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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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We really need this fast, on our realm pugs loose every game. Republic roflstomps every Empire game with their 2 premades full of battle masters, who seem to be the only rep's playing meaning you can only win in Huttball. Then there are Empire premedas roflstomping the huttball pugs.


In short, without organized gameplay you won't gain any noticeable amount of valor or commendations.


Blocking premade vs pug in the matchmaking system and cross-realm PVP would be a good solution. At least you don't get owned by the same people over and over and over and over again.


"Premade" can mean alot. Most premades are just made up of friends that wanna play together. I run mostly premades, but most of them includes level 10s and 25s, just because WZs is one of the few things we can, err.. COULD, do together in this game on differentiating levels.

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We really need this fast, on our realm pugs loose every game. Republic roflstomps every Empire game with their 2 premades full of battle masters, who seem to be the only rep's playing meaning you can only win in Huttball. Then there are Empire premedas roflstomping the huttball pugs.


In short, without organized gameplay you won't gain any noticeable amount of valor or commendations.

So make a premade? Next time you are in a WZ, look for other Imps that are doing at least semi decently, then ask them to group. It's an MMO after all, interacting with others goes a long way. Edited by Khabarach
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Making WZs cross-server will either push Imperial queue times sky-high, or go from 80% Huttball to 100% Huttball. If cross-server queuing is implemented, you can kiss Alderaan and Voidstar goodbye if you play Imp.


Apart from a couple RP-PVE servers, there are NO servers out there where Republic are a majority. PVP/PVE/RP-PVP all have Empire majority with PVP servers being the most imbalanced.

Edited by corebit
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You are so very wrong


No, I'm really not. If you play the game for the community, you'll join a guild and group with them regardless of how the Warzone ques work.


It's about who you shoot people with.


So join a group and que up with them... problem solved. Community intact.


A cross server que does not stop you from meeting people and playing with your friends.

Edited by Spymaster
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Speak for yourself. Cross-server pvp would kill whole pvp. Never.




Variety in a pvp community keeps it exciting, unless you like dueling the same 5 people over and over again...


And honestly, other than guilds/friends there is no real community in this game.


This ^


I think people use the "it ruins community" argument because they've either just read it somewhere, and think it's true, or they really don't know how to make friends and join the community without the game holding their hands and putting them into a group with people.


Either reason, they're wrong. Community is not ruinied by cross server WZ ques. You can still form rivalries in open world areas, and group with your friends. So yeah..... faster que times are better for the game than an imagined better community.

Edited by Spymaster
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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)


No thanks :) I like developing server rivalries with people I know. Also, playing on the same team as people from my server seems to discourage people from doing unsportsmanlike things or randomly stealth afking/avoiding fighting.


Now I understand some people want this and if the majority do, I understand if it gets implemented. Just voicing my vote :)

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Why do people think cross server queues would help ? :rolleyes:


Why wouldn't they? Instead of drawing from the small number of players from each server they draw from everyone playing the game, WZ's would pop fast on every server, which would keep servers feeling active even when underpopulated.

Edited by Spymaster
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No we don't.



Why wouldn't they? Instead of drawing from the small number of players from each server they draw from everyone playing the game, WZ's would pop fast on every server, which would keep servers feeling active even when underpopulated.


And to this I can only say. Only servers with massively unblanaced faction numbers would actually benefit from this. For some it will create worse queues, for some it wont change much. If you played wow horde around wotlk end phase, you know that there can be quite large queue times with cross server pvp aswell.


Since empire vs republic is currently in a state where empire dominates on most servers, the queues would most likely not change that much and empire will still play mainly huttball warzones.

Edited by Sheduur
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I don't have a dog in this fight. I play republic on a high pop. PVP server, so queue times are not a problem.


Why not


1) Cross-server PVP for the general masses

2) A ranking system and leader board for premades

3) A scheduling option for two premades that arrange to fight some matches

4) The ability to opt out of huttball


There is probably a creative compromise that can balance the issues of low pop. with "community."



Or a "pseudo" server merge:

- Have cross server-pvp that only allows low-pop servers to join.

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Making WZs cross-server will either push Imperial queue times sky-high, or go from 80% Huttball to 100% Huttball. If cross-server queuing is implemented, you can kiss Alderaan and Voidstar goodbye if you play Imp.
While I'm all for keeping it single server only, the argument above makes no sense. If it goes from 700 rep's and 1000 Imps queueing on one server to 70,000 reps and 100,000 pubs with cross servers, there'll be zero change in the percentage of Huttball played.
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