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R O L L B A C K - Petition


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Everyone that feels a roll back for yesterdays disaster please reply in here.


Valor only unless you were powereleveling in ilum at low levels


Disclaimer - Please keep posts constructive or on topic or yours will be reported and removed as per yesterdays rules on the poisting of insulting posts.



After the patch became active, players were found to be able to farm turrets and republic spawn area for massive numbers of valor. They could exploit through aoe, logout and ops group farming to get 10 levels of valor easily in a 2 hour period. This is somethign that is clearly not intended, especially with the arrival of thousands of valor 100's on the scene yesterday.


Players have been working nonstop since release to get valor and few made it past 65, but all of a sudden in a single day, mass numbers of players were hitting 50 and in the same day gettin valor 100.


Bioware has stated that this was not intended. Hundreds of thousands have posted about their anger on the issue and threatened unsubs, many unsubbing already to get the attention of the developers. I am not asking you to unsub but to simply post on this thread and state you feelings on a rollback.


What has been allowed is unfair, unintended by devolpers and no one can justify that they truely earned their valor ranks yesterday in tantooine or Ilum.


Your voice counts!

Edited by Gummiebear
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Show some evidence that there were extreme Valor gains in the first place. It's all forum hysteria. The only exploiting that happened was the turret exploiting so it would bug out on some servers. I was there, camping the Republic base while dying to the turrets repeatedly. We didn't get more then 2000 Valor every 15 minutes. Edited by Ayestes
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Show some evidence that there were extreme Valor gains in the first place. It's all forum hysteria. The only exploiting that happened was the turret exploiting. I was there, camping the Republic base while dying to the turrets repeatedly. We didn't get more then 2000 Valor every 15 minutes.


valor 100 players is all the evidence needed.... some were even able to abuse this to go rank 20-50 and then hit valor 100 in the same day. I cannot post names as that is not allowed but they know who they are becasue the bragged about it and showed stream videos of them doing it in hopes of Bioware rolling back for everyones fairness.


no one can justify getting valor 100 at this point in the game as being intended or fair to those who have played hard nonstop for weeks to get valor 65-70 legit

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NO need for a roll back, the whole situation was blown way out of porportion and half of what was blown out of porportion were simply lies just like those fake i got banned posts, or the fake they remove the cancel sub button posts! etc.


The exploiters will get what is coming, no need to hurt everyone else for what a few did

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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No thank you, just punish the abusers.


SO BW f'up players just do what players do, which is attack, and you want to punish them, what were the imps supposed to do stand back let us attack them when we were ready, the problem this time is not the players but with BW, with people like you posting utter rubbish they will be able to duck the issue.


NO need for a roll back, the whole situation was blown way out of porportion and half of what was blown out of porportion were simply lies just like those fake i got banned posts, or the fake they remove the cancel sub button posts! etc.


Typical Sith player comment!

Edited by Nemeses
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imo it's too late, I played last night questing managed to get to lvl 41(not valor just normal lvl).


How fair would it be for me to lose that, due to others exploiting?


Just ban them and be done with it.


banning all players valor 70-100 would be a preety high number. but rolling them back to their pre patch valor would be fair, though a heavy task for programmers

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I miss gaming developers who had the thought train of "Bug abuse and you're gone for good", because they're typically the type of company you could depend on to take absolutely no mercy on bots and gold sellers.


I vote that anyone found to have abused any bugs of a degree as severe as the Ilum bugs be permanently banned. Let them buy another game copy and form a new sub, level a new character, and we'll see if they bug abuse again.

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Typical Sith player comment!


really, since considering i play republic bud :p


I just don't care about PVP, none of it affects me and honestly none of it affects the vast majority. The only ones who cares are the pvp'rs. I would care also if i PVP'd but i don't. SWTOR is PVE first with pvp added as an afterthough to try and make that group happy.

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