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Everything posted by NorthernLights

  1. I was just wandering around checking out the new 1.2 stuff and ran across him. Got insta-killed and looked up why. Where does one even by the flask with daily comms. before trying to down him? Just curious, thanks.
  2. unequipping worked, thanks. silly how the game cant register that you're wearing the piece. the sniper thing still stands though. why do they get the only pieces that dont require BM gear?
  3. So i know the dev's said there's a way for us to get the new war hero pvp set before ranked warzones come out, and looking at the vendor I can see how. However, it doesn't work. It won't let me buy any of the new pieces even though I have the required battle master piece along with the right number of ranked war zone commendations. In fact, the only piece of gear I can buy at the moment is the war hero field tech belt and bracers, since for some reason those 2 pieces do not require the previous battle master piece. (im an op. healer so I dont even HAVE the battlemaster belt/bracers for snipers) My gut feeling is that the game wants me to buy another battlemaster piece, even though I already have one. So hey bioware, fix this please. Edit: it appears the snipers belt/bracers are the only pieces of war hero gear like this. pretty sweet.
  4. this is what I run. cleared all ops on nightmare (8man) with both titles and full BM pvp gear. it used to be my pvp spec only but i find the extra health really helpful for certain things like soa's lightning balls+RNG on nightmare and I never used RN anyway so I perma dropped it out of my spec. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffbzGoRdcZbchZh.1
  5. ive healed every boss on nightmare successfully with no problem, and only 1-2 deaths the entire raid so I know its possible.
  6. Op healing might be weak compared to sorc's, but its not like we're BAD healers. We still get the job done. This coming from an op healer who has successfully healed nightmare EV/Karagga full clears. With the upcoming fix to our HoT talents KP ticks for that much more, making it that much easier to keep a group of people alive.
  7. So is there any reason the dps one is pretty good, while the healing one is borderline garbage? Dps can proc every 4.5 seconds, healing one can proc ones every 20 secs, and heals for a minimal amount, similar to the dps trinket doing minimal additional damage. Any plans for changing it in the near future or is it going to be another one of those nice pieces that collect dust in my banks like the rakata weapon was for so long?
  8. I'm all for a deserter debuff as soon as they balance the classes that need it. Until then, I will continue to leave huttballs as an operative against a team of 6-8 sorcs/BH's (which happens pretty much 90 percent of the time).
  9. [quote=Rensel;2634471 So healing is completely useless at level 50 for a operative. As a BM healing operative, I lol'd. Especially at the part of kolto probe being useless, considering it has a chance to grant you a TA which means you can cast a FREE heal, even if it only hits for 1k critting for 2k. I just want med shield to actually work, among a few other minor changes.
  10. how could anyone NOT think sorcs are OP? After rolling an operative healer for pvp and pve, I came to the realization op healers are damn near worthless in an entire warzone (huttball) when we spend 70 percent of the time getting knocked off plats, into pits, or to wherever else there is when you can be a sorc healer with sprint, an aoe knockback that roots, a bubble that prevents 3k+ damage, a pull friendly target spell, and additional armor on heals to targets. What do op healers get? A stealth that can be seen from miles away, no bonus effects on our heals, a group stealth that can be seen from miles away, and a personal shield that we can't cast on others that absorbs less than 3k with no knockbacks or cc immunitites or gap closers of any kind, and only 1 stun+1 aoe incapacitate that breaks on damage. Oh and don't forget a completely worthless 31 point talent heal compared to the amazing aoe circle heal sorcs get. I mean the utility difference of an op healer vs sorc healers is just absurd. When I'm not getting knocked off edges/into pits/w/e im busy failing to keep my teammates alive since our only heal worth casting gets interrupted all the time and my HoTs nerfed by 30 percent in WZ's are nowhere close to the amount of damage 1 tracer missile will do, let alone spammed. Running around pillars in circles may keep me alive for forever, but it sure as hell is not fun. So a friendly tip to all those would be healers out there that have pvp in mind, roll sorc. Or even BH since they have at least a knockback+heavy armor to keep them alive. p.s. this has nothing to do with an op healers capabilities in pve, I know for a fact that op healers can keep up a raid group effectively on nightmare, even if it is a bit more stressful which is the main reason I personally don't want to reroll, since I like to do both. I shall patiently await for some kind of Op. healing reworking, even if its a minor change to RN to not make it completely worthless.
  11. any sorc who thinks he's not OP atm just doesnt understand how to play his class, hence he does worse than a sorc that does. Who knows if BW plans on nerfing them. I for one did not see changes to the assassin coming anytime soon, but thats what they chose to go with second. w/e
  12. I like how a supposed "guide to kill sorcs" turned into: reasons why sorcs need some kind of nerf, and rather quickly. The general populace has spoken on sorcs, and if the op nerf tells us anything, expect sorcs to get nerfed rather quickly after people get loud enough.
  13. As an Op. healer, i fully support this statement. to who ever said stealth is better than force run, clearly hasnt pvp'd as a op healer. Have fun getting seen from miles away. I'd rather have a sprint that gets me out of trouble near instantly when timed right coupled with an aoe knockback that could root over a vanish that dots/aoes can break instantly and also makes it so you receive almost no healing for the following seconds after you vanish.
  14. yes, you potentially can sit up in the spawn and just spend the whole game pulling. It's an exploit, and makes the deserter buff reset.
  15. This. It probably heals for a bit more than 1200 in the end, but its absolute garbage compared to the sorc aoe heal and doesnt even compare. Hell, I'm no longer even specced to have the smug/op 31 pt talent heal because its so bad.
  16. I really don't care what gear they have. It's more on just knowing how to win the specific warzone. And I can't speak for anyone else on the matter, but I personally rarely pvped while i was leveling to 50, and didn't really help out my team the way I should until later on when I realized what I could do to best help my team win.
  17. Would really love some kind of lvl 50 bracket system for valor level. I always seem to end up on the team in full greens and valor level 10-15 max. I'm really tired of seeing teammates go the wrong way in huttball with the ball, leave points undefended in alderaan, and fighting off the doors in voidstar. If people were bracketed off, the games would get more competitive, fun, and people might actually stay for a full warzone rather than leave after they realize the team is bad and there is only a very slim chance to win, like entering a huttball down 2-0. I'm also not suggesting to get really restrictive with the brackets. Just like a 0-50, and a 50-100 bracket would be nice.
  18. as an op healer, I eat concealment ops that open up on me when i have full health for breakfast. Once you live through the first burst, which i always do now in full champ gear (which is funny how tanks in full champ gear say they always die to ops), they're pretty worthless unless they have a healer on them. But if they have a healer on them chances are you're fighting either in or nearby other teammates, that can help you. As far as this topic is concerned, the OP is retarded. Nerf healing more than the 30 percent all healers are currently nerfed by? Try playing a healing class yourself rather than crying as an Op that can't kill a sorc because of the various knockbacks/snares they have. Maybe you should pick your targets better? Don't try and kill a sorc in full champ gear with a bubble on 1v1 on the upper plats of huttball as an Op since you have 0 gap closers and no cc immunity. Know your class, and its limits, and you'll find yourself successful in your adventures.
  19. I've gotten 2 BM commendations since the release of the patch getting boxes everyday since then. Yeah. Awesome system Bioware, thanks for it soooooooo much >>
  20. Sounds like you just have a bad rotation. I heal HM/NM raids with no issue at all. Just keeping HoTs rolling on my group and using KI/SP to heal the tanks is more than enough to keep people alive.
  21. Having to change a class because a lot of people thought they were overpowered is like the definition of NOT adapting.
  22. With your logic, people should have adapted to the game at release, and just "adapted" to the damage ops were doing. I'm sure everyone here will wholeheartedly agree with that statement right?
  23. I tried being reasonable but I guess trolls will forever be trolls. This is why I usual ignore when a class is trying to tell another class how to play. And no, I tried it for a full clear of EV/Karagga's HM recently, so yeah. If you bothered to look all over the Op forums, MANY people have all said the same thing about it. Extremely energy heavy since theres no way to get a TA minus shiv, unless you do the hybrid thing a lot of people are doing now with KP's instead of getting weakening blast. It's not the worst spec in the world to go, and for some boss fights its without a doubt better than concealment, like bonethrasher or w/e because you spend a lot of the time running around/avoiding a 270 degree cleave.
  24. congradulations. I tried it endgame and it is NOT energy efficient. You spend a lot of time auto attacking rather than dropping an energy regen rate to pull off your shiv. You JUST SAID you're a sniper, so now you're the authority on how it works for Ops? I'm not going to sit here and try and tell you how to play your class, I'm sure you know an infinite amount more about snipers than I ever will.
  25. store your TA for 10 second before you lose it wooooo. Or you can reshiv, lose more energy dropping another tier in the regen, and get another TA! It's not energy efficient. It is not. (for lethality) also, you realize that the video you posted has an Op in a pvp group, with a healer almost always on him. If you don't have a pocket healer, you will die out of stealth. It happens.
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