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Request to unbind the " \ " key.


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Yes PLEASE do something about this!



...Doo dee doo, healing my group! I'm the best healer EVER! :D

...Hmmm, better tell that guardian he's a bit close to the edge, there!

...!!!!!?!????!!!! NO NO NO I don't want customer support GET OUT OF MY FACE! :mad:

...<Tank dies from not being able to heal>


...Group wipes. Pristine reputation as best healer ever forever destroyed.

...Frantically apologize and offer to pay repairs.

...*Throws monitor out the window in a fit of nerdrage*

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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This is one complaint thread that I can get behind. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally hit this key while hitting enter and it's a pain in the butt.


No binding should be hard-coded into the game. Oh, and while you are at it please let me bind to any key, I don't know why I can't bind stuff to Alt.

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As a temporary fix you can use:




and add the following line in the script:




Running the script will disable the key.


I made another post about this issue and other keybind issues. You can support it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=262788


Oh for the love of all that is good and holy THANK YOU for this!


This might seem a bit forward, but would you marry me?

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Oh for the love of all that is good and holy THANK YOU for this!


This might seem a bit forward, but would you marry me?


You welcome :) And avoiding a direct answer to your question I can only say that this thread shows how little inconveniences in the game affect one's perception and enjoyment of the game :)

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If you don't want people to do "/signed" there's an easy fix. Make us able to subscribe to threads without having to post something! We like to keep track of important threads, you know.



What do you expect from their web-team that thinks an old version of vBulletin is a perfectly appropriate forum?


I did not want to contribute to this discussion btw, I just wanted to subscribe. :rolleyes:

Edited by GHeissi
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I can't count how many times I've been in pvp, and BAAM! I have a huge screen in my face (button next to 1). And I'm dead. And the door has a bomb on its way, or the place is getting capped...


I find not being able to unmap this key a lot worse then a LOT of the so-called bugs people complain about.


Or when I tank on my main (which is on my main account btw.. can't be arsed to log in to post on that one, as I usually dont carry the autenticator with me to work =D

[which reminds me... is there any possiblity to have BOTH a normal autenticator AND a mobile one (HTC)? That would fix that too I guess...]

in EV.... we're at last stage on SOA... oh noes! time to move it again to one of those floating pyramids... OMG GET AWAY YOU FILTYHY STUPIED BOX FILLING MY SCREEN.


Dang... missed that pyramid. heh.


Thanks a lot to the one linking to that Hotkey thingy. Going to go home and test that script tonight. Been considering for weeks now taking away the new keyboard I bought spesificly for this game... and instead use the old one again so that I can just remove the friggin key.


Please BW... i REALLY would like to use that key for something else. if you NEED to have a hardcoded button for that crap... can't you pretty please move it to somewhere I don't accidently press many times a day? Thanks a lot!


And thanks a lot for an exceptionally great game! (although a bit of endgame bug-fixing on some bosses still could be good ;)

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I fully support this.


In fact, it shouldn't be bound to begin with. I can see a reason for having a binding when the game was (officially) beta and the purpose of playing was to file tickets (in theory at least). But now there's no reason. If someone needs to file a ticket, they can easily access that capability through the Help menu.

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