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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Oh yeah, that's another point. Putting back in a lot of the features they took out from Beta (more armor, high quality graphics) would be nice too.


They are quite obviously there, and functional given they were in and worked just fine for beta.


Your perception of the Beta elements that were present and have now been removed and their functionality, as a player, may not be as omniscient and complete in understanding as, say, a developer.


As for the OP/new features on the way, looks great. More is always better, but I like what I'm seeing so far. :))

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I would like to see a more advanced chat, divided in tabs :


Tab 1 : Combat

Tab 2 : General chat

Tab 3 : Group

Tab 4 : Guild

Tab 5+: Custom chats for Private discussion (instead of using whispers all the time). You could invite people to private chats creating a group chat (that is not necessarily part of the group you are adventuring with).


That's what I enjoyed the most from EVE Online. Chatting was WAYYYYYYY better in EVE than any other MMO I played.

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When did they lie?


When he said they were adding the customizable UI and the Guild Bank because of customer requests. Both have obviously been in the pipeline for months and just were not ready for release. It has nothing to do with customer requests.


It's a PR lie and is done all the time, but it's still a lie.

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I'll say this, probably was said before, but if you don't like the game then LEAVE. We do not care about your petty problem with a bugged video or a problem in the first major patch that was fixed the next day. Are there bugs? Well yes, of course there are. Has the launch been, without pause, the most successful launch of an MMO that is likely the first of the third generation of MMOs providing more cinema, voice acting, and interaction than any other MMO in existence? Another resounding Yes. As a player I look forward to every part of what Bioware plans to implement into ToR and as a guildleader I look forward particularly to the future guild options. Hope you get it to us soon Bioware.


To the Trolls and Haters: If you truly think this game is nothing but bugs or terrible then leave. We don't want you here and you obviously don't want to be here. There is the door, don't let it hit you on the way out.

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I'm not really tickled pink about the ranked PvP thingy. Pushing a game towards competitive play is rarely good news when it comes to attracting a sane playerbase. IMO, BW should spend resources on making PvP attractive, fun, and rewarding for characters of all levels, instead of the apparent strong focus on the end-game.


An MMO thrives on churn! It must be attractive for new players, players must be encouraged to start new characters. The legacy system tries to address the latter, but unless new low-level content enters the game, maybe in the form of a PvP-oriented advancement line that can replace the grinding of single-player content, including the class quests, until characters acquire the baseline skills necessary for PvP sometime in their late 30's.


An MMO must not focus on content that only encourages players to obsess on optimising their gimped-out characters no end; all that does is destroy the endgame for anyone but them, and will eventually hurt the game a lot (see DAoC and WAR; I'll say it again, EA is being ignorant there).


So much for my optimism. At least we can all enjoy Lucas Arts ripping EA a new one in case they manage to botch this one :p

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While I approve of making improvements and adding new features, none of the ones shown here interest me.


I mean, come on! Throw me a bone here; will the legacy system eventually feature additional species choices? I'm holding out on making alts until I find out wether or not that will ever happen.


Also, how's development of them same-sex romance companions going? ....are you even working on it?

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You are so right.


Shame on them for showing us stuff that they were working on and we want...




Most of the video is showing things that the beta testers were demanding 6-12 months ago. Half the crap are things that are MMORPG staples.


They shouldnt even be working on the UI, start talking to the god damn MOD community that would have had it on the god damn day of release. Apparently the MOD community can make a fully customized UI in a few weeks but it takes the pros at Bioware more than half a year.


BTW, anyone that thinks it takes 6-12 months to make a movable UI, please email me, I have ocean front property to sell you in Nebraska...Bioware dropped the ball massively, so much so that their stock ratings were dropped when people saw how many subs were unsubscribed.

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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


Watch Now




Basically, all of the stuff the beta testers asked for, for months. Oh, and other features that every other MMO has.

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Says to grow up, names himself silly turtle. Yes, you have every right to call someone a child :rolleyes:


Seriously...? It's a user name. What kind of petty attempt are you going for? How some people responded to this post is despicable, and apparently you're going to defend them.

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LOL @ CHROME anything.


The thing is a walking security flaw and almost makes IE look decent.


The video works fine in Chrome. I am sure everyone trying to access the same video at the same time caused lag? who knew


Also chrome is rather secure and is always patching their browser.

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I would like to see a more advanced chat, divided in tabs :


Tab 1 : Combat

Tab 2 : General chat

Tab 3 : Group

Tab 4 : Guild

Tab 5+: Custom chats for Private discussion (instead of using whispers all the time). You could invite people to private chats creating a group chat (that is not necessarily part of the group you are adventuring with).


That's what I enjoyed the most from EVE Online. Chatting was WAYYYYYYY better in EVE than any other MMO I played.


If I'm following you, at least part of what you desire can be accomplished now.


I run with a tab for "Party/Ops," one for "Guild" chat, and one for "General."

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When he said they were adding the customizable UI and the Guild Bank because of customer requests. Both have obviously been in the pipeline for months and just were not ready for release. It has nothing to do with customer requests.


It's a PR lie and is done all the time, but it's still a lie.


Actually you have no clue wth you're talking about. As friends and family testers we asked for both during beta as preorder customers during beta we asked for it. We were customers and therefor even if its been in the pipeline for months it was requested by CUSTOMERS 6 months ago.

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Really hope that by coming soon, you guys mean in the next month. It is very nice to see that your list of features here is mostly in line for my top wants as far as new features go. However, you guys gotta get the bugs fixed and exploits fixed too, and there definitely needs to be massive fixing of PvP combat, world zones, and warzones before you release any kind of ranking system.
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While I approve of making improvements and adding new features, none of the ones shown here interest me.


I mean, come on! Throw me a bone here; will the legacy system eventually feature additional species choices? I'm holding out on making alts until I find out wether or not that will ever happen.


Also, how's development of them same-sex romance companions going? ....are you even working on it?


Want to know what to expect from the Legacy system?


More things that make as much sense as a Twi'lek character having the SAME gosh darn SURENAME as your human character.


And THAT is why the legacy name I chose was LEGACYNAMESSUCK.


Thankfully i am not re-subbed to see my Human now being FORCED to have the same family as a Twi'lek to get those uber leet skills...

Edited by Averran
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