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I could really benefit from having dual spec


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I want Dual spec because my Powertech Tank, can't do dailies worth a crap because my damage output is so low, but if people want less tanks and healers like someone mentioned on page 1... then protest them when they add them, pretty sure I read somewhere that Dual spec is in the works, but Dual AC would not be cool.
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I want Dual spec because my Powertech Tank, can't do dailies worth a crap because my damage output is so low, but if people want less tanks and healers like someone mentioned on page 1... then protest them when they add them, pretty sure I read somewhere that Dual spec is in the works, but Dual AC would not be cool.


Thanks, I forgot about the main benefit that made Blizzard developers like dual-spec. More tanks and healers to go around for everyone = everyone happy.

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What can I say, being able to go do dailies quickly in a DPS spec, then doing Heroics and Raids as a tank for my guild is worth it, going to be some long queues in the LFG tool with no tanks and healers.


A part of me also doesn't want dual spec because I got tired of lugging around 2 sets of gear on all my toons so I could do whatever was needed, not to mention all the money spent getting both sets up to performance requirements, with gems and enchants and stuff.

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For me it is just simply the idea that you are changing your expertise at whim. It's like saying "I am a munitions expert and have extensive knowledge of multiple missile systems, Wait you don't need that, ok now in 30 seconds I am a fully qualified medical doctor and cant remember much about what I used to do 30 seconds ago."


I understand from a technical point how it would seem easy and beneficial, but from a story and practical point it really doesn't make sense to me. I know other games have it but it goes in the direction of having an "I Win Button" mentality.


Typical fanboi answer. Making up all kinds of wierd excuses to why it is not good to have dual-spec.


It is for the lazy.

It will ruin the game.

It is not realistic. WHAT????


Does it make sense to throw lighting out your fingers? Does it make sense to throw rocks with your mind? Does lightsabers make sense? Hovering crafts (mounts) sure got to make sense using no wheel.


Fanboi are using this 3 excusees over and over and over again. They have no other excuse then this 3.

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Just be happy you play a hybrid. I have 50 commando, 50 gunslinger, 50 sentinel (and no life @@). I'm telling you dual spec would be a bad idea, hybrids already are op, they can get all the medals in PvP, healing and damage, or damage and guard. My sentinel and gunslinger can only get damage. Sick of hybrids wanting even more.


You could argue... But with dual spec you could have a spec for pve and a spec for pvp. NICE! NO... Damage is damage and you can get all the same stuff 300k damage medal in pve spec anyway.

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I hate dual spec, it basically makes talent trees pointless.[/Quote]


Saying that is like saying you hate a TV-remote, it basically makes TV-channels useless, might as well be consolidated to 1 channel.


And "hate", really... hate? You're confusing "I hate" with "I'm disgruntled with" or "I disagree with"


Choices should matter in the game and if you want to roll another spec then respec and stop moaning.


Choices do matter... You choose where to put your 41 talent points, and the 41 talent points in your other spec. If you choose to put them in sub-par talents that's your prerogative. Just like you would have the choice to make use of dual-spec or not.

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Just be happy you play a hybrid. I have 50 commando, 50 gunslinger, 50 sentinel (and no life @@). I'm telling you dual spec would be a bad idea, hybrids already are op, they can get all the medals in PvP, healing and damage, or damage and guard. My sentinel and gunslinger can only get damage. Sick of hybrids wanting even more.


You could argue... But with dual spec you could have a spec for pve and a spec for pvp. NICE! NO... Damage is damage and you can get all the same stuff 300k damage medal in pve spec anyway.



Dual-spec would add absolutely nothing to the supposed "OP'ness" of hybrid classes, having 2 separate specs at your disposal doesn't change a thing about that. You'd still have to push a button to change your spec, which would obviously not be allowed in Warzones, that'd be daft...

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Sorry to burst your little bubble there fella but it's been said time and again that they ARE looking at adding in dual spec at some point.


Im sorry to disappoint you, but i am aware that they have said that they are looking at it. Apparently you take that to mean that it'll get implemented in 2 weeks....


It could also mean that it'll get implemented in 3 years, or even never :)

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For me it is just simply the idea that you are changing your expertise at whim. It's like saying "I am a munitions expert and have extensive knowledge of multiple missile systems, Wait you don't need that, ok now in 30 seconds I am a fully qualified medical doctor and cant remember much about what I used to do 30 seconds ago."


I understand from a technical point how it would seem easy and beneficial, but from a story and practical point it really doesn't make sense to me. I know other games have it but it goes in the direction of having an "I Win Button" mentality.


Yeah rationalising in video games is so fuuuun!



Imagine people whining and crying at the cinema each time an actor did something crazy in an action movie.



Get over yourself...

Edited by Amelyssan
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Have you done 16man ops? We only take a sentinel and gunslinger if they need loot. Having commando and scoundrels off heal is ridiculous, and going oh this next boss is a healing heavy fight, commando can you switch to healing please. Then after switch back to dps and equal that of a sentinel please. I'm not opposed to dual spec.... Balancing needs to happen first. I guarantee none of you play a pure class anyway, so get both sides of a story then you can argue effectively.
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Im sorry to disappoint you, but i am aware that they have said that they are looking at it. Apparently you take that to mean that it'll get implemented in 2 weeks....


It could also mean that it'll get implemented in 3 years, or even never :)


Which is a win for you right? Cause you enjoy other people being inconvenienced!


There are 2 options if/when dual-spec is added :


1) You make use of it and enjoy!

2) You don't make use of it and nothing happens.


Stop being selfish.

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Have you done 16man ops? We only take a sentinel and gunslinger if they need loot. Having commando and scoundrels off heal is ridiculous, and going oh this next boss is a healing heavy fight, commando can you switch to healing please. Then after switch back to dps and equal that of a sentinel please. I'm not opposed to dual spec.... Balancing needs to happen first. I guarantee none of you play a pure class anyway, so get both sides of a story then you can argue effectively.


What do you think is going to happen? Dual-spec gets added and raids stop bringing so called "pure's"? Don't be silly... if you're good at what you do people are going to want to bring you to the raid, regardless of whether you can only preform one role (the role the majority need to preform, DPS). There's guardians and vanguards out there that only want to tank, consulars, commandos and scoundrels that only want to heal, they don't get benched for people that play multiple specs.


TLDR; You get benched because you're bad, not because you're specialized.

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Multiple specs ftw.


Honestly, if you think it makes the game easier, you're an idiot. Having the option to respec at all is what changes the mechanics of the game. You can ALREADY, IN THE GAME YOU ARE CURRENTLY PLAYING, go from being a 'munitions' expert to a professional doctor. *poof*


Having multiple specs doesn't decrease the quality of the players either. It's ridiculous to think that having just 1 spec will make a bad player better. They are going to be bad no matter what you do.


You guys might as well be arguing that our PCs are going to get fat from these "easy mode" spaceships that instantly warp us across the galaxy. That's just not right, say no to fat PCs, we should have to walk /facepalm.

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Saying that is like saying you hate a TV-remote, it basically makes TV-channels useless, might as well be consolidated to 1 channel.


And "hate", really... hate? You're confusing "I hate" with "I'm disgruntled with" or "I disagree with"




Choices do matter... You choose where to put your 41 talent points, and the 41 talent points in your other spec. If you choose to put them in sub-par talents that's your prerogative. Just like you would have the choice to make use of dual-spec or not.


Ah yes, the argument of choice for those unable or unwilling to play a game..."it doesn't affect you". First off, yes it would affect me. I would be placed in a worse position if I didn't make use of the "any spec at any time" feature. Second, even if it actually had no affect on me whatsoever, that does not automatically make it a "good idea".

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Enbee you are just a troll, read carefully what I have said okay. Balancing needs to happen. Off- topic yes.


I'm not saying the game is balanced. What I'm really saying is class balance is irrelevant to the discussion.


Don't call me a troll because I derive a perfectly valid assumption from your post. In fact, learn the appropriate usage of the word "troll", I am offended.


I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, okay? :)




You only play hybrid. You have come from the easy mode which is WoW. Move along troll.


Wow.(not the game)


Not sure what to say to that, apart from "You're an idiot".

Edited by enbee
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Greetings and salutations.


I play this game to have fun. Having fun is the ability to play together with my friends and do fun stuff. The whole object of the game is to have fun.


Having 1 tank and 3 DPS online that want's to do an flashpoint makes the game less fun since we cannot do the flashpoint without a healer.

Leveling up as a healer makes the game less fun *FOR ME* (I am fully aware that it's possible) cause I want to deal damage when I am questing as opposed to healing my companion (which works - yes, but it's less fun).

Solving daily quests as a healer is less fun for me (see line above).

PvP:ing as a healer is less fun for me (most of the time) (see two lines above).


Summary: I want to be able to heal my friends in a flashpoint but I don't want to be a healer in other circumstances.

Same thing with my other char, I want to tank for my friends but DPS in other circumstances.


NOW: giving me dual spec will HELP me have more fun.

It does not affect you at all. I can switch spec as much as with Dual Spec today so it will not affect the game play, it will not tilt balance or change the foundations of the game. It will ONLY make the game more FUN for the subscribers.


Lazy? Perhaps, depending on how you look at it, but it boils down to being prepared. With dual spec I'll have all my hotbars, all my actions and all my skills done and ready. People don't need to wait for me for 15 minutes while I run to the fleet and fix it.

Again, playing the game = more fun than standing around waiting.

God forbid if I have to change spec in a 16 man raid. 15 people standing around waiting for only me while I run off to fix my spec.


Unqualified? Nah, hardly, if you have dual spec you need MORE competence about your class than you normally need.


Situational? Of course! That means MORE FUN again. I can adapt to the situation and be prepared.


No choices that matters? Okie, I can agree to that. Give people a special title if they don't respec at all (or maybe less then 5 times) and they don't purchase dual spec. This gives the people who don't use dual spec a special advantage that is not game breaking and you can flash you awesomeness in a title!




Another thing that people complain about is LFG tool.

In direct contrast to the above, which actually does not affect you at all, it will change the people in the community.

I can sign up for a flashpoint no matter how bad I behaved or spoke to you last time. You might even get me in your group even though I have insulted you above and beyond.

I can easily steal loot for my companions that you really need and so on and so on.

People can just cruise through flashpoints they don't understand or actually can beat cause the other three can compensate for the looser.

This makes people lazy and they stop caring about how the behave.


Thus an LFG tool will affect me in my playing environment regardless if I use it or not (this thread is about Dual Spec so please don't switch the focus of the thread cause I compared two things) but Dual Spec will not affect you if you don't want to use it.

Possibly it can affect you in such a way that I can help you easier or better cause I will use the Dual Spec.



Now, do you think I make any argument that can be used to vote for a Dual Spec or am I just rambling on cause I want it?

What do you think?

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Ah yes, the argument of choice for those unable or unwilling to play a game..."it doesn't affect you". First off, yes it would affect me. I would be placed in a worse position if I didn't make use of the "any spec at any time" feature. Second, even if it actually had no affect on me whatsoever, that does not automatically make it a "good idea".


In what worse position exactly would it put you? It's already possible to respec, dual-spec just makes it more convenient...


And you're right, it not affecting people who don't partake does NOT automatically make it a good idea indeed. It is, though, a valid point to raise when people who don't wish to partake don't want to see it happen...

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