has "hidden armor" and just uses his skins.


Programming wise, these two option are likely the easiest to add

-give Qyzen "hidden armor" like Bowdaar and Khem Val.


-modify Qyzen so all aim placed on him is converted to strength.


These two options do not add any items to the tables, only affect companions affected by this issue, and simply convert data (ie appearance, or stats), therefore keeping large scale changes to a minimum. If any items are changed, only with the first option would they have to change qyzens gear rewards from quests to STR


I am studying software engineering in college (early yes but i know its complexity), and realize no matter the method used to correct this, it will take extensive work (but that is part of making a game and keeping it running: finding an issue with design a, coding design b and realizing by doing that, you changed all the sith sorcerers into left handed wookies, then fixing that, and so on.... no matter what though, i agree this could use some work, so as to allow equal equipment rights to all companions, lizard or not lizard.

Edited by EuphonyWhite
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The only way this could be handled correctly is by going the route of Bowdaar; giving us customization items, making his appearance static, and allowing him to use STR/END guardian gear and Vibroswords.


If this would hurt Armstech, I'm sorry. If the only thing your entire crafting profession has going for it is crafting techblades for companions who have no other alternative due to some rather odd oversight (in my opinion), then they need to fix your crew skill. I don't really think demanding that the Sage's melee tank remain gimped compared to other classes companions for your benefit is a good battlecry for your profession. How about "Make us good!" instead?

Edited by HelAtaraxia
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If this has been mentioned, disregard this post. Too many posts so I just read OP.


I do not believe that there are any significant Hilts that are Aim based. So you would have to use inferior gear in order to do something like this atm. Now they could eventually code in more Cyber patterns for all of 1-2 characters that are not even playable. Or put some random vendor in that is only used for this odd and end. But, I think they have many more glaring issues to resolve if they have not yet.


No offense, but I hope they put this way back on the burner and finish with other bugs first. Like the video glitches, storyline quests bugging to death sentences, PvP Voidstar exploits, Project / Shock disparity, etc.


While having everything look just the way you want it is nice... You can't use him in a 4 man group, in an op, or in PvP. That means that a large amount of endgame content, the weapon would not be noticed. If you want it for looks, grab a weapon you like and stick it on him. Then if you actually need to solo something, put on the one with good stats. You would have to do that anyways until they decided to add all the additional things to keep an moddable upgraded as you level.


Good luck, but I hope it does not happen until much later.

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I'm guessing Armstech folks love us Consulars though right? I recently met an Armstech while doing a Heroic, and he was nice enough to craft me two different Techblades for my Trandoshan buddy.


I realize that is not the point of this thread, and I fully agree we should have moddable options just like every other weapon/companion would, but on the flip side, at least we're creating a small market for one of the Crew Skills, right?

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I hate Qyzen (because he's the worst companion ever as far as mechanics, behavior, stats, Techblade, combat, etc are concerned).


But I love Qyzen because he's really the only viable companion to used as a heavy Seer build. I can take on swarms of mobs with him tanking and me healing.

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Hello everyone!


You may notice many posts to this thread have been removed. Our forums do not allow petitions, but we didn't want to simply remove this thread, since there is so much valid discussion going on. Instead, we removed all references to it being a petition and any posts that had no content other than /signed or agree. Thank you for understanding.

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Wouldn't the easier solution to this be to let Techblades and Electrostaves take both hilt and barrel modifications?


That would compensate for the customizing crowd, I suspect.


As for those looking for drops, could just change all those prototype assault cannons with cunning on them (I still have no idea who uses those) to techblades/electrostaves with Aim ;)


(btw, I'm a 40 Smuggler, same boat as all of you with Akaavi)


This is actually the PERFECT solution. It solves all problems raised, it was mentioned back on page 1, and it was never talked about again.


The moddable tech blades, tech staves, and any other AIM melee gear can use 'barrels' in place of 'hilts.' The barrels are already in game, so absolutely no modification needs to be done to loot tables. It doesn't require that any characters using AIM gear switch to another primary stats, so game aesthetics are unaffected. The barrels are already crafting by Armstech's, the people who currently benefit from craftable techblades so their craft would not be devalued.


The only downside is how strange it would feel slotting a gun barrel into the hilt of your techblade. But that's minor compared to the amount of work other suggestions would require.



Edited by MeanMartian
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In the end, I'd rather they just delete stupid qyzen altogether. I hate him. Let us have a companion who isn't some crazy cultist who goes on and on about his stupid score, and who isn't some stupid trandoshan freak. Make nadia a dps/tank companion, and add another companion who doesn't suck at the end of tython.


How about we get rid of ignorant condescending misogynist theran and let us have elara dorne. Ditch qyzen and let us have t7 (who is annoyingly chipper, but at least isn't stupid like qyzen). Dump clingy needy insecure nadia and let us have kira.


Overall I dislike most of the consular companions. They're all annoying in one way or another. Wish I could boot them out the airlock.

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I love running with Qyzen as a Seer Consular. He tanks the snot out of things while I practice healing on him and occasionally toss rocks at the baddies.


I'd LOVE for the crafters to be able to make better techblades for him, or to get a moddable techblade.


I'm totally fine with either option, but he definitely needs some techblades that do more damage and have some better stats.


If I were a weapon crafter, I could make a killing selling blue and purple techblades on the GTN.

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I love running with Qyzen as a Seer Consular. He tanks the snot out of things while I practice healing on him and occasionally toss rocks at the baddies.


I'd LOVE for the crafters to be able to make better techblades for him, or to get a moddable techblade.


I'm totally fine with either option, but he definitely needs some techblades that do more damage and have some better stats.


If I were a weapon crafter, I could make a killing selling blue and purple techblades on the GTN.


There are player craftable techblades in the game. Please see this thread, in which I continue to endeavor to get folks to identify crafters on their server:




Problem is, there are absolutely no moddable techblades; so the option of leveling these aim-based companion's weapon (as you can with the other companions) does not exist here.


It should. (See my signature for a visual example of this.)

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I make techblades and staves all the time on my smuggler just because of this. I've RE'd them to artifact level into the early 30's so far. If I could make a moddable version at earlier levels, like every other craft can make moddables early on, I so would. I make extras and sell them on the GTN, but mostly it's for my own selfish need on my sage.
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The solution is not to expand the presence of techblades in the game, but rather to give Qyzen a different weapon proficiency. It makes no sense to add all sorts of new items and recipes that are only used by two companions and no classes. I think Qyzen was added toward the end of class design. They realized that they put themselves in a pickle. The Consular needs a tank companion, but they want it to be a melee tank. Melee tanks use Strength and Endurance, but all the armor for those two stats is designed for Jedi Guardians, and they didn't want Qyzen wearing armor meant for jedi. So they switched his stats to Aim and Endurance so he could use trooper armor. Of course, now the glitch is that Qyzen is using ranged tank stats in melee. None of the classes use a weapon that does that, so they had to throw in the techblade. It's really quite stupid. What they should have done in the first place was make a melee tank for each faction that isn't a force user. Then again, I have no idea what that class would have been... I guess they could have designed the bounty hunter and trooper to have melee spec trees, but I'm not sure how that would play out.


Yup...quite a pickle.

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Wow I didn't realize there were so many. That makes me wonder even more, why isn't there an aim-based melee class? The Bounty Hunter could have a melee spec tree in Powertech, and the Smuggler could have one for Scoundrel. The former would tank, and the latter would still be DPS. Then none of this would have been a problem. Unfortunately, that's no longer a viable solution because the classes are made and they're not gonna change 'em. Though now that I think about it, Smugglers use Cunning, so it'd have to be Trooper. :shrug: my give up. /jarjar
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As a Bounty Hunter, I have the same problem with Skadge and Torian Cadera, Two Companions @! Double frustration. Both use techblades and they are nowhere to be found. Not on any commendations vendors, or on any pvp vendors, or any specialty vendors (that I am aware of). Needs a fix. There should be some way to readily upgrade thier weapons. As a lvl 50, I have two companions unusable in combat because they have lvl 35 weapons.
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Actually, it's not just Qyzen, it's ALL aim-based melee:


  • Tanno Vik
  • Torian Cadara
  • Scorpio
  • Qyzen Fess
  • Yuun
  • Others?


Torian (BH melee aim based companion)

Skadge (BH melee aim based tank companion)


As the above poster also said... Skadge bugs the hell out of me, so I'd rather use Blizz anyways, but Torian is the easiest dps companion to equip as he's aim based just like you so any leftover champion and HM items can be used on him.


Personally would love to have armstechs(and maybe artifice depending on type) able to craft "companion weapons" at the very least, if not an orange type of ANY weapon in existance =)

Edited by Pozz
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Fortunately, I have a guildmate that has gone to the considerable trouble to make purple techblades with augment slots in them for us. There are a number of Aim based techblades on our server I suggest you put the call out to thoes who craft those things on your server and let them know if they make them, htey will sell. Seems that lvl 35 blues run about $15k on GTN.


For folks to take the trouble to re to purple and then crit on that, and share it, speaks to a very nice guildy.


Othewise, I have Qyzen wearing trooper hardware (I think that's what it is).

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