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10 Good
  1. If people whining is what get's you off in the fun department... you're in for a lot of weird fun.
  2. If you didn't care about it in the first place though... there would be no need to go through the effort of replying. Since you did, however, you obviously care a little bit.
  3. About just as much as yours and this one currently.
  4. Really though? What server do you dwell? The ones I've been on, general chat is almost exactly like these forums. That's been the biggest downside to this game for me so far. If people are saying anything at all in game besides the spammed 'lfg insert heroic mission here' it's some complaint or continuous trolling of people trying to figure the game out. It feels like this game has attracted the biggest collection of tool out there... but then I've never played WoW so...
  5. Down-times are inevitable, yes. Excessive down times in peak hours should, however, not be. Also, you don't have to get used to anything... especially in the current climate of all video games. The "You just have to get used to it." attitude is exactly why this industry is slowly falling down.
  6. I always like the idea of vet rewards, but rarely have I ever been able to stick with a game so long that it's become a cool bragging right. So far, while I'm enjoying the game, I don't know as to whether or not I really see long term playability. As it stands I feel like I'm mostly playing a regular offline RPG that has some optional multiplayer modes.
  7. The people who keep saying 'doing it wrong' or 'learn to play' are narrow minded tools. Specifically for shadows, this planet's difficulty is ridiculously high even with proper gear and strategy. Being at level 41 and not being able to advance in the consular questline when all the enemies are 4-6 levels beneath you is a joke. Teaming up is about the only way a more casual player would be able to get through this... but of course for most people that's impossible because of server traffic and how few people seem to be on planet at once.
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