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Game time compensation for patch times?


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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


Blizzard on occasion credits gameplay, but only when they have severe downtime or outages but BW/EA like Blizzard/Activision state that your monthly bill to play the game and any free time given to you come with expectations that there will be downtime.


Don't expect compensation because you didn't get 100% of your -FREE- game play.

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Maybe EU has nicer business practices when giving people free ****.. but NA doesnt. we are used to it. if you want to play an american based game, get used to it too.


Americaaaaa F* YEAH!


You are welcome to your opinion. I just wish Bioware didn't appear to share the sentiment.

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.





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Hmm, I think this is a fair point. It does seem like we're losing at least a day in potential playtime to scheduled manintainence.


I mean 8 hours a week * 4 weeks a month is 32 hours that we're paying for just vanishing into the digital ether.


I mean, there's a distinction to be made between the server being down because of technical issues and maintainence that they've actually scheduled, surely. I mean, if they know the server is going to be down for such and such a window, surely it would be only right to reward that time back?

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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Hmm, I think this is a fair point. It does seem like we're losing at least a day in potential playtime to scheduled manintainence.


I mean 8 hours a week * 4 weeks a month is 32 hours that we're paying for just vanishing into the digital ether.


Maintenance never lasts 8 hours from what I have seen. They typically finish early. Before the last patch they said they'd only been down for a total of 7 hours I think it was? Lol.

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This is an MMO, not a single player game. All MMO's go down for patches, all the time, at regular intervals. I subsribed to WoW for years, and never once recieved any form of credit because their servers were down due to maintenance or hardware failures.


These kind of downtimes are to be expeced and are clearly specified in the terms of service for the game. Thus is the life of the MMO-player, all of us who have been around for a few years have come to accept this - since there really isn't any other way to maintain a product like this. Some things can't be hot patched - just learn to live it.


I also reside in Europe - and while I wish they could split the patches - like blizzard does - to always roll out during night time, it's really not a big deal.


Read up on darth hater, lore, guides, check the forums for a while, listen to a starwars podcast or two and before you know it the patch will be done and you can get back to playing the game again.

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You can quote the terms of service and eula all you want, you might notice that I never mentioned it in the OP. It's not about that, it's about taking care of your playerbase. And what happened with patch 1.1 yday in Ilum, as well these rediculous Europe downtimes is not taking good care of the playerbase.


It's not about being entitled to anything through any agreements whatsoever(not that this will stop 50 more people from stating the opposite).

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


I think BW have us deep in hole. Only money counts not gamer's ideas or requests. You must live with it. That's since 8y in this company.

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This is an MMO, not a single player game. All MMO's go down for patches, all the time, at regular intervals. I subsribed to WoW for years, and never once recieved any form of credit because their servers were down due to maintenance or hardware failures.


These kind of downtimes are to be expeced and are clearly specified in the terms of service for the game. Thus is the life of the MMO-player, all of us who have been around for a few years have come to accept this - since there really isn't any other way to maintain a product like this. Some things can't be hot patched - just learn to live it.


I also reside in Europe - and while I wish they could split the patches - like blizzard does - to always roll out during night time, it's really not a big deal.


Read up on darth hater, lore, guides, check the forums for a while, listen to a starwars podcast or two and before you know it the patch will be done and you can get back to playing the game again.


Unfortunately the way that Blizzard rolls out patches at different times is because they have separate region-locked clients. Some people prefer it this way, other people have friends in Europe that they desire to play with without purchasing the game twice and paying for a subscription twice.


[i had to do that with WoW lol]

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Unfortunately the way that Blizzard rolls out patches at different times is because they have separate region-locked clients. Some people prefer it this way, other people have friends in Europe that they desire to play with without purchasing the game twice and paying for a subscription twice.


It's how Blizzard does things. Check Rift however, it 100% doable and possible to have separate maintenance times without locking regions.

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I think BW have us deep in hole. Only money counts not gamer's ideas or requests. You must live with it. That's since 8y in this company.


I do not understand this idea, perhaps economics/business needs to be a required course in more countries/colleges.


Unhappy playerbase = less time subbed = less money


Since these are all equal, you can shorten it to -


unhappy player base = less money




Happy player base = more time subbed = more money


Happy player base = more money.


So if Bioware wants "more money" and "more money" is equal to "happy player base" then Bioware wants you to be happy.


The idea that bioware is in this game for the short term is crazy. They are in it for the long haul. That being said their capability to make all the needed changes/patches and make the right choices for everyone to be happy is the hard part. Bioware wants to make you happy(because remember happiness is money), they just do not always know how, or cannot always do it in a small enough amount of time, or they get conflicting ideas about what to include or change.


So quit it with the whole "Bioware only wants money, they are not going to help us". Trust me, if you are correct, and Bioware really only wants money, they will spend every second trying to make you happy, but the key word there is trying. They could fail, but it wont be because Bioware only wants money.

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grace period in early access was dec 22, when we activate release key in 19-20, we cut our payed free days its ok?

what about days with 1000+ queues, when people just cant log in it their play time

no compensation time or any bonuses, seriously?

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People in this topic have never played an MMO, before.


Down-times due to patching are a part of the game. You just have to get used to it.


Down-times are inevitable, yes. Excessive down times in peak hours should, however, not be. Also, you don't have to get used to anything... especially in the current climate of all video games. The "You just have to get used to it." attitude is exactly why this industry is slowly falling down.

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


They are going to give you a hug. You only need to go to Austin to obtain it.


And you are paying for a service that includes downtimes to apply patches.


Learn your product!

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


Is that a bad thing? Most people that have a job work during daytime. Then I come home and play evenings and some hours into the night.

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Is that a bad thing? Most people that have a job work during daytime. Then I come home and play evenings and some hours into the night.


Middle of the day GMT is mid afternoon further east.


This one today though 'ends' during primetime for GMT, so will have started and gone through the entire of prime time for quite a bit of the EU.


Poor show on Biowares part.

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I'm sure that the Bioware Defense Force is going to jump on you for this, but you have a very legitimate point. Especially if you work odd hours or live in a more distant time zone. Comp time is something that Blizzard readily handed out during WoW's early days. I think I racked up more than 20 days of time from Blizzard because of emergency patches and extended maintenance windows.


wow gave out free time because servers constantly crashed and were unavaialbe during PEAK HOURS.



So far I have yet to see a SWTOR server crash.

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The idea that bioware is in this game for the short term is crazy. They are in it for the long haul. That being said their capability to make all the needed changes/patches and make the right choices for everyone to be happy is the hard part.


And yet they continue to make mistakes and wrong choices again, and again, and again. Even implementing solutions tested and proven working in other games is out of their reach.

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