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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50 PVP bracket = HORRIBLE!


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So, what I was thinking a level 50 bracket would do, is put all the people who suck at PVP into another bracket. Wrong! The undergeared n00bs who queue in the 50 bracket are some of the worst PVPers I have ever seen in my life. I hate them. In fact, I would rather have level 10s on my team, than some scrub 50 who thinks that PVP is the easy ticket to gearing up.... then proceeds to get curb stomped match after match and quit every time.
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It is very easy to gear up at 50.


There are 2 daily quests and 2 weekly quests that yield 20 champion bags after completing a week's worth.


In addition, participating in warzones and earning medals yields warzone commendations as well.


After a week, you should be adequately geared to fight other level 50s unless you have really bad luck with champion bags.


In addition, try to organize with other players prior to queueing a warzone solo.


Others will experience the same on the other side (Republic, if you are Empire) so its a level playing field for the most part.

Edited by Kick_
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It is very easy to gear up at 50.


There are 2 daily quests and 2 weekly quests that yield 20 champion bags after completing a week's worth.


In addition, participating in warzones and earning medals yields warzone commendations as well.


After a week, you should be adequately geared to fight other level 50s unless you have really bad luck with champion bags.


In addition, try to organize with other players prior to queueing a warzone solo.


Others will experience the same on the other side (Republic, if you are Empire) so its a level playing field for the most part.

It's not about gearing up. It's about people sucking at PVP.... don't try to gear up in PVP if you do not know 'theHell you are doing. Seeing 50s run the wrong way in Huttball, ask how to pass, etc.


It would not be so bad if I wasn't geting screwed by the RNG. Missing several pieces at valor 54 (keep in mind our server didn't do the Ilum exploit).

Edited by Darth_Vampirius
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It is very easy to gear up at 50.



Um, it was far easier for the 50s already in battlemaster gear to gear up than new 50s.


New 50s have to face people who drastically outgear them and stomp their faces in due to expertise gear. The people who are already battle masters did not have to deal with that. New 50s will have a more difficult time getting medals (valor/commendations) in warzones than the already geared people who 2 shot them and then think they are amazing and skilled because of their ability to do so.


Illum dailies and weeklies for the already battle masters involved them standing around for 5 minutes trading nodes with the other faction for free upgrades. That is no longer possible.

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There are 2 daily quests and 2 weekly quests that yield 20 champion bags after completing a week's worth.


Good lucky trying to complete the daily/weekly pvp quests after the 50 bracket creation. If you play slightly off your server peak hours you are in for hours and hours until you get enough victories. Also, I wish even more lucky if you are on the wrong side of a overpopulated server and trying to do Ilum world PVP quests.


Really, the 50 bracket was a awful solution to the PVP problem as it served only to give the people who grinded to valor 60 even more advantage. Now, not only it takes a lot longer to join a WZ (due to queue sizes) you are often facing pre-mades of Valor 60+ characters.


2 concepts easy concents:

- Ranked matches

- Cross-server


At very least, if you joined as a group you will be forced to play against another pre-made. If you want a 'quicker' queue, you have to join solo. Far from perfect, but that would even things a little bit until Ranked Matches/Cross-server is implemented.

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I have to say this because its one of the things i hate most about pvp... And that's the elitist pvp players that think they're all that. If there is a problem with 'noob pvp players' what's wrong with helping them? What's wrong with telling them how to throw the ball or telling them which way to run? Has it struck people that by helping the 'noob pvpers' that it'll make them better? Thus making pvp as a whole better.


Granted I'm not that good at pvp but i do like it, and i've been on the receiving end of abuse, when i could of used help and it made me think that pvping itself isn't bad but its some of the players that put others off it.


Everyone one has to start somewhere.

Edited by Apemantus
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I have to say this because its one of the things i hate most about pvp... And that's the elitist pvp players that thing they're all that. If there is a problem with 'noob pvp players' what's wrong with helping them? What's wrong with telling them how to throw the ball or telling them which way to run? Has it struck people that by helping the 'noob pvpers' that it'll make them better? Thus making pvp as a whole better.


Granted I'm not that good at pvp but i do like it, and i've been on the receiving end of abuse, when i could of used help and it made me think that pvping itself isn't bad but its some of the players that put others off it.


Everyone one has to start somewhere.



wow is all i gotta say, sorry mr perfect that no one can compare to your skills...sheesh man it's a game most play to have fun and such.

Edited by dljason
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so the majority of posts were in favor of a bracket system and then when it gets implemented the majority of posts are about how it sucks.


i do not envy bioware.


Oh its better then that. In the pre-launch forums there were many many threads begging BW to "Just launch the game already, we don't care about the bugs!" Yes, I'm serious.

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I have to say this because its one of the things i hate most about pvp... And that's the elitist pvp players that think they're all that. If there is a problem with 'noob pvp players' what's wrong with helping them? What's wrong with telling them how to throw the ball or telling them which way to run? Has it struck people that by helping the 'noob pvpers' that it'll make them better? Thus making pvp as a whole better.


Granted I'm not that good at pvp but i do like it, and i've been on the receiving end of abuse, when i could of used help and it made me think that pvping itself isn't bad but its some of the players that put others off it.


Everyone one has to start somewhere.

Every one does have to start somewhere. Level 50 is not the ideal place though. You didn't PVP for 49 levels... what on Earth possessed you to start NOW?!

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This does not work on low POP servers there are like seven 50's on republic at random time and all doing something different in game.warzone never starts up Im [Rep] btw


We're facing this issue on our server too. We can't even get a Huttball because there simply aren't enough of us that queue up. It's hard enough finding 4 50s for a hardmode flashpoint. PvP brackets are a good idea when there is enough population at each level to support it. Right now, on most servers, one side (yes, Republic) really doesn't have all that many 50s...

Edited by JefferyClark
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Every one does have to start somewhere. Level 50 is not the ideal place though. You didn't PVP for 49 levels... what on Earth possessed you to start NOW?!


TBH a lot of people see it as something to do when they hit 50. There's a lot of content and it's very easy to out level things (something I don't have a problem with) Pvping adds to this and with the xp you get from it people might not want to do as much of it or just a little pvping (as opposed to the hard core pvpers) so they stay in level range of the planet they are visiting. So some people prefer to leave it till they hit 50 so they have something else to do at endgame too.


By acting all crappy towards people who are not good or new at pvp instead of giving them some advice, it just makes people stay away from it which makes matters worse as the ever dwindling number of pvpers gets lower... Sorry but imo some people really do give pvp a bad name, just my take on things and what i've heard from people.

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It is very easy to gear up at 50.


There are 2 daily quests and 2 weekly quests that yield 20 champion bags after completing a week's worth.


In addition, participating in warzones and earning medals yields warzone commendations as well.


After a week, you should be adequately geared to fight other level 50s unless you have really bad luck with champion bags.


In addition, try to organize with other players prior to queueing a warzone solo.


Others will experience the same on the other side (Republic, if you are Empire) so its a level playing field for the most part.




LOL I like you... I opend 43 champ bags before getting my first piece of champ... So no, you arent always ready after 1 week.


I'm lucky enough now that my luck is changed and I only need 3 pieces of champ. I now get 1 piece every 4 - 6 bags.

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TBH a lot of people see it as something to do when they hit 50. There's a lot of content and it's very easy to out level things (something I don't have a problem with) Pvping adds to this and with the xp you get from it people might not want to do as much of it or just a little pvping (as opposed to the hard core pvpers) so they stay in level range of the planet they are visiting. So some people prefer to leave it till they hit 50 so they have something else to do at endgame too.


By acting all crappy towards people who are not good or new at pvp instead of giving them some advice, it just makes people stay away from it which makes matters worse as the ever dwindling number of pvpers gets lower... Sorry but imo some people really do give pvp a bad name, just my take on things and what i've heard from people.



Raiding is something to do @ 50 too, and yet it's not OK to show up in a raid and not know what to do or how to work your abilities? Why not?


Look man, there are literally dozens and dozens of ways to get good at PVP... one of them is to NOT show up as a level 50 with zero practice and then quit the WZ the second your team falls behind. This is an epidemic on my server and it needs to stop. I will gladly give tips and info to anybody ready and willing to learn... but these people who just try to do WZ's as a stepping stone for PVE gear? They are trolling us, and they need to stop!

Edited by Darth_Vampirius
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Raiding is something to do @ 50 too, and yet it's not OK to show up in a raid and not know what to do or how to work your abilities? Why not?


Look man, there are literally dozens and dozens of ways to get good at PVP... one of them is to NOT show up as a level 50 with zero practice and then quit the WZ the second your team falls behind. This is an epidemic on my server and it needs to stop. I will gladly give tips and info to anybody ready and willing to learn... but these people who just try to do WZ's as a stepping stone for PVE gear? They are trolling us, and they need to stop!


Ever heard the phrase of "Learning by doing" ? Game has multiple avenues of leveling from 1-50, one of which being entirely via PVE (quests), another by only doing PVP (Warzones). It's not an uncommon practice, to leave PVP until reaching max level, and those who have never PVP:ed a day in their life, start out as "fresh newbies" at 50. It's not uncommon, and it's nothing wrong with it either.


The same goes for a player who enjoys doing nothing but PVP. Leveling from 1-50 on only Warzones and doing daily quest(s). Player reaches 50 having never set foot in a Flashpoint. Should this player be penalized the same way, with name-calling and shunning because he didn't engage in 1 aspect of the games activities during the leveling?


In short: Take your elitist attitude, and move along. Or taking your massive skills, and try to help those "less fortunate" than yourself. Your choice. Put up, or shut up!

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It's not about gearing up. It's about people sucking at PVP.... don't try to gear up in PVP if you do not know 'theHell you are doing. Seeing 50s run the wrong way in Huttball, ask how to pass, etc.


It would not be so bad if I wasn't geting screwed by the RNG. Missing several pieces at valor 54 (keep in mind our server didn't do the Ilum exploit).


and exactly how this has anything to do with the bracket?

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I wonder what you guys where thinking when you were chiming "LVL 50 Brackets Now, LVL 50 Brackets Now" in rapid succession....


I cant grasp the notion that noone of you had tought, geez with the 10 lvl 50's on my server its gonna take hours waiting per match start...nope bioware really blindsided you there....



Seriously....you have your bracket now, enjoy it!, But next time before you ask for a car to be made without a steering wheel, think about how your gonna be cutting corners with it....

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It's not about gearing up. It's about people sucking at PVP.... don't try to gear up in PVP if you do not know 'theHell you are doing. Seeing 50s run the wrong way in Huttball, ask how to pass, etc.


Dude, welcome to an MMO.


(This is why I often prefer solo content, and don't want to compete in team sports)


By acting all crappy towards people who are not good or new at pvp instead of giving them some advice, it just makes people stay away from it which makes matters worse as the ever dwindling number of pvpers gets lower... Sorry but imo some people really do give pvp a bad name, just my take on things and what i've heard from people.


This is also true. Darth_vampirius: your attitude isn't helping.


ps. I feel sorry for people who think that MMO pvp can be properly competitive.

Edited by Karkais
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The rubber has hit the road, and now bioware has to make good quick decisions to adjust the design. We've seen a little quick, I don't know how much good we've seen.


The 50 tier is an example of quick and not so good.


There are a few pvp dedicated 50s who are geared up and skilled, a few new 50s who while not as well geared are still skilled - you've seen them in pvp, the guys who are level 20 but doing the right moves anyhow, not always dead, not at the bottom of the K/D etc.


The feeling I get is that bioware has had a long time to think about and make comfortably timed decisions about the game and now the pressure is on, and the same thinkers who designed it before are now operating under pressure and the system is breaking up.


I say this because anyone who understood the problem would have realized that being 50 isn't what defines the second bracket. It's being 'good' at it. The provided solution isn't a solution, and if they had understood the problem would have known that ahead of time.

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TBH a lot of people see it as something to do when they hit 50. There's a lot of content and it's very easy to out level things (something I don't have a problem with) Pvping adds to this and with the xp you get from it people might not want to do as much of it or just a little pvping (as opposed to the hard core pvpers) so they stay in level range of the planet they are visiting. So some people prefer to leave it till they hit 50 so they have something else to do at endgame too.


our server has great population.

come on over to Sith Wyrm!

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You're just mad because you used PvP to level up and have the gear, and you play a class that is a 'squishy' class but takes more damage than the tank classes, but now you're playing with 'noobs' as you call it who don't have as much free time as you to put into grinding the needed gear.


Here's a PROTIP, get used to it. You're one of those players who lords their 'skill' over other players, when all you do is have better gear than them. None of the WZs in this game require much skill at all. If you want a competitive PvP game, go play Dota or Starcraft. MMOs aren't very competitive in their nature.

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