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Things this patch did well


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We have all read and complained about what this patch broke or made worse in other threads.


How about what it did well? Let the devs know what you liked and don't want them to change!


I'll start, the first fix I noticed that was positive is auto stacking when moving items to and from my Cargo Hold via right click. Thank you Bioware!!

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I have not either. It has been fine. I think the loading screens go faster and the graphics are slightly more smoothed using aa

I dont see that green blob on my character anymore either after i get healed

Many of the things I remember for the patch notes were addressed


Sadly people are just going to complain about what wasnt or what the patch didnt do

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I enjoyed the new FP Battle for Kaon on Hard Mode last night. The dynamic lighting and the ambient sounds were great. Sure, the mobs are straight out of Left 4 Dead and there might be a bit too much trash, but overall it was a fun experience. Unfortunately, my Main Tank got two head token items, so convincing him to run it again might be difficult...


Also, Karraga's Palace isn't bad. Cleared half of it on Normal mode and will be finishing it up tonight.

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Was doing great prior to and post patch.

I see cool downs on my abilities, what is everyone talking about? :confused:


My game runs great as it did before, even warzones. :eek:


I really enjoy that there are no more uber 50s steamrolling warfronts for those 49 and under. :D

Edited by Fraxture
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Other than the screen flickering on Ilum I have had no issues at all with the patch.


Haven't been to Illum, but I do get the odd screen flicker when travelling through the corridors between the main quadrants on Imperial Fleet. But then I started getting that on Tuesday before the patch.


Otherwise, everything was working fine for me after patching last night. I deleted my ini file before launching the patch, as I had previously modified it. High AA works as well as it did forced through the ini, and otherwise the game played well and without issue.

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I'm getting better performance with shadows enabled indoors. Unfortunately I'm getting much worse performance everywhere else. I'm on a custom built, high-end machine and I have to set everything to low to make the game playable. I used to run everything on high except shadows.


Bioware is in way over their heads with this game.

Edited by DannyInternets
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Slicing crit's actually return a better amount now --- ~1k profit vs. 500 creds


I know this because I can't really move anywhere without SWTOR Crashing and taking down my entire system in a hard crash with it.



Did eventually find a temporary fix (Play on LOW settings in a small windowed box).. but don't really want to level or do flashpoints like that... so... Slicing it is!



btw, 7 hard crashes in 4 hours... +1 BW! Never seen something pull that off before other then a hardware failure

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