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Getting a Refund is a pain in the #$%


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So a non functional story in a "story driven game" isn't game breaking?


A non functional GTN isnt economy breaking?


Ability delay isn't game breaking?


FPS dropping to 5 in warzones and indoor environments for many many high end graphics cards isnt game breaking?


excuses excuses excuses


The people who "play" this game will speak with their money sir.


Again, this doesnt bode well for the game and anyone who isnt staring through rose colored glasses know it.


So go ahead and continue to say there isn't anything wrong as the ship sinks, the ones who are honest with themselves are heading for the lifeboats.


If this ship doesn't right itself soon its headed for Davy jones's locker.


I find myself hearing the same old saying in my head over and over again while playing this game(lvl 50 and doing endgame ops and pvp premades)


"Why feed a pig cherries when he will happily eat muck."


If we don't begin holding these developers to a higher standard we will never get what we pay for.



I dont see 5 fps in warzones maybe get rid of that "Dell" pc with a gt9800 in it!


I agree with the GTN its garbage but i can live with it I lived without it in wow and will do so here to!


So far all my storylines are working!


Ability delay needs addressing and will be soon!

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So a non functional story in a "story driven game" isn't game breaking?


A non functional GTN isnt economy breaking?


Ability delay isn't game breaking?


FPS dropping to 5 in warzones and indoor environments for many many high end graphics cards isnt game breaking?


So go ahead and continue to say there isn't anything wrong as the ship sinks, the ones who are honest with themselves are heading for the lifeboats.


If this ship doesn't right itself soon its headed for Davy jones's locker.


If we don't begin holding these developers to a higher standard we will never get what we pay for.


One side story for one companion (of 4) not working in one class storyline (of 8) not allowing one course of action is not "broken". You can still play the line, you can still level with the companion or a different one. Once the fix is in you can run quests and flashpoints (even at max level) to gain affection and eventually romance options. This isn't broken.


My GTN works fine. Its not ideal - you can't browse but rather you MUST search but a little research about what you're looking for makes things much easier. Not at all broken.


Ability delay is a minor issue for all but the most competitive and, let's face it, if you're one of those competitive folks a month after release you should fully expect bugs that need fixing. Not game breaking.


This is only the potentially game breaking aspect and I say potentially because it hasn't affected me or anyone else I know who plays. Developers can't account for every possible hardware/software configuration on every computer in the known universe. There are going to be components that don't jive. They work to fix it.


Here's the big issue with the doomsday prophets like yourself - you blow minor issues out of the water. Especially the JK companion questline. That's not game breaking! Not even remotely. But you're acting like this is the Titanic. Its not. Lighten up. Take off the blinders and look at things realistically. The development team WANTS a successful product and are working to fix things. That is a high standard for me. Demanding X, Y or Z just gets you frustrated and disappointed.


Calm down, be patient or cancel your sub.

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It always annoys me when, after I already ate the 16 oz steak, the waiter REFUSES to give me my meal for free, because the middle of the potato was kinda hard and the sour cream was too warm.


So you're saying 10 hours is full value for this game? A fairer comparison is that you take a bite of the steak and it's under cooked so you ask for a refund. Doesn't seem like a big deal.


All products have a return rate, but giving games some sort of exemption is only going to hurt the consumer by letting game distributors sell bug ridden products. A quality product has nothing to fear from allowing returns.

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One side story for one companion (of 4) not working in one class storyline (of 8) not allowing one course of action is not "broken". You can still play the line, you can still level with the companion or a different one. Once the fix is in you can run quests and flashpoints (even at max level) to gain affection and eventually romance options. This isn't broken.


My GTN works fine. Its not ideal - you can't browse but rather you MUST search but a little research about what you're looking for makes things much easier. Not at all broken.


Ability delay is a minor issue for all but the most competitive and, let's face it, if you're one of those competitive folks a month after release you should fully expect bugs that need fixing. Not game breaking.


This is only the potentially game breaking aspect and I say potentially because it hasn't affected me or anyone else I know who plays. Developers can't account for every possible hardware/software configuration on every computer in the known universe. There are going to be components that don't jive. They work to fix it.


Here's the big issue with the doomsday prophets like yourself - you blow minor issues out of the water. Especially the JK companion questline. That's not game breaking! Not even remotely. But you're acting like this is the Titanic. Its not. Lighten up. Take off the blinders and look at things realistically. The development team WANTS a successful product and are working to fix things. That is a high standard for me. Demanding X, Y or Z just gets you frustrated and disappointed.


Calm down, be patient or cancel your sub.


Im not a "doomsday prophet", im a realist. I payed for a filet mignon and got a ham sammich with no mayo.


Dress it up all you want, this game wasnt ready for release, and judging from the way Bioware is handling the issues arising from releasing it too early, the developers werent ready for release either.

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I would like a refund as well. I played for about half the 30 days(I even waited to buy it to see if gaming sites said it was bad. Wonder why I trusted them at all now) and the game really is bad.


I must stress, the game would make a GREAT rpg in my opinion. Unfortunately for Bioware, and for people like me who paid good money for this game, it is an MMOrpg, and a poorly designed and implemented one at that. The voice acting is great. The graphics aren't terrible. The story was entertaining until I realized that most of the different class story lines were virtually the same.


I know I probably won't get a refund, so I will have to rectify that by not supporting bioware games with my money in the future.


Bioware: the way that you put this game together, and the people you hired to design it, and the slishod product you released and plan to try to hobble together as you go has made me lose faith in your company. If you release a game, it should work, or people should get their money back. if I get a soda that tastes nasty I can return it. If I get a hammer that is defective and doesn't work as advertised I can return it. if I buy a game that is bad all I can do is not support your business anymore. I know many people in real life that feel the same, and really lost faith in your company.


The fact that this game got above a "6/10" rating on any gaming site is sad, but I guess they need to make their cash, and they only do that by hailing every new game that comes out from a big publisher. Pathetic.

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you bought a game and played it..

sure you dont like it..but it doesnt forgive the fact that you bought and played it.


software is always a no refund on return policy. especially on a game that they can not resell.

chock it up to a 60 or whatever dollar loss and move on. in real life adults have to accept costs of things they have done everyday... this is one of those times..


to go and demand your money back (especially after having read reviews and what not of the game. looking at the forums in the begining should have been enough to turn away anyone with doubts ) and still buying the game does not mean you should get your money back.

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And by the way. To people talking about how you are "consuming" the game like you would a meal before returning it consider this:


In order to decide if an MMO is really bad you need to level characters substantially and sample a bunch of different content. This takes time, and if you aren't some loser with no job or other responsibilities in life it's hard to really see an MMO for what it really is in the first 14 days of playing.


Hell, even gaming sites that claim to review these games take weeks to release reviews, and these people (supposedly) are professionals!


If you really want to compare it to something, it's like ordering an expensive steak and having the waiter bring out a fancy tray with a fancy cover and saying "once I set this down in front of you and you open it up you can't get a refund. It doesn't matter if you didn't even touch the steak yet, you opened it, and that is enough." And when you open it there's a steak, but it's trash.

Edited by getcute
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God I am getting so irritated with these crappy customer service people. Beyond not being able to read or speak English they don't even read the previous tickets before giving you dumb information. I am fighting to get my money back for the broken game. First email says for me to email swtor.com from my accounts email address to get my money back. HELLO??? swtor.com is not an email address. After many more emails the most recent says no to a refund and I will have to get it from Origin.


ORIGIN SAYS TO GET IT FROM YOU!!! One of you needs to give me and all the other people who are pissed over this broken game our money back. PERIOD!!








Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid K8-F2 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding to get you money back.


In order to do this, we would ask that you email swtor.com from the email address associated with the account you wish to close.


Following receipt of this request your details will be removed from our system. Please note that this will include the deletion of any pre-order code that is registered to that account.


Also, we would like to advise you that it is not currently possible to delete a username, so if you decide at some point that you would like to create a new account it will not be possible for you to have the same username as you had on your deleted account.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid K8-F2 aka June

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!







Another Email




Greetings Athendar,


I am Protocol Droid A0-L9, Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your account closure and refund request.


Unfortunately we do not have a dedicated email for account cancelation requests. Cancelations are normally done through the SWTOR website by going to this link: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1876

On your main account page you can then click on the ‘Subscription’ option in the sidebar menu. Once the subscription management page has opened, you can choose the option to cancel your membership from there.


If you are experiencing any issues related to cancelling your subscription, please do not hesitate to contact our Account and Billing support team directly by emailing support@swtor.com or through the following phone numbers:



USA: 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867)

UK, Germany, France: 00800 0246 9273 (008000 BIOWARE)

If you’re calling from a country other than the USA, UK, France or Germany, you may call us on +44 203 564 2555, but please be advised that international call rates may apply.



Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...



Protocol Droid A0-L9 (aka Michael)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!





Most Recent Email




Greetings Mathew,


I am Protocol Droid W5-W5 of Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission regarding your request for a refund.


However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to assist you with this since this is an issue with the game that has been purchased through Origin or other retailers.


Please conatact the Origin Live Support Team or the game retailer where you have bought the game from for the possibility of a refund.


We apologize for any inconvinience that this may cause.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty.



Protocol Droid W5-W5 aka Kenneth

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!




If you really are that poor, post your paypal email on here and i can gladly transfer a few pence to your account.

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If you really want to compare it to something, it's like ordering an expensive steak and having the waiter bring out a fancy tray with a fancy cover and saying "once I set this down in front of you and you open it up you can't get a refund. It doesn't matter if you didn't even touch the steak yet, you opened it, and that is enough." And when you open it there's a steak, but it's trash.


Bad comparison. When you buy and register an MMO, you use the free 30 days that are a part of the product. You might want to change your analogy to the customer maybe licking the steak up and down before sending it back. Not the same steak as the one they got, exactly.

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This is so true, actually the only real issue I have with the game is the big blue dudes on voss not having walking animations on occasion. Everthing else, the wierd AH, ability delays, graphical bugs, getting stuck in wierd places... all of the things that seem to just send some obsessives over the edge... I just work around. Things will be fixed as time goes on, im not stressed about anything at all, and I am enjoying the game thorughly.


The ability delay thing is hardware related. It only really affects people with dual core processors... and then, only specific ones. Yes, there's some minor ability delay across multiple platforms but the delay that is causing people to get up in arms is almost a 4000m/s delay (4 seconds from press to action for those of you who aren't as nerd qualified as myself).


The problem really only comes up in heavy load areas... IE FPs and PvP warzones and open world pvp areas during pitched engagements.


Given that SWTOR has tried very hard to cater to people with low-end systems... there are a LOT of people with the ability delay as described above. People with newer PCs don't have that problem. If they do, it's a momentary delay that is practically unnoticeable.


Also, game breaking is different for different people. I am not going to resub either... but that's because I can't stand the way this game looks. I have a top end system and I don't feel a game that looks rather bad is worth the sub cost. I even have this thing going at 16xFSAA and such... but the low rez textures just make me want to wipe my arse on my monitor.

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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.


Bravo for finding hundreds of game breaking bugs. The only one on your list of only a few I agree with at all is the ability delay, which oddly only happens on certain characters for me. Still, not game breaking.


I run at 50-70 FPS on a mid range machine and while I run across the occassional bug (to be expected in a new MMO) and am 48th level so not hitting Illum yet, I have had a great experience. Better than many, if not most all MMOs. Only RIFT and LOTRO are comparable for a good launch in the last several years.

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Bad comparison. When you buy and register an MMO, you use the free 30 days that are a part of the product. You might want to change your analogy to the customer maybe licking the steak up and down before sending it back. Not the same steak as the one they got, exactly.


That and when you "buy" a game you aren't "buying" anything. You're officially renting a license to use the product. Read the EULA on any piece of software you "buy." It always states that and also says they can revoke your license at any time, for any reason, or without reason.


So, getting a refund on something you don't actually own is a bit... impossible in most cases. You can't return it because you can't prove you got rid of it. Software is sold per usage contract. If you so much as installed it, registered and account and used it for a mere 5 seconds... you're bound by the EULA and a refund is not legally warranted. All you can do is cancel your subscription and avoid future billing.

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I also groan when I see someone say, "Hero engine is fail." SWTOR is not run on the HeroEngine. EA/BW purchased the license of the current HeroEngine when it was in early alpha stages. They then greatly changed it to the point where it functions nothing like the HeroEngine.


HeroEngine =

-Supports HDR lighting and advanced texture rendering

-Supports the above with full support for LOD rendering

-Advanced AI pathing knows how to move in the Z-Axis (up/down... IE jumping onto elevators)

-Optimized for current generation of advanced GPUs, CPUs, and operating systems


SWTOR Engine =

-No current support for advanced HDR lighting/shaders

-No current support for LOD adjustments (IE, objects further away are rendered less complex)

-AI pathing is linear and has absolutely zero Z-axis movement capability (gets stuck on elevators, cliffs, etc) and cannot identify obstructions and use navigation protocols (

-Optimized for multi-core operation but not for advanced GPU chipsets (very CPU intensive on rendering. To see this, put your system in single core mode and watch your game hit single digit FPS... it doesn't make proper use of your video card's capabilities)


Last Friday the owners of the HeroEngine made a press release that stated that SWTOR's limitations are not that of the HeroEngine for two reasons: It was an alpha release they purchased and that the HeroEngine in its entirety is a much more robust and advanced engine that what is in use presently in SWTOR.

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And that is why you get a decent credit card.


I never have to deal with companies like that I just get my card company to refund me.


No I haven't done it here before a raving fan pounces on me but I did do it with Aion .... and AoC .... and DCUO.


Really should stop buying MMO's before I try them. Luckily I was in beta here so knew what to expect but have nothing else coming out I want until Dark Millennium (which which will hopefully make up for the dire mess that was Warhammer Age of Reckoning).

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So a non functional story in a "story driven game" isn't game breaking?


Haven't seen/heard any non functional stories, and my guild's got 20+ level 50s by now. Surely I would've heard if even one of them could not complete his/her story quest?


A non functional GTN isnt economy breaking?


I buy and sell things on the GTN every day I'm online. Works fine. It's not very intelligently designed, I agree, the search function is absolutely horrid, but it does work. You can buy things, you can sell things.


Ability delay isn't game breaking?


A situational issue that pops up in specific situations/areas causing inconvenience and annoyance is not gamebreaking, no. Gamebreaking is to have your character randomly deleted or to be unable to exit a spaceport or enter a planet or to use taxis/quicktravel in any way.


FPS dropping to 5 in warzones and indoor environments for many many high end graphics cards isnt game breaking?


I've just gotten a GTS450. Haven't seen FPS lower than about 15. Then again, I've read a few tweaking guides to sort out my graphics exactly how I want them. Not gamebreaking, no, you have the internet, utilize the resources at your disposal. Took me all of 10 minutes to do.


excuses excuses excuses


Whine whine whine.


The people who "play" this game will speak with their money sir.


Again, this doesnt bode well for the game and anyone who isnt staring through rose colored glasses know it.


So go ahead and continue to say there isn't anything wrong as the ship sinks, the ones who are honest with themselves are heading for the lifeboats.


If this ship doesn't right itself soon its headed for Davy jones's locker.


I find myself hearing the same old saying in my head over and over again while playing this game(lvl 50 and doing endgame ops and pvp premades)


"Why feed a pig cherries when he will happily eat muck?"


If we don't begin holding these developers to a higher standard we will never get what we pay for.




In brief, no, your complaints, however valid they might be, do not constitute gamebreaking. Gamebreaking would mean that you could not, in any way, actually play the game.


That is not the case.

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Look the game itself is fun, and I was really starting to enjoy the story. I will totally agree with that. I truly wanted to enjoy it. However,.....


Framerate issues

Ability Delay

Other General Performance issues

Worst patching system on the planet

God awful customer service

Hero Engine is Fail




...... completely killed it for me. So, yes I want my money back. The game does not work and doesn't work for a LOT of people. Any of you who don't believe me please go take even a short look at the customer service forums. The game needed another solid 4-6 months of work to fix.


If I had been able to get even 30-40 hours of enjoyable game out of it then I wouldn't be asking for my money back. But 10 hours of mostly trouble shooting BW's broken game is not my idea of $60 well spent. To top it off I am told by customer service I can have my money back twice and then told to go to Origin.


I will figure it out and get my money back or I just won't buy EA anymore, simple as that.


Lastly, I truly feel sorry for you fan boys. I understand game loyalty and approve it to a degree. However, you guys are so dead set on defending this game's massive flaws you don't even realize you should be demanding better. We all deserve better. Just imagine how much better your experience would be if the thousands of people who are about to quit didn't and were also fully supporting this game. That would mean a whole lot more subscribers, which means more money for BW, which in turn means more and better content for everyone.


Instead of flaming the thousands of people demanding the game get fixed why don't you guys try and support them for once? Otherwise enjoy the gaming ghost town you are about to experience.


Not game breaking issues.

Framerate is on you not them. I have not run into a single time I had framerates drop and I run max.


I know a lot of people are complaining about FPS. Simply put they need to quit overvaluing their systems or their shoddy overclocking methods.

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You don't happen to have a link to that do you?


And to the haters yes I have been trying to get a refund for a couple of weeks now. I played a grand total of maybe 10 hours and most of that was spent trying to fix the 100's of game breaking issues this game has.


You have been posting on this account since the free early start program and you are saying that you have only put in 10 hours into this game? Also, the fact that you can make a new thread shows that you have an active subscription.


So, you started playing in the free access, supposedly played for 10 hours hated it. Decided that you needed a refund... and then subscribed?


It isn't adding up.

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