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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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I'm on a fairly large pop server and pvping in the early AM hours is a terrible experience. There are long queue times and if you are short players, you are sol of ever getting a replacement. Simply put, there are not enough players on.


It's a clear problem with a clear possible solution, a cross server queue system.


It needs to be done, there is no stopping it. Unless opponents to the Xserver have an equally comparable solution that addresses the same problems? Also, an Xserver queue doesn't have to be painful and can be implemented to address some of the issues some people have with it. Like priority queuing people of the same servers together. So during server primetimes people will still mostly face people on their own server and during off hours people can still get decent queue times.


If you can't even agree with this or offer other solutions, any dissenters should kindly go sit in the corner and remember they are not the only ones who play.


On my server there is no problem, so therefore it is not needed, if you can't accept that some people don't have an issue or don't want cross server pvp then quietly sit in a corner...

Annoying isn't it?

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Here is a quote from the Q&A:


Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.

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It was just recently stated that cross-server queues were on the table for soonish. I'm not particularly excited about this, but it is hardly the end of the world either.


For me it means that I can no longer trust bioware in anything they say, because PreLaunch they said they would specificly not add cross-server related stuff as the SWTOR community has stated it ruins server community.

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For me it means that I can no longer trust bioware in anything they say, because PreLaunch they said they would specificly not add cross-server related stuff as the SWTOR community has stated it ruins server community.


I personally agree with this statement, but I also understand the reasoning for Cross-Server PvP queuing as well. It is not something I fully support, but it is to help other servers that have PvP que problems and it will help reduce queue times for matches that only few people like to play. Kind of bitter-sweet, basically.

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Yeah, no. I don't want cross server pvp at all. I like knowing the people around me even in random bg's and knowing the people I'm fighting. Creates a sense of community. If servers are having problems with WZ queue times than merge servers to boost the population. My server's WZ's pop constantly.
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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)


Hey bubba. You're the one demanding for cross servers. Do not presume to speak for me.

You're the one who decided to stack Empire like the rest of the masses to enjoy ez-mode in "mirrored" game mechanics and absurd numerical superiority on Ilum. Now you can enjoy the hell that you and the other ez-moders had built for yourself for a few weeks longer.

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Please people, read the damn Q&A that came out last week. Cross server WZs are coming.


Nothing in the world except the forces of nature, are set in stone. Im sure bioware are not stupid enough to do it when the majority of their forum community is enraged about it.

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People saying that it "ruins" community are over exagerating.


Community is about the people you group with, chat with, guild with... not who you shoot at.


I completely disagree with this; cross server ruins the fun of PVP. What's better than destroying a rival servermate/guild? It makes it all the more competitive. In wow- cross server BG's made it seem way more like a grind than anything else. It took the competitive nature out of the game. Maybe I'm just a clown; I will sacrifice a longer que for nonsense grinding that lowers the overall competition.

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Yeah, no. I don't want cross server pvp at all. I like knowing the people around me even in random bg's and knowing the people I'm fighting. Creates a sense of community. If servers are having problems with WZ queue times than merge servers to boost the population. My server's WZ's pop constantly.


Agreed. Merge the servers if necessary. Also, long queues may also be occurring on PVE servers, in which case I would suggest that people either re-roll or wait for transfers.

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Demand? I hope they ban you just for fun. Then you can demand a new set of underpants.


If not, I hope they remove your forum posting ability since this is literally the 5000th thread on the issue.


If you were serious (or simply semi competent) you would have read the recent interview with BW devs where they stated this was at the top of their TODO list. Not clear if it's coming in the next patch, but soon.


It's hard to have cross server anything implemented at the get-go. You need to make sure your servers are stable first. It's not really a v1.0 thing to expect.


But thanks for more QQ.

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