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Getting a Refund is a pain in the #$%


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God I am getting so irritated with these crappy customer service people. Beyond not being able to read or speak English they don't even read the previous tickets before giving you dumb information. I am fighting to get my money back for the broken game. First email says for me to email swtor.com from my accounts email address to get my money back. HELLO??? swtor.com is not an email address. After many more emails the most recent says no to a refund and I will have to get it from Origin.


ORIGIN SAYS TO GET IT FROM YOU!!! One of you needs to give me and all the other people who are pissed over this broken game our money back. PERIOD!!








Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid K8-F2 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding to get you money back.


In order to do this, we would ask that you email swtor.com from the email address associated with the account you wish to close.


Following receipt of this request your details will be removed from our system. Please note that this will include the deletion of any pre-order code that is registered to that account.


Also, we would like to advise you that it is not currently possible to delete a username, so if you decide at some point that you would like to create a new account it will not be possible for you to have the same username as you had on your deleted account.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid K8-F2 aka June

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!







Another Email




Greetings Athendar,


I am Protocol Droid A0-L9, Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your account closure and refund request.


Unfortunately we do not have a dedicated email for account cancelation requests. Cancelations are normally done through the SWTOR website by going to this link: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1876

On your main account page you can then click on the ‘Subscription’ option in the sidebar menu. Once the subscription management page has opened, you can choose the option to cancel your membership from there.


If you are experiencing any issues related to cancelling your subscription, please do not hesitate to contact our Account and Billing support team directly by emailing support@swtor.com or through the following phone numbers:



USA: 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867)

UK, Germany, France: 00800 0246 9273 (008000 BIOWARE)

If you’re calling from a country other than the USA, UK, France or Germany, you may call us on +44 203 564 2555, but please be advised that international call rates may apply.



Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid A0-L9 (aka Michael)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!





Most Recent Email




Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid W5-W5 of Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your request for a refund.


However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to assist you with this since this is an issue with the game that has been purchased through Origin or other retailers.


Please conatact the Origin Live Support Team or the game retailer where you have bought the game from for the possibility of a refund.


We apologize for any inconvinience that this may cause.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty.



Protocol Droid W5-W5 aka Kenneth

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!



Just wondering why you left out what you wrote in the tickets...



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Anyone else find these threads involving "adults" having tempertantrums over games hilarious. Especially the super serious reasoning and "end of the world because this happend" arguments?


You can tell the people who started mmorpg's 4 years into wow and those who have either been around (including the horribly buggy wow launch) or take the risk on not playing a game that isnt wow 7 years later or rift....


This games launch....was great. Issues need to be fleshed out of course, no game is ever complete regarding mmorpgs so whatever...seen way worse.


Anyway, i hope they give no refunds and these types of people learn never ever to leave their gamer prision that is wow. Stay there...please...

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Hmmm I think I recall people moaning at FPS problems during big rifts (and exactly like they do here saying they had beastly PCs), then a big security problem with their client, then moaning because there was no Guild Bank and LFD tool. Are you really sure it went smoother than TORs?


I quit Rift less than a month in because I didn't like it in general, but it did have fewer game experience bugs for sure.

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Anyone else find these threads involving "adults" having tempertantrums over games hilarious. Especially the super serious reasoning and "end of the world because this happend" arguments?


You can tell the people who started mmorpg's 4 years into wow and those who have either been around (including the horribly buggy wow launch) or take the risk on not playing a game that isnt wow 7 years later or rift....


This games launch....was great. Issues need to be fleshed out of course, no game is ever complete regarding mmorpgs so whatever...seen way worse.


Anyway, i hope they give no refunds and these types of people learn never ever to leave their gamer prision that is wow. Stay there...please...


Yeah it's like the people who go see a movie, don't like it, and then demand their money back. Pretty lulzy.

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You want your money back for a game that you could have played for free before it was released to decide if you liked it or not?


Okay...........consequences is something adults have to deal with.


Wait, there was not an official open beta and it must have been confusing for some people who wanted to try it but couldnt... so screw that...


You played the game for the free 30 days and NOW you ask for a refund?

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Are you suggesting that people *shouldn't* feel entitled to being given what they pay for?


He payed for a game, he played the game, he didnt like it. Other people did. The game pretty much works though. He didnt have to buy it on day 1, he could have waited and checked youtube videos, forum comments, fansites etc. before he decided to buy it and see what he was paying for. That's what most people do.


Asking for a refund after buying a movie, watching it but not liking it is somewhat unreasonable. Its more or less the same thing.

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Generally speaking you can never get a refund on software, because even if you return it, that doesn't mean you haven't made copy or something else.


Go to a store, buy any other program and try to return it...


Yep, most stores don't allow returns for open video games.

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Generally speaking you can never get a refund on software, because even if you return it, that doesn't mean you haven't made copy or something else.


Go to a store, buy any other program and try to return it...


Technically speaking, that isn't entirely true. There is actually no Law against returning software. There are, however, store policies. It can be in their policy to not accept opened software, but it is not a law.

Edited by Lazorous
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Are you suggesting that people *shouldn't* feel entitled to being given what they pay for?


Except you have to weed out the people who feel entitled to unreasonable things. What could the OP argue that warrants a refund? If the game didn't work for him at all, and he had the minimal specs, then I can see that as a reasonable request. But if the game did work, and all he didn't like was the content of the game, or gameplay, and he's played it for a significant amount of time, then no, that is not reasonable.

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Isn’t strange that most negative responses from users in this thread didn’t even bother to take the time and add an avatar to their accounts? It’s like they new they were leaving after 30 days and in most cases they don’t have any user info at all.


Actually it not just this thread it is most negative threads in the last three weeks and not just this game. In STO forums it was the same way too. The users have zero info, no avatar and some silly name like “onlyhereforpvppwn” with no capitalizations.



it’s like they are professional trolls or something.

Edited by Brakner
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I must stress, the game would make a GREAT rpg in my opinion. Unfortunately for Bioware, and for people like me who paid good money for this game, it is an MMOrpg, and a poorly designed and implemented one at that. The voice acting is great. The graphics aren't terrible. The story was entertaining until I realized that most of the different class story lines were virtually the same.


Right here you prove that you haven't played more than 1 of the class stories. I have 1 of each character and have gotten them all past chapter 1 and none of the stories are even similar, much less the same.

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God I am getting so irritated with these crappy customer service people. Beyond not being able to read or speak English they don't even read the previous tickets before giving you dumb information. I am fighting to get my money back for the broken game. First email says for me to email swtor.com from my accounts email address to get my money back. HELLO??? swtor.com is not an email address. After many more emails the most recent says no to a refund and I will have to get it from Origin.


ORIGIN SAYS TO GET IT FROM YOU!!! One of you needs to give me and all the other people who are pissed over this broken game our money back. PERIOD!!








Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid K8-F2 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding to get you money back.


In order to do this, we would ask that you email swtor.com from the email address associated with the account you wish to close.


Following receipt of this request your details will be removed from our system. Please note that this will include the deletion of any pre-order code that is registered to that account.


Also, we would like to advise you that it is not currently possible to delete a username, so if you decide at some point that you would like to create a new account it will not be possible for you to have the same username as you had on your deleted account.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid K8-F2 aka June

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!







Another Email




Greetings Athendar,


I am Protocol Droid A0-L9, Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your account closure and refund request.


Unfortunately we do not have a dedicated email for account cancelation requests. Cancelations are normally done through the SWTOR website by going to this link: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1876

On your main account page you can then click on the ‘Subscription’ option in the sidebar menu. Once the subscription management page has opened, you can choose the option to cancel your membership from there.


If you are experiencing any issues related to cancelling your subscription, please do not hesitate to contact our Account and Billing support team directly by emailing support@swtor.com or through the following phone numbers:



USA: 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867)

UK, Germany, France: 00800 0246 9273 (008000 BIOWARE)

If you’re calling from a country other than the USA, UK, France or Germany, you may call us on +44 203 564 2555, but please be advised that international call rates may apply.



Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid A0-L9 (aka Michael)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!





Most Recent Email




Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid W5-W5 of Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your request for a refund.


However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to assist you with this since this is an issue with the game that has been purchased through Origin or other retailers.


Please conatact the Origin Live Support Team or the game retailer where you have bought the game from for the possibility of a refund.


We apologize for any inconvinience that this may cause.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty.



Protocol Droid W5-W5 aka Kenneth

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!



Guess what?



You cannot get a refund on software


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Are you suggesting that people *shouldn't* feel entitled to being given what they pay for?


He got what he payed for. Simple logic really.


You can't just buy a game, play it and return it. Just doesn't work that way ...

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The game is not what it was advertised as. They will make the game better, they have to if

they want to stay in bussiness. I think people should get a refund if they want one.

The people who roll lots of alts will have lots of fun. But it does not have the same mmo feel

you would expect from a monthly sub game.

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Feel free to call FOX News.


BREAKING NEWS! I'm here with Athendar discussing the tragedy of how he

cannot get a refund on his used video game! Athendar, have anything else to tell

us about your valiant struggle to be a cheap as possible?

Edited by Kuvi
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The game is not what it was advertised as. They will make the game better, they have to if

they want to stay in bussiness. I think people should get a refund if they want one.

The people who roll lots of alts will have lots of fun. But it does not have the same mmo feel

you would expect from a monthly sub game.


hmmm theres no refund on software , buyer beware , lets take some responsibility for own actions . Nanny state anyone?

Edited by Selaik
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