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Everything posted by ValesMarenkis

  1. I have been playing and going slowly myself (for me that is) and should have my fist level 50 sometime this week. I have 3 alts, all different core classes so I can see the story. I am loving the game. Sure it's got some issues, but my rig is also part of my problems. That said? Love the game, also a 6-month buy in and happy to be here. The nay-sayers can all learn to calm-down, quiet up, and just leave if that's what they really want to do.
  2. For all though wishing they could roll it back, you know you'll be punishing non-50s who are not on Ilum or who dinged yesterday to max level. You would probably have to roll everyone back a complete day if that's really what you want. So now all the work someone did yesterday is gone because you can type in caps lock on a forum board louder than the person completely unaffected. Now YOU become responsible for the next QQ thread about where all the exp and credits and (gasp!) valor they might've earned has gone. Were you chained to that character? Did someone hold you at gun-point to play THAT character, or could you grab another and chock it up to people being jerks for a while. Goodness knows rolling another character or playing an alt is so detrimental to your health. I'm so sorry, how dare I suggest you act like an adult and be better than the children who abused the exploit. Kids these days.
  3. Male, Body 3 Chiss, looks fine, bulky but with power armor (in level 40 PvP) he looks like he could punch a hole through your chest. I'm not a fan of the helms, but I've got the bald look I'm rocking, so my choice is shiny blue head or goofy looking helmet. I go with bald head.
  4. I had no trouble with this fight as a firebug Merc, but I'm presuming you're a healing Merc? my damage may have helped me out a LOT here. I popped my shield for the first one and let Mako heal me through it, as long as you don't stand next to Mako during the fight, she'll take very little damage during it. To start the fight, I let Mako grab initial aggro, and DfA the two. Just to get big threat, then Concussion Missiled the main target, and focused down Xan. I waited for Mako to heal us both back to full and my heat to cool down. Then I went Fusion Missile, (Incendiary Missile), Rail Shot, Unload, Power Shot, Rapid Shots, Power Shot, and repeated the last two using Rail Shot whenever it proc'd (again, my spec helped for damage output.) For the first lightning, I popped my shield and continued DPS after I moved away from him and the lightning location. (It's an AoE, just move away) Second time he popped lighting, I hit him with the Electro Dart. He didn't last much longer, but if you need another Dart to stop him again, just pop On the Hunt to instant cool the Dart and hit him again. Just remember to keep moving if you can, and keep any kind of DoTs you've got on him as best you can. He's got no heal, so just nuke him steadily, and he'll drop. Don't forget Kolto Overload and your own self heals. They help.
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