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Become a Founding Member!


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Did Frank Gibeau (President of EA Labels) along with Dr. Ray Muzyka (Co-Founder of BioWare, General Manager of EA's BioWare Label), and Dr. Greg Zeschuk (Co-Founder of BioWare, General Manager, BioWare Label's MMO Business Unit) get a title and medal for ringing the opening bell at Nasdaq the day before SWTOR launched. If so I'd give it back because those bastards are shorting your parent company into the ground as I type this.



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Thanks for the title but it won't stop people un-subscribing when the real issues aren't being addressed. It is a nice idea, but it is being implemented terribly, and ultimately is like putting little plasters/band aids on a broken leg. Bioware, EA, sort it out! Edited by SpaceSheep
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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


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So what. I don't care about titles. I guess I need something to complain about though since I don't have any pressing issues like others do (or think they do).


A founders title should only be for pre-orders anyway.

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Really... we have to be a subscriber to become a founder?? What about us buying the game?? The people that spent 150$ on the collectors edition. We aren't founders? Then all of a sudden the unsubscribe option mysteriously stops working right before the 1st subscription bill? Really? Bioware is a joke and this move caused me to unsubscribe.
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This is entirely a logic fail. A founder is generally categorized as someone who puts an initial investment or time into a project. Every single person who paid 60-150 bucks to play has put a huge cash infusion into the game and the company from the beginning. Without them, SWTOR would have tripped and broken its neck at the starting line. What a slap in the face you've dealt to people who made the initial vote of confidence, were left disappointed, and plan on coming back later after the issues are dealt with. You shouldn't be relying on extra cash in order to fund fixes for bugs that were prevalent before release (or should have been obvious if you extensively tested 1.1).


This little tactic is nothing more than wringing the sponge that is your playerbase for money that you know isn't worth paying. If it was, then why push this extra incentive? You should rather highlight the game's strong areas instead of introducing the minor fluff that satisfies the elitist nature of many gamers. In summary, the need to introduce a Founders title only indicates to me that you don't have enough confidence in your product.


PS I'm a continuing subscriber because I personally like the game, but it doesn't mean that I can't be unhappy with this move on behalf of others.

Edited by Amote
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ofc its a scam the game is on a colission course with rift and going down hill fast with its 1964 graphics and sneaky tricks by BioFail to keep you subscribed...


for instance u bought the game knowing it comes with 30 days game time but could you play it? Noooooooooooooooo you had to subscribe with a credit card or time card before the game would allow you to play it....


Secondly they think its a great idea to charge Sweden £2.21 more than the UK.. this is very strange dew to the fact that wow charges ppl the same price no matter where they are living.. so it cant be a simple tax law issue..


thirdly they try this crap after ALL the failed patches and lies they have already told us?

they cant even be bothered to get things done right... how long we been wating for that graphics fix? because im just loving my SQUARE shadows...


Really biofail your like activision-fail now.. aka pissing into the wind...


sort ur lifes out go back to the drawing board and use real graphics that come from this century at least i didnt pay £400 for a radeon HD6900 series to play a game from the 60's.


This is just another gimic to get you to subscribe they have seen they have lost alot of subscribers because how poor buggy and visually imperaing the game is so they need to try and get the elitest ppl back with some crap that... what a suprise to qualify for it you need to SUBSCRIBE for 1 month!!! whats it gonna be next month..? a free purple and gold lightsaber crystal for another months sub? seams likely...


Quote "watch this space" more money grabbing ploys from BioFail coming up!!

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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


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Thank you :)


I think its done right too, why should people who aren't bothered to actually keep subscribing get one anyways? It should be for those who are remaining loyal and staying with the game from the start.

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The only thing im unsubbing from is this thread... good grief... when they said MMO communities are the most disrespectful needy ungrateful ppl out there, i didnt want ot believe it at first... but now that im seeing it first hand... Godspeed BioWare :o


I think it's gotten worse over the years of MMO game play :(

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Bribes like this might work on some people but i think most of use realise what you are doing. You should try to get players to stay from a nice and polished game, not shiny trinkets.


*I still like your work Bioware. I suspect its the clammy hand of EA that takes care of PR.

Edited by Vargrir
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Awesome, I love it- rewards are cool. Should be fun to have, especially a few years from now.


But I'm gonna go make a really big bowl of popcorn for this thread. I'm sure you understand. ;)



To be or not to be that is the question

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Thread title is Become a Founding Member!


Problem is we should already be a Founding Member.


Pretty much this. :rolleyes: Unfortunately for BW, I think they'll have to try a little harder if they want to retain unsubscribers. BW, as far as I'm concerned, YOU are standing in your own way. YOU are the reason I am unsubscribing. I left a lengthy explanation on the unsubscribe form for why I was leaving; I hope you strongly consider what I posted there. I don't want TOR to fail. I want a reason to come back. BW, I hope you don't disappoint me...but doing shady things like removing the unsubscribe button, offering weak bribes, horrific customer service, successive patches further breaking the game for more and more people (Bethesda, is that you?), continuing to be dismissive or ignoring those who have legitimate system performance problems in your game who shouldn't be...those aren't helping.


BW, you are your worst enemy right now. Stop it before you destroy your otherwise promising game.

Edited by VorpalCheese
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