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Start Posting Pro-TOR Topics!


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As there are supporters and players enjoying the game around here, we have to start spamming the forums with topics of what we love about TOR.


We have to counteract the trolls and quitters who keep posting for some reason.


I can respect the following people:

- You unsub, quit, and don't come back. Don't lurk. I did the same with EvE Online. I haven't looked back.


Everyone else who's posting about feeling ripped off, warning others away from the game, complaining about Ilum and PvP, however, should be given a nice whack with the banhammer.


So, here it goes.


I am thoroughly enjoying The Old Republic. I am not rushing and powerleveling. I am playing at a slower pace, enjoying the story, and giving BW time to work out the higher level bugs. I have subscribed for 6 months. Keep up the good work, BioWare.

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Although I am enjoying the game I don't agree with this. Instead of pro posts, post questions about items in the game, quests, offer constructive ideas on how to improve the game, things of that nature. Posts supporting the game should be removed as much as posts against the game. Well, all posts that are not constructive in nature.
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Most just dont bother with positive posts as they get flamed by the trolls for doing so, harassed and called fanboys for liking the game. They are told they are wrong for their opinion and told they are settling for mediocrity.


You can not change the opinions of the trolls or haters here so why bother? Keep playing the game you enjoy and let them rot in their own self inflicted agony imo.

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The people that enjoy TOR (myself definitely included) don't need to post topics in support of it, because our /played time speaks for itself, and BW knows exactly what that is.


Without a doubt. But when I can't play (only play on Sundays and Mondays, due to working), I just love ruffling the feathers of trolls and haters. They are worthy of nothing more.

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I have been playing and going slowly myself (for me that is) and should have my fist level 50 sometime this week. I have 3 alts, all different core classes so I can see the story. I am loving the game. Sure it's got some issues, but my rig is also part of my problems. That said? Love the game, also a 6-month buy in and happy to be here. The nay-sayers can all learn to calm-down, quiet up, and just leave if that's what they really want to do.
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I'm also thoroughly enjoying the game and saddened by the state of the forums. It's definitely ok to point out bugs and flaws, that helps the game grow and get better. Had people not been so quick to point out the problems on ilum, things could have gotten worse. However, this constant "BIOWARE IS TRASH" is so childish and annoying.


I have no stock in EA and am no way associated with them and I love this game and would recommend it to any of my friends. Then you have these forums...which if anyone is coming here to get a feel for the game and a taste of what people think of it, they will run away scared.


I think the logical thinking people know its a great game. The reviewers have received it very well, just check metacritic. Please don't tell me they've been payed off by EA either..put your tin foil hats away. An MMo though is not defined by its first month or even its first year so fixes and additions will be what makes this game.

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I like this thread. This forum is a horrifying experience to come to with all the hate. Oh I won't be unsubbing tomorrow. Yes, I love the game. No, I don't want to leave. No, Guild Wars 2 can't hold a candle to Star Wars, no matter how you put it. Yes, I am having fun with PVP. No, I don't see major graphical issues others than being bogged down in the Fleet for a few seconds when I get there.
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I loved the game until the patch. They need to rollback the problems they created yesterday that have severely unbalanced PvP in the game for the duration. This is an issue that cannot be ignored. It was Biowares mistake, not mine. They need to fix it.


Once that is done I'll gladly return to this thread to say everything positive I had been up to the patch and the issues it created.

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Lets be afraid to offer criticism! Yes! Lets cover our ears and take what is given because we don't deserve to be heard.


If this is you, this submissive person, you're right....you don't deserve to be heard.


Listen, you ain't helping the game when you act like everything is perfect because it isn't.


That's what pisses me off about this community, you act like the criticizers are hurting the game when it is YOU, the people who lambast them for criticizing that is the issue!

Edited by Liberate
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No, this is just stupid.


You are basically wanting to stop people making VALID complaints about the game.


Fanboy Response - But the game is perfect, Bioware can fix it. EA is not the problem...




Over the past few days i have seen a majority of good complaints being locked and flamed because of the fanboy rage on this forum.


A good discussion is one thing but posting positive topics don't help Bioware, they need negative threads so they can act on the issue.


The game is not plain sailing, it is time people learned that

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I am thoroughly enjoying the game as well. But this isn't a freaking political campaign. There are plenty of legitimate issues to gripe about. Let Bioware worry about those people who are not being constructive or who think their opinions are so important that they need to start a new thread on a topic that already has an ongoing discussion. Threads that just gush about how good TOR is are just as non-constructive as any negative post.
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