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We demand cross server pvp NOW!


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I'm hoping for cross server in this game. Then at least matches that start short handed would fill (I find it's a huge problem Rep side). I suspect it will take time. As for 'community', didn't the devs say it would try to match same server players first? So unless games aren't popping for you, you'll be teamed with the same people you always were, and probably fighting the same ones, too.
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I'm hoping for cross server in this game. Then at least matches that start short handed would fill (I find it's a huge problem Rep side). I suspect it will take time. As for 'community', didn't the devs say it would try to match same server players first? So unless games aren't popping for you, you'll be teamed with the same people you always were, and probably fighting the same ones, too.


You right, I hope this happens sometime in the near future too, constantly loosing because of not having enough numbers is becoming old. I want fair fights, dont mind loosing as long as its a good fight; of course the objective is to win lol.

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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)

have no queue times. and i like the fact we face the same peoplel over and over. build a rep. you know who you are up against. the whole community thing.


same as pre xrealm bg in wow. everyone knew that warrior and his pocket paladin was when you saw his name. you could build a rep for yourself.


xrealm bg made everything very... annonomus :(

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Like, Tuesday wouldn't be too soon. But who the heck knows how much they have to code and change and fiddle with to get it working? Probably not an easy or quick task. I wish it were, because pvp right now is irritating me to the point where I'm about done with it and wishing I'd waited to buy the game until cross server was out. But that was my fault.
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People saying that it "ruins" community are over exagerating.


Community is about the people you group with, chat with, guild with... not who you shoot at.


meh. possible over exaggeration. But on my server, we know the enemy guilds fairly well.


to OP:


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you are half the problem with this game PvPers who dont like to PvP vs everyone you just sit in ya server with a premade farming solo quers!, FYI noob not everyone plays prime time or has a full server so "i dont like cross server" is just qq l2p cry baby community dribble go to a PvE server if you just want to play the same people over & over, leave the PvP to people who want to PvP not hide behind a server!

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Due to excessive queue times

Would you like to see cross server pvp implemented immediately ? ;)


I can assure BW that our Server will be dead within 2 weeks if we don't get cross-server PvP, because:


- Most PvP-active reps have already left

- There are about 3 times the amount of imps actively playing PvP

- In the morning, we can't get any WZ's, at maybe 1 or 2 PM until 5, we constantly get 6 reps v 8 imps, then maybe 4-5 hours of actually full groups.

- Imps have already totally outgeared us in 1.2.

- there are maybe 20 pvp-active reps left, if 5 more of us leave, it's gonna be almost impossible to find any WZ for reps.

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Either cross server queues or character transfer ASAP. I have a character that is unplayable on Senator Contispex server - that server is dead. There literally you log in and see 2-3 people online on republic fleet on saturday evening. You can stand in queue there the whole week, there is no warzone ever coming. And they are just ignoring this issue for long time already, still not giving a chance to transfer to other server.
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I don't really care about the que times.... what I want cross server ques for is, I am soooo sick of seeing the same republic premade over and over, having them 3 cap Alderaan so we can be farmed for medals. Its getting so bad that if people see them the just leave the warzone or cap one turret and sit there the entire match. Get them the freak out of my que! via either rated or cross server ques. Its getting annoying as heck tbh.
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NO, don't do it. I admit today is my last day I cancelled my subscription. I love the game before 1.2 after this patch I'm not so in love but it still be a good game. Cross serving pvp would be a big mistake. Part of the fun for mmos is the community. If you start cross server pvp its not going to solve any of the problems. its better to have a good community to compete with if there's nobody on ur server push for a server mrfger instead that solves 2 problems. No groups for pve and no groups for pvp
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