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Would you still want a KOTOR 3 after this?


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I would want a kotor 3 the game was fun and i liked trying to figure out the companions and what was the best combination of them. The story of it just seemed to fit and was amazing. If they made it in modern and kept the story of it 2 companions and the choices of it if these stayed consistent i would definently buy asap.


If they made it on 360 and it was playable over xbox live with some pvp would probably a waaaaaay better game than any of the Modern Warfare games. Which as we know are some of the most played games for 360.

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KotOR3 still needs to be made I think, theres plenty of space still left to fill. The Revan story where he meets up with Meetra Surik would work better as a TFU style game though. Well maybe like Mass Effect. Having said that, I really want an Havoc Squad game where you're Jace Malcolm pre-TOR, or one of the other guys in the cgi trailers, Satele Shan etc. That in the style of ME3 would win for me :)


I love TOR but damn standing around spaming buttons while someone hacks your face off with a lightsaber gets old really quick. Theres far too many sidequests too, always distracting me, OCD makes me play them all -_-. I hope the Legacy thing allows me to play the trooper story again from the beginning while retaining my levels like a New Game plus. Not much can be done about the combat though, sadly. I guess I'm not a huge RPG fan. KotOR was fun though, more story, less sidequest. I love that.



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Kotor 3 nah, wouldn't live up to kotor2.


Mass Effect I'm done with as well. I doubt that will take any interesting turns from now on.


DA3 certainly, BioWare did something interesting with dragon age with DA2 and I'm excited to see where it goes.

Edited by YeesBox
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Only if Revan and Meetra didn't show up in it. I don't want closure for either of those characters in a video game. All that would be is rehashing the book that was published that explains their fate(s) in decent detail. I'd want something where we're seeing Atton Rand and Mira as Jedi Masters and Bastila Shan as the Grand Master, or something. And maybe Atris, Lucien and Zayne could make cameos? That would be pretty cool.
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I don't want any game from BW anymore.


I wont buy DA3 if they make it.


They are making DA3 and I certainly will get it, I'll also be getting ME3, and most likely any future BioWare game (with the exception of Command & Conquer).


And I defiantly still want KotOR III. That's not to say that I'm not enjoying TOR, I'm enjoying it every bit as much I did KotOR (with the exception of the tedious levelling quests that KotOR lacked), but TOR isn't KotOR III.


Someday they are going to have to tell the fall of the Sith Empire (even if it takes place hundreds of years after TOR), which can't be told in an MMO, because an MMO requires two roughly-equal factions. So I bet one day they make a single player RPG to tell that story.

Edited by Darth_Romana
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Alright so let just say a few months down the road bioware was dissappointed with the outcome of TOR, And then they decided to change their minds and make another RPG Kotor game would you be happy? I think I'd be. It would be more of a modern version of the original Odyssey engine and went back to traditional KOTOR dialog, Combat and leveling mechanics. Would YOU be happy with that?


I don't see the point. The stories we get in this game are the same sort of thing they did in KotOR. Just more storylines, and multiplayer.


And better combat. I mean, ability delay aside, copying WoW's combat was the right move, it's the first bioware game I've played where the combat wasn't total garbage you had to put up with to enjoy the rest of the excellent game. KotOR's combat was particularly terrible.

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Kotor 3 nah, wouldn't live up to kotor2.


Mass Effect I'm done with as well. I doubt that will take any interesting turns from now on.


DA3 certainly, BioWare did something interesting with dragon age with DA2 and I'm excited to see where it goes.



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I wouldn't be unhappy if one came out, but I'd rather see the ToR team focus on making this game as good as it can be.


The game has barely come out and already people are throwing fits, what happened to patience and basic reasoning skills? I refuse to believe everyone playing is five years old, but that is what it seems like if the forums are any indication.


I will be patient, I believe this game has enormous potential given time and I am willing to show my support and give it the time it needs as long as I keep enjoying the game. I have 8 class stories to get through before the game really runs out of content, I'm willing to wait and see where this goes, rather than throwing a hissy fit and quitting because a new game isn't perfect.

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While I would buy a KOTOR 3 if it was released(played the first two), I look at TOR as being all the future KOTOR games. I mean, when I started playing it I felt just like I was playing the old KOTOR games, just with other people and a more WoW-like combat system.
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Alright so let just say a few months down the road bioware was dissappointed with the outcome of TOR, And then they decided to change their minds and make another RPG Kotor game would you be happy? I think I'd be. It would be more of a modern version of the original Odyssey engine and went back to traditional KOTOR dialog, Combat and leveling mechanics. Would YOU be happy with that?


Kotors main story is finished up, most the characters have endings we know of, there isn't anything else, They would have to start it on somebody else, I imagine if SWTOR ever ends they could do an "After tor" period but i doubt it.

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One of the reasons both KotOR games were so fun were the party members (companions). I especially loved speaking with Canderous and hearing him tell those stories/experiences. All those comments they'd throw up between each other was fun to hear too. All of that is lost in TOR with having just one companion summoned. Of course, it's an MMORPG, so it's understandable.. replace pet with companion... Still, a single player Old Republic game which actually focused on storyline instead of storyline as an added feature ( I mean adding an amount of SL) to to an MMORPG would have been more enjoyable for a lot of us.. I'm saying this coz a lot of quests/deeds have no impact..


Still playing this game and can't see the promised 'Kotor 3,4,5..' It's just like every other MMORPG...only there are VO's for characters giving quests instead of having to read lines and with a good class story thrown in.


Anyway, I don't know how they will pull off a single player KotOR again but I sure as hell would pay for that and any future BW game.

Edited by infinitum
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I still don't understand why Bioware ignores the elephant in the room, and just doesn't talk about their crown jewel Kotor its as if they see it as a failure even though the abomination they call the spiritual successor of Kotor ended up not doing so great. If they just made a Kotor 3 then they could move on that would be it the trilogy they set out to make would be done.
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KOTOR 3 would be cool but not if it used KOTOR 1's combat and leveling systems, those were just aweful. You could complete the whole game by just spamming one ability and not being able to level up your character past 2 or 4 till you got off Taris sucked.


If they do make a KOTOR 3, which is unlikely because of TOR, they should have the combat play like Force Unleashed. An action rpg with BioWare's level of depth would be awesome.


What are you even talking about at this point TFU had some of the worse camera angles, and was even buggier then KOTOR 2. Besides the point it's combat system was flawed, and the game isn't even an RPG its a single player adventure game on the spectrum of games it would be more like Lego star Wars.

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