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So... BIOWARE why hasn't there been a valor rollback


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people are stupid thats just fact


there were rumor about turrets giving valor and then every other player was asking "hit the turrets". I been there did that there is no such thing.


there is no exploit outside being able to camp spawn point. All ti takes for republic to wz queue and leave the area and imps get nothing. For high amounts of valor to be awared you need super high amount of players spawning and getting killed. Like 50 empire farming 100 republic spawn - cant imagine that happening, everone cant have fps lag rly...

It would be possible if repulic would stay and respawn on purpose - like some guild paying opposite faction guild for valor boost - that would be possbile but that whole lot another story.


Ealier battlemasters make the cry to rollback valor but it wont help them as the valor gain is intended and will stay. And finally 50-60 takes more valor then 1-50, so some could get alot of valor levels idd.


Well said. I also killed the turrets more than once and got nothing from them. I also only gained 4 ranks in valor when all i was doing was trying to do the weekly. People just need to calm down and get over it. Camping the spawns is messed up yes. As far as the amount of valor gained its not an exploit they wanted people to fight so they increased valor buffs.

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D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?


ahh u farm the ger u want. OMG u have to work for it!!!


go back to wow...


Bioware has done good. they can stomp Blizzard they need to try, so far so good.

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D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?


ahh u farm the ger u want. OMG u have to work for it!!!


go back to wow...


Bioware has done good. they can stomp Blizzard they need to try, so far so good.


Agree. Although i do hate the duplicates lol. I just give them to xalek so no big deal.

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D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?


ahh u farm the ger u want. OMG u have to work for it!!!


go back to wow...


Bioware has done good. they can stomp Blizzard they need to try, so far so good.


Working for gear is not the same as RNG but i guess a person with 0 IQ would think they are the same.

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Where did you get those numbers. Oh yeah...nevermind I can guess.


There are over a million people playing the game. Take a look at the most viewed thread in any of these forums and you will see a tiny fraction visit these forums much less post. The exception being posts with actual usable information from official sources with the company.


Even if the vast majority of PvP players quit over valor, which I doubt, they would lose far more rolling back on those that do not PvP.


They clearly know much more about managing an MMO than wannabe forum ragers like you.


Clearly not, kiddo.


Clearly not.


Tons of THREADS with many, many posts in them asking for the roll back is thousands, and only a few here and there aagainst the rollback, so why don't you trollback to the hole you came out of.


Lots have already quit waiting for a rollback to decide if they resub or not, and I am talking from a personal experience being a admin at a gaming community that came here from EVE. Not to mention others that have quit over it.


P.S.: They can roll back the valor gains without touching anything PVE related. Derp.





(Clearly an imp that falls into the category if abusing 1.1 ilum)

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If you unsub as an imp because on no rollbacks, more power too you! Makes the balance on my server that much more balanced. Got BM before the patch, and honestly who cares if someone got an extra 5-10 more valor levels from farming ilum. In the long run, EVERYONE will be BM, and EVERYONE will be just as frustrated as me with being unable to procure any kind of BM token/commendation.


Battlemaster Khufu

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So, bioware does not rollback valor because of a rumored exploit, result: cry babies who did not get to "exploit" the valor, unsubs.


So, bioware does rollback valor because of a rumored exploit, result: cry babies who did got to "exploit" a non existent exploit, unsubs.


Basically if I was Bioware I would not do anything.

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Clearly not, kiddo.


Clearly not.


Tons of THREADS with many, many posts in them asking for the roll back is thousands, and only a few here and there aagainst the rollback, so why don't you trollback to the hole you came out of.


Lots have already quit waiting for a rollback to decide if they resub or not, and I am talking from a personal experience being a admin at a gaming community that came here from EVE. Not to mention others that have quit over it.


P.S.: They can roll back the valor gains without touching anything PVE related. Derp.





(Clearly an imp that falls into the category if abusing 1.1 ilum)


You say thousands? How many are playing this game?

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Now that you actually have to do something other trade a point in ilum people are qqing. Im sorry you didnt have to work hard to get your champ gear. And now that some people may have gained 5-10 valor ranks youre mad. I got to do 1 daily and weekly before the patch it was to easy. I like the patch other than the boxes and no republic people in the zone ever. I am not a high valor rank by any means i think im 31/32 now. I cant believe all the people complaing. You had to do nothing to get your champ gear and now that other people have to actually somewhat work at it you want a rollback. Go ahead and quit its better for the community.
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There will be NO ROLL BACK!


There was no exploit! It's called population imbalance and yesterday everyone got a taste of just how bad it is.



Just accept that the game you hoped this would be IS NOT the game that it is.


This. Just accept that you can't have your cake and eat it too all the time. On the server I play the faction base is pretty even and we had no problems with the patch. It's not BW fault that the majority of people on your server wanna play empire.


Anyway, maybe the hotfix will minimize all the "sky is falling" and "I talked my entire guild into canceling their subs" posts for a day or two. Some pvp'ers are such prima donna's.


The game is new folks, please anyone try and tell me their favorite mmo was perfect and you had no qualms when it was released...yeah u can't

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Why should there be roll back at all? What are you talking about? Have you actually been on Illum? Turret gave 0 valor, so that story was BS. Valor you got from a killing blow. 30 kill quest took like 1h -2h. So you think some one went from 1-60 in couple of hours? If people go couple of valor ranks is allot, since killing blows you don't get often at all with so many people dpsing same guy.
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Its just a bunch of rumors im sure more than half the people that replied to this have no idea what they are talking about. The most valor i got from a kill was 160 and after that I started getting less and less and we were not camping. They just wouldnt come out of their base so we would wait for them to build up and run in and kill them even with their turrets that arent worth **** i killed 5-6 turrets 0 valor. Prove me wrong with a pic.
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D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?


Actually in the last two weeks of dailys and constant WZ i have had 37 bags,


5 Earpeices

4 Relics

main hand blaster

off hand blaster


the rest were tokens. Now my companions will all have PVP gear about the same time i get all of mine..

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You people realize you were all trolled, right? All of you that are up in arms about the instant battlemasters. Trolled. It didn't happen. People gained valor because of the base camping, but it wasn't as bad as was claimed. The consequences of rolling back the valor of everyone, including people (like me) that spent hours in Warzones yesterday are more serious than upsetting a bunch of gullible idiots that believe everything they read on the Internet. It was a little bi of truth mixed in with massive hyperbole and outright lies.


Just shut up already.











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I bet like a good chunk of the people qqing and talking about canceling subs are awful pvpers anyways. This game has been out a month and coming from playing very high end competitive PvP in WoW I can't wait to see how SWTOR rated matches will be.


Bad players will foam and unsub, the legit good and the hardworking players will deal with it and adapt.


So peace to the bad players you'll never be happy.

Edited by Wetworksz
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Are you kidding me? My guild has a ventrillo and yes they were doing it.


Yes it was broken - and yes it was exploited.


Why do you think bioware shut the servers down for an emergency patch?


Oh wait.. another exploiter who doesn't want a rollback - Ok whatever.



400 valor a kill is what people were getting from freshly ressed players. Guildies who were 50 and valor 26 were unlocking champion titles in hours of gameplay.


Why is this not broken?


It was 160 or 180 + 20 base Valor as far as I know.


I gained 1 - 2 ranks yesterday then logged of, don't care if there is a Valor Roll back, I don't tend to be jealous or carebare for people which gained way more ranks over me by exploiting.


41.9 Valor to 43.6 Valor yesterday.

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This is coming from a Battlemaster imp, I was BM before the patch.

This has to be the worst patch in history of MMO gaming, and than you just tripled how bad it was by not shutting down the servers soon after people were reporting in mass all of the issues.



You clearly show your design and management incompetence when:



A. Rollback has yet to happen or be announced. (-20 MMO points)



B. Showing a clear favoritism to empire not only in design, animations, armor textures, and damage delays. Now it looks like the ones who abused it (empire) in 1.1, will not be getting their rollback. Clear Favoritism. Making a patch to force fighting but not fixing imbalance issues. Clear Favoritism. (-50 MMO points)



C. Making a world pvp map with large scale battles in mind on an engine that doesn't support over 15-20 vs 15-20. (-10 MMO points)


D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?




E. Most imbalance classes seen in an mmo at launch TO DATE. A 500 expertise tank getting killed in 3-4 seconds by a 45 operative? Shouldn't matter if it was a tank or any class for that matter, I have never played any mmo that failed that much. Everybody knows people like to see BIG numbers when it comes to a damage hit or healing hit, and people like fights that last a good amount of time. NO IT IS NOT JUST BIOCHEM.

(-20 MMO Points)




F. Still no rollback? Ive been writing this thread for over a couple hours, one tid-bit at a time. /fail.



G. Screwing up the que times just to satisfy the altaholics, and the slow levelers. Im not getting reports that the que times are not only 5x longer since the patch but reversed. As in republic are now waiting in que MUCH longer than imps... this could obviously be that most of the repubs were getting farmed on illum.. but still. (-10 MMO points)



E. Not listening to the community that relayed 80% of the present issues to you in BETA!.

(-20 MMO points)



Unfortunately, you can't get any positive points since everything that is good about this game was taken from other games.



You clearly don't game much if this is the worse patch you have experienced. Not saying it was great by any stretch, but far from the worst

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from everything i read and saw there was no exact exploit but only a faction imbalance and a problem with the turrets. as a republic jedi was finally able to get into ilum after several hours of the imps swarming it. numbers wise on base you get 20 valor a kill now you get full ilum buff its around 200 valor a kill. i didnt see any DM on it but then agian wasnt chain killin anyone in particular so for those groups that got stuck being camped at the base spawn point they could rack up so valor quickly if they got full ilum buff if not just haveing faction control it its like 80-100 per kill Edited by velgian
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You clearly don't game much if this is the worse patch you have experienced. Not saying it was great by any stretch, but far from the worst


That's what I am saying. Not sure what games people come from but lets put it to perspective. Games such as WoW, EvE and APB had all big exploits at some point in their timeline, that is just that.


Lets hope Bioware learns from this and in future provides full level 50 characters for test realms for better testing (unless they had premade characters in the last test, dunno wasn't in it ...).

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This is coming from a Battlemaster imp, I was BM before the patch.

This has to be the worst patch in history of MMO gaming, and than you just tripled how bad it was by not shutting down the servers soon after people were reporting in mass all of the issues.



You clearly show your design and management incompetence when:



A. Rollback has yet to happen or be announced. (-20 MMO points)



B. Showing a clear favoritism to empire not only in design, animations, armor textures, and damage delays. Now it looks like the ones who abused it (empire) in 1.1, will not be getting their rollback. Clear Favoritism. Making a patch to force fighting but not fixing imbalance issues. Clear Favoritism. (-50 MMO points)



C. Making a world pvp map with large scale battles in mind on an engine that doesn't support over 15-20 vs 15-20. (-10 MMO points)


D. RNG bags and bugged RNG. People with 40+ bags and 2 pieces only of duplicate gear?




E. Most imbalance classes seen in an mmo at launch TO DATE. A 500 expertise tank getting killed in 3-4 seconds by a 45 operative? Shouldn't matter if it was a tank or any class for that matter, I have never played any mmo that failed that much. Everybody knows people like to see BIG numbers when it comes to a damage hit or healing hit, and people like fights that last a good amount of time. NO IT IS NOT JUST BIOCHEM.

(-20 MMO Points)




F. Still no rollback? Ive been writing this thread for over a couple hours, one tid-bit at a time. /fail.



G. Screwing up the que times just to satisfy the altaholics, and the slow levelers. Im not getting reports that the que times are not only 5x longer since the patch but reversed. As in republic are now waiting in que MUCH longer than imps... this could obviously be that most of the repubs were getting farmed on illum.. but still. (-10 MMO points)



E. Not listening to the community that relayed 80% of the present issues to you in BETA!.

(-20 MMO points)



Unfortunately, you can't get any positive points since everything that is good about this game was taken from other games.


100% Agree. Please atleast respond to us appropriately Bioware


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Now that you actually have to do something other trade a point in ilum people are qqing. Im sorry you didnt have to work hard to get your champ gear. And now that some people may have gained 5-10 valor ranks youre mad. I got to do 1 daily and weekly before the patch it was to easy. I like the patch other than the boxes and no republic people in the zone ever. I am not a high valor rank by any means i think im 31/32 now. I cant believe all the people complaing. You had to do nothing to get your champ gear and now that other people have to actually somewhat work at it you want a rollback. Go ahead and quit its better for the community.




You are the joke here.


I am a Battlemaster sin, and was before the patch. I have opened tons and tons of bags and have been shortchanged A LOT. Getting to 61 is NOT easy mode, Especially with a full time job, kiddo.


The problem me, and anyone else who actually "worked hard" for their ranks have is that these people were exploiting (AKA abusing) something they knew was wrong, and we got a scripted response as if they are going to do something about it. If they were going to do something about it they would have by now, and a roll back is still needed. You can't ban all the players that participated in the exploit. The number of those who participated is much greater than those who unsubbed, if they banned them, forget the prediction of 2 months and this game is free to play, knock it down to 2 weeks. That is why a roll back of valor only is the only logical solution.


The patch SHOULDN'T even have been on the drawing board until all the below were fully implemented :


A. Pop imbalance was fixed


B. Class imbalance was fixed (dont troll with the biochem excuse)


C. Bugs/Graphical/Connection/Que issues fixed

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