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I make 3 times that per hour, i guess its more like principle that i dont want to give money for beggars or throw it in the trash. If the game was awesome i could pay 100 or more per month.


No you don't.


Everyone is a hot shot on the web it seems.


You are just waiting for GW2 so you can finally afford to play a game.

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Yes because other game companies care about the people not the money.:rolleyes:


Im sure they do care only about money but its laughable that when people drink enough Biojuice, giving free stuff comes generosity and not for trying to keep people subbed. Atleast Blizzard gave free game time with no strings attached on many occasions, but EA and "free" doesnt come along.

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No you don't.


Everyone is a hot shot on the web it seems.


You are just waiting for GW2 so you can finally afford to play a game.



Well atleast in my country the average pay is over 3k euros per person/month so i dont think that anyone here has problems with paying 15 euros per month for a video game.

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I mean really... $15...


And wouldn't the people laughing at you be people who ALSO are paying the same $15? I just have to believe that there is one guy at Blizzard making all of these posts. They all repeat the same useless, untrue, ignorant propaganda.


Hanlon's razor.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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Im sure they do care only about money but its laughable that when people drink enough Biojuice, giving free stuff comes generosity and not for trying to keep people subbed. Atleast Blizzard gave free game time with no strings attached on many occasions, but EA and "free" doesnt come along.


When game servers went down for a full 24 hours, they gave away free time. SWTOR has never had a 24 hour+ blackout yet. and, if you want to compare it to blizzard.


EVERY WOW major patch...EVERY, LAST, ONE, was followed by 10-15+ hour downtime. they never gave free time for that unless it was closer to 24.


Biowares first major patch(debatable if this counts a s"major" and it was only down for regular downtime.


So far, bioware is proving themselves alot more competent then blizzard.

Edited by acheros
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Im sure they do care only about money but its laughable that when people drink enough Biojuice, giving free stuff comes generosity and not for trying to keep people subbed. Atleast Blizzard gave free game time with no strings attached on many occasions, but EA and "free" doesnt come along.


You really should just stop posting, about Blizzard, $10 for a virtual pet from the store, $25 for a virtual mount.....yeah Blizzard are awesome they care so much about the player and not the money............

Edited by Bladedakoda
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Your excrement is like a fine wine! Please, give me the chocolate Bioware!

Let me kiss your feet and worship your most high holinesses!


Praise be to the Hamburger Helper!

Praise be to Stanley Roo!


End of rine.

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You really should just stop posting, about Blizzard, $10 for a virtuall pet from the store, $25 for a virtual mount.....yeah Blizzard are awesome they care so much about the player and not the money............


Thats whole different thing, those are buyable vanity things that anyone who wants, can buy. But giving a titlle for people that KEEPS subbing last day before everybodys free time is most funniest thing ever. They must be really worried.

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Grats on having a low end computer system........:ph_win:


Yes. because you know what kind of computer system I have. You also make perfect sense, in addition to being the amazing Kreskin. You are my hero! Now give me tomorrows winning lottery numbers...



Edited by xorcist
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Or be laughed at by people that knows more.


Well, if by "people that knows more" you mean people that can at least type a correct sentence, then you're obviously not one of those people.


As for the haters, I don't see what the problem is. I play trooper - vanguard and I realize the Republic is underpowered, and there are class imbalances, as well as PvP problems in general, but but the game is still young, and other MMO's have had the same problems, but many got fixed in time. They'll get to ironing out the bugs, if you give them a chance to work on it, but for now don't let small things ruin the whole game for you. So get the sand out of your underwear and give patience a chance. If the game is still messed up months from now, I'll admit I was wrong, but somehow, I think Bioware is competent enough that it'll fix the problems this game has.

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Thats whole different thing, those are buyable vanity things that anyone who wants, can buy. But giving a titlle for people that KEEPS subbing last day before everybodys free time is most funniest thing ever. They must be really worried.


It's not different at all you are talking about Bio/EA being the most money hungry company around i tend to disagree.

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Thats whole different thing, those are buyable vanity things that anyone who wants, can buy. But giving a titlle for people that KEEPS subbing last day before everybodys free time is most funniest thing ever. They must be really worried.


Its not who KEEPS subscribing, its anyone who buys at least ONE MONTH before...What? MARCH? thats a few months from here.


What about what blizzard did? If you promise to sub for a FULL *********** YEAR, we'll give you a mount!!!


thats not the same thing at all>?

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From the blog:

"So how do you earn the “Founder” title? This reward is only available to players who have completed either one of the following transactions (by March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST; Pacific: March 18th, 9:01PM PST; European: 4:01AM GMT, 5:01AM CET):


Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription



Redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Paid Game Time Code"


So basically, you aren't a founder if you bought the game but didn't pay for a second month before March. That's pretty crappy.

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I can't wait till tomorrow....People like you will be gone..


OK, but what about people like me who have only unsubed because we can’t enjoy playing the game like you can because of bugs (Can I get an Amen from my fellow “9000 club” members?). I want to be able to play, but won’t pay for something that doesn’t work (at least for me). Are you glad I will be gone too? And if so why?


Understand that I want everyone who is able to play to stay subed so that BW will have the revenue to fix the issues that keep me from playing like you. And if this founder thing helps that then cool, even if it is a rather transparent attempt to keep subs.


So are you going to hate on everyone who expresses disappointment with the state of the game, or just the one who are jerks about it. I have to ask because I keep running into the mentality of “If you are having problems it’s your fault shut up” when trying to call attention to some of the issues I would like to see fixed in this game…

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Cause we want product that is at even decent level in terms of quality? Cause we want a MMORPG with 2012 standards and not say that have patience, all MMOS were like this 20 years ago? Sorry but EA is most money hungry company in gaming history and we dont need to feel pity for em or have patience while paying em. If you like to drive around with your car without wheels you can do so´, im sure youre tires will come in mail in few months, but meanwhile heres a nice sticker on your rear window "screwed by EA and loving it" just out of generosity.


I don't think I have an issue what anyone wants from the game. I could fill a book larger than the Bible with criticisms of this game. My problem is with the behavior. The way some people in this community communicate with each other and with BW/LA/EA is the absolute worst form of disrespect and ignorance I've seen since the NGE.


BW is committed to making this a good game. They are listening to us. They are treating us with respect and humility. We should do the same to each other and to them.

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yes. Because you know what kind of computer system i have. You also make perfect sense, in addition to being the amazing kreskin. You are my hero! Now give me tomorrows winning lottery numbers...




Yes you sure did pawn me......................:confused:


BTW it's 8675309

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So basically, you aren't a founder if you bought the game but didn't pay for a second month before March. That's pretty crappy.


Yep, this has nothing to do with rewarding as much as it is begging people not to un-sub. A near $3 value in stock price over subscription drops is enough to make any company desperate...and if a title is their answer, players are in big trouble.

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Yep, this has nothing to do with rewarding as much as it is begging people not to un-sub. A near $3 value in stock price over subscription drops is enough to make any company desperate...and if a title is their answer, players are in big trouble.


If people hate the game that much, a title is not going to stop them from leaving. While i agree the timing is suspect, i also can not put aside this might have been something they were planning to do anyway.

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Yep, this has nothing to do with rewarding as much as it is begging people not to un-sub. A near $3 value in stock price over subscription drops is enough to make any company desperate...and if a title is their answer, players are in big trouble.


The stock didn't fall $3. It went down by (less than) 3%. That was based on ONE analysts expectations. One analyst... and that has nothing to do with the Founder title. I mean really...



Keep in mind that these are the same "analysts" that thought giving out reverse mortgages and interest only mortgages to people who couldn't afford houses in the first place was a brilliant idea... Since we're talking about how much stock we're putting into their opinions these days. (Pun intended)

Edited by Anzel
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OK, but what about people like me who have only unsubed because we can’t enjoy playing the game like you can because of bugs (Can I get an Amen from my fellow “9000 club” members?). I want to be able to play, but won’t pay for something that doesn’t work (at least for me). Are you glad I will be gone too? And if so why?


Understand that I want everyone who is able to play to stay subed so that BW will have the revenue to fix the issues that keep me from playing like you. And if this founder thing helps that then cool, even if it is a rather transparent attempt to keep subs.


So are you going to hate on everyone who expresses disappointment with the state of the game, or just the one who are jerks about it. I have to ask because I keep running into the mentality of “If you are having problems it’s your fault shut up” when trying to call attention to some of the issues I would like to see fixed in this game…


I don't mind people who're simply disappointed in the game, the ones who quit because they can't play, or simply don't enjoy it. I HATE, -HATE- with the white hot passion of a thousand burning suns, who do NOTHING but simply bash bioware and EA for EVERY, SINGLE, CHOICE, they make. The ones that will only be happy if they shut down the game entirely.

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1st player: "I've been here since early game access of WoW".

2nd player: "ok, prove it".

1st player: "...."


This was planned long ago. This idea didn't just appear out of the blue. It is a fantastic thing to have later down the road, and I appreciate the recognition. The game has bugs, and still owns them all.


Whiners need not apply.

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