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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Yay for UI Customization!


The customization they show has one major flaw, at least from what they do show (however preliminary it may be). They show a slider used to change the size of the UI elements, but it re-sizes every element the same way. What if I want a small map and a large chat box? Every element of the UI needs to be individually customizable, or people are going to have the same gripes they have now.

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I am happy that they are fixing things as well as adding new content.


In WoW it seemed like all the big expansions were just another way to get you to spend more money...I hope for SWTOR they are all free for subscribers and remain that way.

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That video was fine and everything...but it was just a video of stuff we already knew was coming. Splitting the operations into two isn't epic, it's because you didn't finish it/don't have it completed. Customizable UI, finally. Legacy system, gives abilites...but what? Who knows.


Being able to rate yourself against other players? What the hell? Oh man this guy killed me a lot, I'm a 1/10. What does that do? Can you rate people to avoid them? Then that's stupid, because people are going to rate strong players poorly so they don't face them in warzones.


Promises of more more more without addressing current issues. Sorry to be negative, but ugh.

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Hahaha, another bribe. Epic fail. Try addressing all current bugs and glitches first. Today's emergency patch didn't fix the random flickering and loading screen it was supposed to, ability stuttering is worse than ever, FPS decreased due to AA and the new UI design with constantly lit icons is horrific.


Then there is all the 1.0 bugs and glitches, not to mention all those from beta.



Learn to read first and maybe you would have your answers to those concerns. But cool repeat post you made.

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"I can't wait until tomorrow when the complainers' free sub time runs out and the ragequitters finally cancel so the rest of us can enjoy this really cool stuff coming up!!!"


Agreed. The game is massive and all things considered they've done an amazing job. Is it perfect? Of course not. But at least they're trying to address issues and make improvements. Sorry its not fast enough for you or done in the way that you think it should be done. If you're that disappointed in how things are going then do us all a favor and go back to WoW or whatever.

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The customization they show has one major flaw, at least from what they do show (however preliminary it may be). They show a slider used to change the size of the UI elements, but it re-sizes every element the same way. What if I want a small map and a large chat box? Every element of the UI needs to be individually customizable, or people are going to have the same gripes they have now.


what they show is a nice start but without some hotbar customization(ie. more than 2 bottom center) its meaningless IMO

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This is a Public Affairs crisis control video!


Don't get me wrong, the information was good to give, but the timing of it screams of crisis management.


The UI customization is not the type that have been asked for by the threads I have read. Being able to move items on your screen is not the same as UI customization.


PvP needs more than warzones - we need a whole planet for guild vs guild city building!

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Hacked up video about features we already knew about with a few seconds of added footage. Obviously, this video was made to distract the community from Bioware's piss poor handling of the Ilum issue. I still want to know where that rollback is Bioware. I know it will inconvenience your Empire characters, but people do play Republic.


Yeah it's really affecting the 25 people that are in it at any given time. HAHAHAHA

Edited by WarheartZero
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"I can't wait until tomorrow when the complainers' free sub time runs out and the ragequitters finally cancel so the rest of us can enjoy this really cool stuff coming up!!!"


Agreed. The game is massive and all things considered they've done an amazing job. Is it perfect? Of course not. But at least they're trying to address issues and make improvements. Sorry its not fast enough for you or done in the way that you think it should be done. If you're that disappointed in how things are going then do us all a favor and go back to WoW or whatever.


This attitude is awful. You should want as many people playing an MMO as possible. If everyone who was unhappy with things left, the game would remain in the state it is today. And who wants to play an MMO alone?


The "if you don't like it, leave" mentality some people have is ridiculous.

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Yay for UI cusomization.


So far meh for Legacy. How is my twi'lek going to be par of my human smuggler's family tree? Wait and see, wait and see I guess.



More PvP warzones... yeah... erm how about letting us choose which ones we want to play from among the ones we have? Or how about giving republic players an insentive to even step a foot in there first?



Also if the devs are always listening to us, does that mean they will listen to me in specific? AWESOMESAUSE!

Ok I want an oti...blue elephant guy compnaion for my smuggler. He can be the ship cook.

Also, being a great person who thinks of others, for those republics who got ganked by sithzergs since patch 1.1, I want all valor of offending zergers taken (and set to 0 regardless of what they had before 1.1 - there has to be punishment in a justice system. You don't just take a bankrobbers loot and then pat them on the back and send them home), and then I think that valor should be redistributed among the victims.

So, devs are listening to me, right? Right? :)

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So a much of PR crap and stuff that should have been in at launch? The UI stuff should have been priority by far since it doesnt seem they are working on more class story stuff which would be the highest priority thing since it's a story driven single player.
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I liked it all except for the last part where he says they are going to listen to the community. The people in these forums spreading lies, crying the sky is falling and going out of their way to ruin this game just like every other MMO that has come before ARE NOT the COMMUNITY. The community is playing the game and enjoying it. The people in here are useless leeches that suck the life out of everything worth playing in the world.


Yeah, cause it's so easy to enjoy the game with random flickering and loading screens occurring during gameplay, not to mention up to 5s ability delays. Wasn't the emergency patch supposed to fix all of that? It basically killed PvP which was my thing. The new UI is horrific too but I'm guessing you're an Imperial player with mostly red icons meaning a blue fader over constantly lit blue icons doesn't affect your gameplay much.


I didn't even mention faction imbalance, see? Way to enjoy the game!


Fanboy much? Guess what, so am I. But the game is unplayable atm. Grow some standards.

Edited by darthtoph
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Fix your computer ...


All I wanted to do was sit down and play a fancy-shmancy new mmo. I used to play WoW for 7 hours at a time with no problems. I have absolutely nothing that could ever possibly, remotely have even a minuscule chance of causing BSOD's downloaded or installed on my near brand-new computer. I get swtor, play for a few hours, BAM blue screen. I restart my computer thinking it was a random fluke, play a bit more and BAM another one. This repeated a few times, I did some research, and found many people with the same problem.





TL;DR Not my computer's fault. He is a nice boy.

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LOL @ "Our first part comes out right away, the 2nd part comes in the future thats how epic it is"


So in order for something to qualify as "Epic" it just needs 2 parts. nice Bioware


So after a year's worth of work you managed to get 1 flashpoint out in this Epic update, can only imagine the vast progress that can be made in a couple of months time! haha


Glad i canceled, this future does not look promising. Also i didnt hear anything about addons.

GG bioware

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Like others I'm loving the idea of UI customization. I'm just hoping it's more than scaling and re-positioning existing elements.


Speaking in purely cosmetic terms, I'd love functionality mimicking familiar "bar mods" from other games. I specifically want the ability to edit the number of rows and columns on my toolbars so they can mimic my keybind layout more closely.


Also, can we please, please, pretty pretty please, remove the permanent CSR / Bug Reporting keybind?


Everything else is looking great - can't wait to learn more specifics about the legacy system!

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