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Increased cost for level 20 & 40 PvP gear - Why?


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Because it took like 1 round per piece, which is a bit low don't you think?


I have a new idea to you let's make gear scale automatically with you rlevel - sounds like you would appreciate that.


How do u get 300 com per run?

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The 20/40 orange pieces used to cost 185 and it did indeed take only very few matches to earn enough comms to buy an entire set, so I really don't think the price increase is a big deal.


Lifting or at least upping the 1k commendations cap while they're at it would have been nice though.

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The 20/40 orange pieces used to cost 185 and it did indeed take only very few matches to earn enough comms to buy an entire set, so I really don't think the price increase is a big deal.


Lifting or at least upping the 1k commendations cap while they're at it would have been nice though.


See, now, this is where you're wrong.


It IS a big deal.


Because adding a grind to a spot where you could get some nice, low-level, transient equipment (I.E. you don't keep the **** for more than a few hours) is kind of a dick move. There's no reason for these things to be expensive. I think there should be a few sets of gear with power levels based on the ratio of your level to your PvP rank; high rank, low level? Purple. Low rank, high level? Green. Level-appropriate. Set bonuses. A stepped achievement roadmap so people could get a few at a time and still feel good about the process, instead of just hitting twenty and magically qualifying for a *****torm of nice gear.


Sadly, I'm not the PvP designer.

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Agreeing with the OP.


I ONLY do pvp soo i can upgrade my gear and continue leveling, but with the added frustration (Huttball im looking at you) i wont even bother.


In my opinion this was a real dickmove.


This is the average MMO dude's opinion of the change.


'I used to be able to get neat gear by screwing around in PvP a bit. Now I'm just ****ed. Oh, well, now I won't queue anymore.'


And the queues just get longer and longer. Just wait! Soon, the only folks in low levels will be grinding alts to 50 and there just won't be PvP at all until you're there. Just wait. It'll happen. Trust me, I'm from Warhammer Online.

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i know for CERTAIN i wont pick up the 20/40 pvp gear anymore now.

the lvl 20 stuff didnt have any pvp stats on it anyhow, cant remember from out of my head, but the 40 stuff didnt have expertise too, right ?

i got 2 toons past the level 20 stuff and 1 more toon right there. with both higher toons i outleveled everything (save the implant) in a matter of a day or two, the implant possibly at day 3.

why would i now grind the pvp equip for the third toon when it almost takes twice as long and only is up to date for a few levels ?

the only reason to do it now is the implant and maybe an orange chestpiece if you didnt have one allready (but you most likely have one anyhow).


there is now no reason to do pvp before before 50 other than grinding the 1000/1000 you need for the "champ starter set".


the 20/40 pvp is IS no pvp gear, it has no expertise, nor is it "ubah" gear. ppl just picked it up because it was relativly fast to get.


all this will lead to is less ppl pre 40 do pvp.


good job BW.

Edited by Psionic_X
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So wait.. a match or 2 to get each piece? My low lvl toons (a PT and Sage) are averaging from 12-40 comms per match with around 4 medals (when they actual register) so thats alot more then a match or 2 less I am getting totally boned on my comms for tha last couple weeks. My sage has 141 comms atm after 7 matches 6 of which were wins by the way earning at least 4 medals a match.
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They increased commendation cost of pre 50 lvl gear by 75%. That's a huge increase. Worst part is there is no mention of that in patch notes. I basically got royally screwed over that as I can buy only 3 items now instead of 5. Really not nice to put stealth nerf like this.
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Just noticed this, it's a terrible change imo, this a huge increase to the comms needed for lowbies to get gear, my 40 op I will finish collecting the gear with but I'm not sure I'll bother collecting the 20 set on even my republic chars, might pick up some of 40 set at least from random pvp while leveling. Definitely no on my remaining empire chars I can't take that much huttball repeatedly.


Why even make this change? I mean who really cared much that it was easy to get other than some silly dev, if you want people to do flashpoints for gear at those levels add an actual damn LFG tool already.

Edited by zuile
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This change is GREAT! Why you say? Well, if you PVP regularly, you have something to shoot for. You also don't hit the 1000 merc and 1000 wz cap while you're waiting for 50.


For example: I'm just into lvl 48 on my Trooper. I have 40 valour, full 40 pvp gear AND Full 40 on Elara Dorne AND Yuun. Why? Because I had a HUGE wz commendation overflow. I was getting more comms than I could spend. (We also have the corresponding lvl 46 pvp weapons.)


So, it should cost more thus making the gear more of a reward and harder to get. But it's not THAT much harder guys, honestly. Now that the WZ are bracketed and a lot more fun, it's not depressing to play the matches to get the comms.



This is a good change overall IMO.





Edited by Swijr
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Interesting, if the cost for those items were the same as now from the beginning, no one would look twice at it. I thought it was extremely easy to get them, especially the lvl 40 ones that actually was a pretty decent set to have, especially couple of weeks back when i didnt find any gear on GM, or did much group content.


Imo, this is how it should have been at start, if those new numbers are true - I haven't checked, but since it wasn't, a lot of ppl now have to do more pvp to get the same stuff that was cheaper before. Whereas lvl 50s grinding ranks can get to r60 a lot faster, taking some shortcuts on Ilum. Hmmmm.

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I ONLY do pvp soo i can upgrade my gear and continue leveling, but with the added frustration (Huttball im looking at you) i wont even bother.


Which is fine, the gear clearly wasn't meant for you - but for people who enjoy pvping.


Doing quests will give you better gear and faster, so why waste your time doing something you so obviously hate?

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Wow calm down guys. If you're a pvper then these cost raises mean nothing. My 38 alt gunslinger has had the level 40 gear from before level 20, has bought all the weapons available at every level, has alrdy a champions bag, maxed merc coms for 50 and has equiped companion with all the pvp upgrades too.


If you're a pvper then this change means nothing. If you're just a pve'er looking for free loot, go elsewhere.

Edited by xBuzz
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I think we can all agree that the main problem here is the lack of communication from BW about the rise of prices for the gear in their patch notes. The lack of honesty is troubling and is shaking the faith of a lot of people, especially considering this was not a minor change.
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