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Everything posted by enbee

  1. So it's perfectly fine since I can stun him and run away IF someone else is around? I'm obviously using my abilities, he'll trinket the hilt strike... And this is in Ilum on a server with silly imp side imbalance so I'm allready lucky enough to have it be 1v1, that happens once in a blue moon, usually it's 1v4 minimum. Running away should not be the answer regardless (seriously ***)... I should be able to beat him if only with the right amount RNG, when I play appropriatly. But no, I got him to 30% (he didn't pot afaik), and that's with trinketing literally the instant I got opened up on, using an expertise consumable, a PVP healing pot and all 3 of my defensive cd's... Also PVP trinket is off of the gcd ;o
  2. How is that even possible? I don't tend to write complaint posts, but seriously... Even if I trinket the stun the instant it hits me and pop my cd's, I still get eaten alive in less than 10 seconds, it's pretty hilarious. What is it like if you don't have 49% damage reduction like I do?
  3. The notion that dual-spec would foster a worse player-base is preposterous and frankly, insulting to the average player. It takes me 5 mins to get 100% used to my DPS-spec after switching to it, and that's only because the game is sort of new to me. In WoW it was 100% seamless for me. So to answer your question : I would rather raid with someone who is over the age of 5 and can learn to optimally preform more than 1 task. (You're still only doing 1 task at a time, come on man, it's not *********** rocket science)
  4. Your game might be set to a resolution or frequency that your tv/monitor can't run, change settings and try again. I'm 99% certain, confirm!
  5. The problem isn't money primarily(though it does add up if you fill 2 roles within a raid), it's mostly time.
  6. Try me, you might sway me, you seem like a clever person/thing!
  7. Ah, you're a great example of a nonsense argument, thank you! First of all I think you're misunderstanding what dual spec entails, so let me explain, cause I'm such a nice guy, you're lucky! You know how there are classes that can fulfill 2 roles yeah, like tanking and dps or dps and healing. You see they might be in a guild, a guild that raids! Now while in raids some boss fights require a re-shuffling of roles (1 more healer or 1 more tank for certain fights for instance). Currently (and in the past in wow), 1 of your hybrid guys would run and travel to the respeccing NPC and go reshuffle his spec, then change his hotbars completely around. This basically involves having 7-15 people standing around twiddling their thumbs waiting for this to finish. Quite the buzz-kill right? I agree! Now with dual-spec, you would press a button (When out of combat of course, you sill billy you!), after channeling for a second, the player who pressed the button will have changed to his other pre-set talent spec and hotbar setup *poof* like magic. No more waiting for no reason and much cake was had by all. The end. TLDR; Hybrids do not in fact become destroyers of worlds with dual-spec. In fact it changes nothing to the game, other than make everyone slightly happier!
  8. I've been following a lot of threads about dual-spec, and not once have I seen an argument _against_ it that makes any sense (or is coherent). It was a great addition to WoW, Bioware should just learn from their competitors and add it in ASAP, done deal. "Decisions should matter" is my personal favorite nonsense argument, as if adding dual-spec changes anything to that, you can allready respec whenever you want to
  9. I have a very similar issue, but on an AZERTY keyboard (Belgian/French), the "µ" button (on the inside of the return key) always opens the "create ticket" page no matter what I bind it to. I ticketed to report it, but the ingame text couldn't identify the symbol, it ended up looking like "?" in the ticket :/
  10. On the bridge on void star? If so that's exactly what's happened to me, and while in the "empty room" I died and stayed in there, while getting a deserter timer when I respawned(still in the "empty room"), I could not move and got booted from the battleground.
  11. Nowhere did I say the voice-overs weren't a nice addition, I'm just saying all that money might've been better spent (or not spent) getting proper QA done. The problem with this games' release was time, time = money, more money = more time. And of course I wasn't expecting a bug-free game, I was expecting a finished game though! Calling me ignorant is pretty ignorant of yourself and highly presumptuous, but I'll forgive you That said, I'm still playing the game, so it isn't _that_ bad is it. I am however not a blind fan-boy (or an irrational hater). I'm sure being the informed man/woman/thing that you are, that you have a source for this Edit : Sorry for going wildly off topic, I'm sure I'll be forgiven since the OP is a silly silly post.
  12. Tbh I'd rather swtor had 0 voice overs and didn't have hundreds of tiny annoying bugs (and some massive ones). I think having a completely voiced game is great, but it shouldn't trump actual game quality.
  13. Yeah, imagine people being slightly less inconvenienced at certain parts of their playing experience, what a terrible game it would turn into! Seriously, I have not seen one coherent and logical argument AGAINST dual-spec. Just a bunch of attention-whores arguing for the sake of it. Sad stuff.
  14. Are you talking about solo content here? If so, it's practically irrelevant. If you're talking about raid content : you don't pick a certain spec to make something easier, you pick it to make it POSSIBLE. I don't even care about the respec cost, I care about the time my guildies have to wait for me to go run and respec and reshuffle my bars to fulfill the role we NEED!! to progress. It's just an extra time sink and an annoyance. Besides dual-spec isn't free, it should carry a hefty one time fee (ex: in wow it was 1000g, base respec cost in wow is 5g, maxing up to 50g) Did you really just type that paragraph? Now I feel I just wasted a few minutes replying. People who advocate dual-spec aren't asking to become the super heal all kill all tank all character of doom...(which they won't, but you seem to be imagining they will) They want to be less inconvenienced when helping their guildies complete raid content. edited out profane comment cause I'm just too nice
  15. In what worse position exactly would it put you? It's already possible to respec, dual-spec just makes it more convenient... And you're right, it not affecting people who don't partake does NOT automatically make it a good idea indeed. It is, though, a valid point to raise when people who don't wish to partake don't want to see it happen...
  16. I'm not saying the game is balanced. What I'm really saying is class balance is irrelevant to the discussion. Don't call me a troll because I derive a perfectly valid assumption from your post. In fact, learn the appropriate usage of the word "troll", I am offended. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, okay? Wow.(not the game) Not sure what to say to that, apart from "You're an idiot".
  17. What do you think is going to happen? Dual-spec gets added and raids stop bringing so called "pure's"? Don't be silly... if you're good at what you do people are going to want to bring you to the raid, regardless of whether you can only preform one role (the role the majority need to preform, DPS). There's guardians and vanguards out there that only want to tank, consulars, commandos and scoundrels that only want to heal, they don't get benched for people that play multiple specs. TLDR; You get benched because you're bad, not because you're specialized.
  18. Which is a win for you right? Cause you enjoy other people being inconvenienced! There are 2 options if/when dual-spec is added : 1) You make use of it and enjoy! 2) You don't make use of it and nothing happens. Stop being selfish.
  19. Dual-spec would add absolutely nothing to the supposed "OP'ness" of hybrid classes, having 2 separate specs at your disposal doesn't change a thing about that. You'd still have to push a button to change your spec, which would obviously not be allowed in Warzones, that'd be daft...
  20. Choices do matter... You choose where to put your 41 talent points, and the 41 talent points in your other spec. If you choose to put them in sub-par talents that's your prerogative. Just like you would have the choice to make use of dual-spec or not.
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