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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


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Looking good. Unfortunately other MMORPGs have kept their development team together and not split it up, so that inaccuracy sort of made me want to stop watching. But I kept watching.


There were statements that did cause me to wonder how long I would be playing the game. The first was specifically calling out that they planed to improve the PvP system. The problems was not in what was mentioned but in how it was mentioned. It really seems like the emphasis is on PvP for end game. That is something that does not interest me. I do enjoy a fun PvP system, but I will not play a game if that is all that is offered.


Next came the short comment on the legacy system. If it is a system that helps people level additional characters faster that is one thing. But the video implies that you will get game advantages beyond this by leveling up as many alternate characters as possible. This gives me the impression that the non-PvP end game will boil down into leveling alts to gain the greatest advantages for everything you do. This is not a plan that I would look very favorably on.


Finally there was the implication at the end that the players would be driving what the developers did. There is a big difference between listening to the player base for areas that are not working and need changes and implementing specifically what the players asked for. ST:TOR only has to look at SWG to see a game that fell apart mechanically and with the fans when the developers blindly implemented what players asked for. This was also repeated in the massive game churn in STO. Developers do need to listen to the consumers to understand area's that need work. But in 90% of the time the specifics of what is asked are just bad. There is a difference between a request to nerf an ability and fixing an overpowered class. The players who ask for ability nerfs will ask for things that often make that class far worse than the other classes. If the developers agree that a class is over powered, or under powered, the fix could and should be based on the class as an entity and other classes as entities and the fix will generally be better. (But of course some players will complain because the fix may not have been their request.)


The actions of the development team implements in the next two months will convince me that they do or do not understand how to keep an MMORPG fun and interesting for years or if this is simply a glorified KOTOR with a monthly subscription fee. (I liked KOTOR as a stand alone game. But it is also not one that I would have paid a monthly fee to play or for the option to play with others.)

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I'm not sure if blame should be put on Bioware, EA or Lucas Arts for the complete crybaby scamming going on to try making the people who make them rich calm down about their complete garbage failure with this patch. and all the crafting flops.


you tell me.


Bioware designed the game, EA funded it, Lucas Arts approved it.


Where's George Lucas anyways? probably embarassed.


EA and Bioware is one. EA is more than a publisher when it comes to Bioware, they both develop the game (Bioware was assimilated by EA when it was bought out).

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I'm not liking the new ability cooldown animation. Before, it was blacked out and was easy to know when it was ready to use again. Now, it's just a line that moves down, but stays lit up. So I find it harder to know when it's ready to use again.

Why change it for the worse? It was better how it was :(

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I am really upset with 1.1 but this has calmed my emo down a little. I love the guild banks and the ui customization. I think those are two large things that will help. I did not see anything to help players find groups for flashpoints though. I think this needs to be implemented way before the legacy system.
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Remember haters will hate anything successful.






(Although sometimes, if you listen carefully and sift through the detritus of troll-posts, those same 'haters' make some extremely valid points. )


p.s. Guild Banks can't come soon enough and why the UI Customization wasn't there at Launch is beyond me (pressure from EA to release blah blah blah? )


p.p.s. Sorry but it looks weird this time in this video to have James' *eye-line* be so off-center, especially at the end when he says the part about "listening to the Community". He should have turned and looked directly AT CAMERA then, imho.


Other than that, and of course those pesky *bugs* , this game is truly superb imo. I just hope BioWare can avoid succumbing to: EArrogance, SOE/Julio Torres type mentalities, and George Lucas prequel-esque Script Dialog.

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Looks great. Too bad I won't be able to partake in the epicly large pvp battles since even though I am above the recommended system requirements its still not enough for adequate gameplay even on lower graphics settings... which are already very limited as it is.

Don't worry, those with high end PCs only get 5-10 fps max in Ilum.

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I love how so many people whines all the time. Instead of ************ all day long they could leave us in peace and go play with their little pen*s. Game dev isn't as easy as any of you think. I'm surprised SWTOR had such a smooth start as it is.


Let the game evolve and mature. And while you're at it, mature up too and be patient.

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The video works, You guys just have to be damn patient and stop trying to find something to hate about, Bioware IS fixing issues and remember the game is STILL in an EARLY PHASE.


Now if that message didn't clear up for things, I don't know what will.

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I have a huge bone to pick with how the legacy system works so far.


Why would my Zabrak be related to my human? Or my Rattataki? I don't even like playing alternative characters. When the legacy system was discussed before launch, people brought up this weird inter-species family relationship thing. Bioware said oh, don't worry guys, think of them as being part of an organization, the way Darth Vadar and the Emperor are related. Now, they want it to be an actual family? That was some propaganda on the video, by the way, showing only Human characters in that family tree. Nice try.


That aside, I have many friends who are into family. Why can't my friends who have entire families in-game with other players acting as those family members have one big happy shared family tree? What about marrying into someone else's 'legacy?' Are characters in those legacy family trees going to be labeled as brother, sister, father, daughter, mother, son, uncle, second cousin? If the legacy system is limited to just one person's account, doesn't this also sort of fly in the face of further socialization in a game that is trying its hardest to promote socialization (after story, of course.)?


New class/race/character customization options. Are the races going to be new? Will there be new customization options? Why should I have to remake my level 50 to get a hair style (for example) that should have been in the game from the start? Is bioware going to implement a barber-shop type system? I sure hope so.


TL;DR: I don't like how legacy is being handled. I find it short-sighted, uncreative and a total cop out.

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Video loaded fine for me.


I like the features coming up. Funny how it involves two major requests from the community ( UI costumization & guild bank) yet they STILL complain and whine. Shows how pathetic some of us are. I am sometimes ashamed to call myself a nerd.


Ofcourse it's another thing that they have valid complaints. The game is crawling with bugs, but atleast be greatful for something you asked for and are getting and thank them, instead of JUST complaining. You people are very rude.


It's hard to be grateful when this video was released in the wake of a number of issues that are of significant concern to the community. This was the wrong time to trumpet about coming improvements without addressing those issues in a convincing way. These features won't do us any good, if BW continually fails to adequately administrate the game on a day to day basis.


Also, the video points to future improvements which, honestly, should have been readily available at launch. Almost insultingly, the video treats these announcements as though they're some kind of treat for the community, and ends on a pretty saccharine and hardly convincing note.


It was a PR misstep, and until they address the issues players really care about: Basic play control issues including ability delays, Ilum PvP issues, Faction balance issues, etc. no amount of incidental improvements is going to keep people paying their subscription fees.


My original intention was to remain subscribed at least until I finished my class quest, but I lost my will and I lost interest after arriving on the the third planet where my class storyline boils down to: 'Oh look, another Republic WMD project has been mis-placed and could fall into Imperial Hands unless you SAVE/DESTROY IT'. I was done. Compound that with a weak feeling and un-satisfying class, to a degree where basic gameplay is more annoyance than fun, and I'll move on to other experiences. Regretful and disappointed, but... nonetheless. I'm just not that masochistic.


In fact, I only logged in to make sure I wouldn't get charged anyway, since there have been so many reports of that occurring, and thought I'd see if the promises in the video would sway me to keep my sub. They did not.


For those that remain, I hope that BW gets its act together, and you get a satisfying MMO experience. As for myself, I'll stick to BW's single player offerings from here on out.

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the UI change can not come soon enough.


also, on a side note, it's really interesting seeing the registered date, and the responses of the people.


personally, i've been waiting for this game for a long time, and really hope for its success, but 1.1 was not really reassuring..

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TL;DR: I don't like how legacy is being handled. I find it short-sighted, uncreative and a total cop out.


Not a valid concern in the least. If you are concerned about the RP elements then your toon adopted if it is a different race. Or turn off the legacy name and IGNORE it completely while still getting legacy experience and the benefits that go with it


If you are worried about gameplay impact...there is none. It's not a copout.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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