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1st player: "I've been here since early game access of WoW".

2nd player: "ok, prove it".

1st player: "...."


This was planned long ago. This idea didn't just appear out of the blue. It is a fantastic thing to have later down the road, and I appreciate the recognition. The game has bugs, and still owns them all.


Whiners need not apply.


Bring up your preorder crystal? only thing i can say.

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1st player: "I've been here since early game access of WoW".

2nd player: "ok, prove it".

1st player: "...."


This was planned long ago. This idea didn't just appear out of the blue. It is a fantastic thing to have later down the road, and I appreciate the recognition. The game has bugs, and still owns them all.


Whiners need not apply.


If that were true, they would have given it out at early access or to people that preorder/bought at launch.


It's bribery. Plain and simple.

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The stock didn't fall $3. It went down by (less than) 3%. That was based on ONE analysts expectations. One analyst... and that has nothing to do with the Founder title. I mean really...



Keep in mind that these are the same "analysts" that thought giving out reverse mortgages and interest only mortgages to people who couldn't afford houses in the first place was a brilliant idea... Since we're talking about how much stock we're putting into their opinions these days. (Pun intended)


december 20th (launch) stock quote on ea - $20.57

January 19th (now) stock quote on ea - $17.54


it dropped $3.03?

how is this less than 3%

im not a math nerd but. anyone care to do the math for me?


lets see if you have a 20, and i take $2 away. thats 10%.

so $3 must mean 15%?

Edited by qsequence
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I don't mind people who're simply disappointed in the game, the ones who quit because they can't play, or simply don't enjoy it. I HATE, -HATE- with the white hot passion of a thousand burning suns, who do NOTHING but simply bash bioware and EA for EVERY, SINGLE, CHOICE, they make. The ones that will only be happy if they shut down the game entirely.


Honestly I’m with you on that one.

I might hate some of the decisions they (BW) have made, but I want them to fix it not go out of business…

Pointless criticism is pointless…we need more of the constructive variety here.

My two cents anyway.

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So where is my title? The "pay" date on my subscription is today so I've fulfilled the "Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription" requirement.

They said it could take up to a week to get it.

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Gee, BioWare, what about the people who Bought Game time that will extend past the timeframe? Way to say "screw you!" to your dedicated fans who have been with the community from the start, and have pre ordered and bought lots of game time cards.


Awesome to know where your priorities lie; with new subs and not holding old ones.

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Gee, BioWare, what about the people who Bought Game time that will extend past the timeframe? Way to say "screw you!" to your dedicated fans who have been with the community from the start, and have pre ordered and bought lots of game time cards.


Awesome to know where your priorities lie; with new subs and not holding old ones.


Hahahahaha, you think they're going to get any NEW subs?

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Gee, BioWare, what about the people who Bought Game time that will extend past the timeframe? Way to say "screw you!" to your dedicated fans who have been with the community from the start, and have pre ordered and bought lots of game time cards.


Awesome to know where your priorities lie; with new subs and not holding old ones.


I dont think you understand..If you have ANY active sub between now and march 19th, you get it.

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I'd personally prefer something tangible and not a pointless title. Is it too difficult to reward your founders with something they could use? for instance a ship? pet whatever.. hell an aura? so many ideas that are more imaginative than a title..
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I'd personally prefer something tangible and not a pointless title. Is it too difficult to reward your founders with something they could use? for instance a ship? pet whatever.. hell an aura? so many ideas that are more imaginative than a title..


How about one extra day, you know, something that would actually cost them money?


Yeah, I'll hold my breath.

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I'd personally prefer something tangible and not a pointless title. Is it too difficult to reward your founders with something they could use? for instance a ship? pet whatever.. hell an aura? so many ideas that are more imaginative than a title..


They're saving the better rewards for the next time they completely destroy the game and have to lure people back.

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****!!! This MUST be a joke? No, it not, now i SEE it clearly! You guys over there are so f- blind so u realy think this game is the greatest success ever and we get a title?

How about we give YOU a title? I cant even type it, prolly profanity filter kicks in and turns of the internet in half of EU.


This was like the WORST time to tell ANYTHING good about your game, ADMIT u f ed up and fix it, instead of "U get a title and now u can do emotes when mounted"


Here is a emote from me &%¤#%¤#"!!!!

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****!!! This MUST be a joke? No, it not, now i SEE it clearly! You guys over there are so f- blind so u realy think this game is the greatest success ever and we get a title?

How about we give YOU a title? I cant even type it, prolly profanity filter kicks in and turns of the internet in half of EU.


This was like the WORST time to tell ANYTHING good about your game, ADMIT u f ed up and fix it, instead of "U get a title and now u can do emotes when mounted"


Here is a emote from me &%¤#%¤#"!!!!


You seem angry.

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I don't mind people who're simply disappointed in the game, the ones who quit because they can't play, or simply don't enjoy it. I HATE, -HATE- with the white hot passion of a thousand burning suns, who do NOTHING but simply bash bioware and EA for EVERY, SINGLE, CHOICE, they make. The ones that will only be happy if they shut down the game entirely.


They should stop making bad decisions then.

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Amazed at all the negativity for being given something for nothing. Remind me to take you folks off my Christmas gift list (wah - I wanted a X not a Y).


Can't wait for the furore when vet rewards get announced.



For nothing? We get a title for playing a game that was beta and heading towards Alpha.

And no, im not angry, just annoyed that they try to -LOOK AT US; WE SO GREAT- its like the Emperors new clothing... I just want this game to work, not stagnate and get more and more unplayable. Yes, i had REALY high hopes on Bioware, and they sure made me disapointed, i even bought a new pc for this, THATS how HIGH i held them.. now ill just wait and hope they fix this potentialy GREAT FRICKING game! i love it, THATS why i hate it right now.


After the latest "fix"/patch the gfx temps on MANY cards (over 3k posts) went from 50-70c to 90-115 and some burned.... U think that is good?

Noticed that the fan is like crazy in the can? If not, lucky u or maybe u should check temp.,..

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