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Evidence for absurd valor gain claims?


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It really depended on the server. On my server, you could get a good amount of valor quickly for about an hour. After that, the place was so laggy and republic was so outnumbered that it just fell apart (corpse camping; which I refused to do). No one on my server really went that high. I talked to some people that were there; people may think they got a lot. They really didn't. It may have been double what they got from warzones in an hour. Who cares, an hour is nothing on BM grind.


That said, it may have been worse on other servers. If BW just gets the large offenders, I'll be fine with it. That said, they need to fix the horrific easter egg hunt of imbalance that is ilum. Republic on my server was already struggling. Now it is gasping as it hits the floor.

Edited by Dosvidaniya
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getting valor was never an issue with pvp. especially if you were smart about controlling the points. if you notice the battle buff or valor buff you get for controlling you see it keeps going up. I think i had a +600% buff by mid afternoon yesterday. So if your lucky enough to find a raid group rap-ing the other faction you are set to gain 2 to 3 k valor per kill and soar through to lvl 60.


Ha ha now if you expect that to be the same today after this little patch your willing to by that bridge over there in the corner.


With every new game that comes out there will be unexpected mistakes by the devs and quick fixes by someone assigned to clean up the mess. Don't get mad about it and certainly don't run off screaming cancel the world has come to an end.


FYI, after i realized what the valor buff was doing, i got my daily 30 kills and left. I had already completed my weekly illum quest on monday which by the way was funner doing it that way then this new way. I started my day at lvl 49 valor and ended it at 51 valor. I didnt take advantage of the mistake that bioware made and i dont care what anyone else did. The new level 50 bracket war zones was what everyone called for and now you have it. The sad thing is the republic players for the most part still sux. Sith sorcerers are still op with the instant cast lightning. (dont read i cant play my class becuase you all know 7 sorcerers and 1 maurader teams can not be beaten) I dont have the solution to this problem other then pick one and hope i can kill him before all his friends kill me. Eventually it will be fixed.

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well i gained like 3 valor level in Ilum yesterday, but i'm still far from lvl 60 :cool:


while farming valor is nice, i rather prefer we kill each other! pew pew pew!


and the new patch did just that, about 30-40 of us(imperial) were inside the republic bases camping them for a good 2-3 hours. the FPS was down to like -5 but i was happy man, killed so many republic scum. i felt like Hannibal Lector...

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Do you really think that the people that were able to exploit this in game failure are going to report themselves...I know a couple people who were on at launch of the new patch and are trustworthy individuals that have told me they we able to receive the ridiculous amount of valor gain like 5-6 levels from killing turret...yes BW can claim it was just a rumor but there is legitimate evidence that suggest otherwise and they are just trying to pacify the masses.
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I'll be the first to admit that as a Repub, playing Ilum for about 2 hours just trying to keep them from overrunning the base I earned roughly 70-80k valor. Now this was with no bases under our control and gaining 70 valor per kill.


I believe just like myself many Repubs showed up to prevent the Empire from overrunning our base and destroying the turrets for as long as possible to avoid the games PvP being ruined for all Republic players. Once the Dev announcement released about turrets giving no valor most our Ops group left and I resumed PvP in WZs. Within 15 minutes of that announcement our base was overrunning and the Emps were spawn camping us. (I saw this after coming out of a WZ while still in Ilum) and that was the last time I was there.


Now, the point im trying to make is, sure I scored 2 levels of valor from 53-55 while I was in Ilum defending our base. But the Emps where scoring 200 valor for the same 70 we were getting. This unique kill crap people are talking about is dumb. If you were actively engaged every assist I got was valor. Thats why the Emps were spamming lightning. Every person who died and were hit by the lightning gave them valor. Any healing or AOE class benefit the most from this little clash.

To sum it up.


Republic Players earned 70 Valor per kill for 2 hours came out to 70-80k valor.


Empire Players earned 200 Valor per kill for 2 hours came out to 200-230k valor.


That is significant, and unfortunately this was only achieved because of player imbalance and the Empire can overrun any Republic base due to sheer numbers.


I'm happy I was able to score a few easy levels but at the same time am saddend that the Empire had it so easy to level up 3x as fast as us.

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At least we got some massive PvP with around 100-150 players on each side. Players died every few seconds :)

Yes, it was luggy. With such an action on the screen FPS dropped under 1, even on lowest settings. Loading screen was popping up all the time.

Yes, it was a massacre.. but it was fun! Especially when republic got rise in numbers.

Personally I got 7 valor ranks in less then two hours. I don't think it's that big considering the scale of warfare :)

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Well I'm a republic player that went from rank 52 to almost rank 57 in the ilum mess last night. I was also on a server that had empire at our doorstep the entire day. They held all the objectives 90% of the day and kept us confined to our spawn area and I STILL got 5 ranks lvl 50+. I probably would've gotten rank 60 myself but by about midnight empire made an organized push and started spawn camping us so I just alt f4'd and went to bed. Now you wanna tell me it's not possible Empire players (With all the objectives getting TONS more valor) couldn't have gone 50-60? You're high. They absolutely can and did and now will have ridiculous amounts of empire battlemasters getting BM gear before republic players and severely imbalancing warzones. GG Bioware. Excellent work.


Lol why must everyone assume, you know what that does right? Why is it all the repubs are complaining? Because they got tons of valor and thought "If the Imperials are holding the planet then they must be getting more than me". Being an outnumbered repub you probably got the same if not more valor than any Imperial, unless they were spawn camping and you couldn't get a kill in even with the help of the turrets.


I am an Imperial player and was in combat when many a republic were killed, however rarely did a kill give me valor. Reading some of the numbers I have seen, the Republic actually gained more valor than me even though I was getting the planetary bonus. I should be the one complaining!

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No one went from valor rank sub 50 to 60 in 5 hours yesterday. I was in Ilum on Darth Sion and the few times we could get a Republic player out in the open, we'd attack but I did not get valor every time after the kill, even though I did damage.


I can see maybe getting from 1-20? Maybe 20 to upper 20s if you did it all day. But even with the buff, to get 10s of thousands of valor necessary to hit 60 from sub 50? Nope. That's a total 100% lie.


I was there for about ~10-20 minutes (ie: one/two WZ) on a fresh level 16 sniper spamming Leg Shot. Not efficient and not insta-killing the spawn (we were simply camping the sides and killing anything that got close enough). Ended up Valour rank 10.


The grind increases alot at rank 50+, but there were serious gains to be made, provided you had the numbers to zerg and Repubs to kill. 1-20 is more like a number you'd get playing Illum as intended....which for a lot of servers, wasn't the case. lol

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I have one screenshot that I took yesterday (I was there in the morning so I'm not sure how it was when the population picked up). When I first arrived the Imps were camping our base just out of the range of our turrets, so I went to a different speeder point and tried to get armaments and find solos, that didn't work as we were outnumbered.


I eventually just went back to the Republic base and joined the other players, we would just try to lure them into the turret range and get all the valor we could. Eventually we realized we could heal the turrets and get valor for their kills. So we all grouped up on the turrets, healed them, and waited for the Imps to get impatient and charge in.


I died somewhere between 5 and 10 times and went from rank 40 to 45 (I have no SS of my rank, but for spending somewhere between 3 and 5 hours there, I'd say that's not too much).


I never once saw our population go over 35 on the republic side and I definitely feel we gained more valor than them.


During one of their massive assaults on our spawn point they actually tried to take out one of the turrets, they got it down maybe a quarter before they wiped.


This is what it looked like for most of the time until they got valor-hungry and charged in.


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I'd be genuinely interested if anyone had any actual evidence that Imperial players yesterday got anything more than maybe 5 or 6 valor ranks from Ilum...


I've heard all sorts of crazy nonsense about people getting instant full battlemaster gear but I find this highly dubious if you do the maths and actually look at the evidence in terms of ranks gained by players. I've seen nothing even close to what people are claiming here.


So is anybody going to provide some empirical evidence for crazy claims like these; or is this, as I suspect, butthurt Republicans blowing their whine way out of proportion?


I await the deathly silence from the otherwise quite loud Republicans...


Anyone who did isnt going to post because Bioware claims they are going to hunt them all down. They arent, but if someone posted they would make an example of that person to save face.

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I think the OP is onto something here,


after all this is a game wide problem, where many seem to think its on pvp servers only...sadly its not. Maybe BioWare could fo responded a littlequicker, but instead of using words they put the dev team to work to come up with a patch.


Thats all good in my book.


Now its funny when you actually do thinkof the numbers of all the people QQ about this. Remember its a game wide issue so its on every server...but think of the numbers:


Take the exact number of players at this point across every server (total SWTOR player base)


Now maybe 5-10 % of those will be level 50...possibly 15 - 18 percent


Now look at the numbers for the Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues thread.


It has had just under 2.500 post's and has been viewed just over 213,000 times, now given that 1/3 or maybe half is consecutive posts (multiple post's by one person) you can then bring that number down to 1,250 individual posts, then take into account informative posts that actually give information, valid reasons for things your looking closer to 800.


So out of the entire SWTOR consumer base ...less than 5% are actually complaining about the 1.1 update to ilum and not just spouting the usual "cancelling sub" crud.


The O.P has my full support as does BioWare, I signed for a 6 month sub and IM NOT GOING TO CANCEL.


Show the evidence, show the numbers and lets see if there is a real problem that needs to be adresed....and then do it

This is spot on, all this crying and not one youtube link or SS of the facts. It's over 1million subcribers, and only a few cryers, than so be it, if they quit it will be a tad less crying to read and maybe more imformative post. One guy admited he isnt even on illium yet and was crying and threatning to quit, lol thats awesome. Personally, i dont care if the entire faction is in the best gear, i wouldnt pvp for a gear advantage, i would for the fun of it, might take me longer, but so what?
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Do you really think that the people that were able to exploit this in game failure are going to report themselves...I know a couple people who were on at launch of the new patch and are trustworthy individuals that have told me they we able to receive the ridiculous amount of valor gain like 5-6 levels from killing turret...yes BW can claim it was just a rumor but there is legitimate evidence that suggest otherwise and they are just trying to pacify the masses.
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Obviously there were some truth to it or THIS wouldnt have been posted


"Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "


If nothing was done wrong.. well then no action would have to be "evaluated or action taken as necessary" now would there be?


The wrong action by the players was griefing and individual over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and well you get the point, is against the EULA even on a pvp server. The people he is referring to did this and did this all the while exploiting the system of destroying the turrets so they would not be killed while in the enemy's base even though they were not getting anywhere near the so called "Valor" some of these idiots were claiming because of the diminishing returns.

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This is spot on, all this crying and not one youtube link or SS of the facts. It's over 1million subcribers, and only a few cryers, than so be it, if they quit it will be a tad less crying to read and maybe more imformative post. One guy admited he isnt even on illium yet and was crying and threatning to quit, lol thats awesome. Personally, i dont care if the entire faction is in the best gear, i wouldnt pvp for a gear advantage, i would for the fun of it, might take me longer, but so what?


This by a factor of 10..heck maybe 100.......:D

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I don't have the screenshot saved, but you mean you didn't see the ones that had +20 valor, +180 bonus valor per kill as a repeating message filling the chat window? They were posting it yesterday.


You can't extrapolate the first 10 seconds to 6 hours. Doesn't work like that. For the .1 second it takes to load the win screen in hutball I'm getting 11000 valor a second...

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You can't extrapolate the first 10 seconds to 6 hours. Doesn't work like that. For the .1 second it takes to load the win screen in hutball I'm getting 11000 valor a second...


Haha, are you serious? That's the worst analogy I've ever heard. Even if it was only one kill every minute (and that's being pretty conservative), that's still 200 valor a minute, for no work. That's not intended, and a lot of people were there for hours just farming the poor saps entering the zone.

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i was there and went from valor 6 to valor 9 in 4 hours. i was there for 3 hours in an ops group getting 11 kills out of the 60-100 at the pub base. we killed their turret and it respawned immediatly and we got no valor. someone in game said that a turret gave the 1k valor or soemthing, but there are 3 turrets, the ones you disable and repair, the ones you can man and off people with, and the on in the base. i imagine he was talking about using the mannable turret to off pubs. then i canme back in the eve for an hour and was rakeing in the kills, and i even dc'd and came back with like 15 more kills then before the dc. even with this i still didnt power level valor. and i assure you during that 3 hours i got 11 kills, the pubs were prolly farming us more than we them...



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