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First MMO ever where Exploits are ok by Dev's


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Is this some form of crying out because they aren't performing valor rollbacks?


do you have ANY idea how much work it is to rollback only CERTAIN people? The only feasible way to do any rollback to valor would be to do it ACROSS THE BOARD, to every single player in the game. This will affect people who didn't cheat, and cause even more uproar. Let it go.

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gamers whine too much.


that about sums up these forums. I have a theory these forums are for either the disgrunteld whiners or people bored at work that can't play. Anyone else pleased with the game is probly playing it not giving a **** what complainers are crying about.

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They probably don't keep track of a player's acquisition of valor points with a log... so they probably can't rectify the issue..


There is no log...


Every person who benefits from the exploits keeps what they get and probably will be ganking players for few weeks. Can't believe the first patch they messed up like this.


no confidence.

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There is no log...


Every person who benefits from the exploits keeps what they get and probably will be ganking players for few weeks. Can't believe the first patch they messed up like this.


no confidence.


Someone didn't read the developer's response.

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Open world PvP:

Faction with higher population kills lower population

Working as intended




just f***ing recruit, talk to people, make pvp groups. Not everything comes on a silver platter from mommy and daddy. heaven forbid you socialize on a mmo.

Edited by Fikroc
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Games (football, chess, tennis, olympic swimming, etc) are supposed to have fair rules. You cheat and use steroids you get kicked from the sport.


This is a game. Where are the rules and why aren't they being applied?

Edited by lollie
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>Buy low sell high on GTN - Get banned for abusing the system

>Open boxes on Ilum as a low level char - ding dong banned for abusing the system

>Dancing with an enemy bugs it out, you make a video proving this and send it to bioware to HELP them - DING DONG WE BANNA U


>destroy turrets over and over in Ilum for insane valor rewards, absoloutly destroy the system for those who didn't do it on the Republic side, and for the Imperials who didn't and will now get the **** steamrolled out of them in Huttbal - Oh, carry on good sir, no rollbacks here my chap.


Bioware. You should've never have tried to make an MMO. You should've just stuck to KOTOR3 and left it at that, I thought this would've put you back in my goodbooks after all the forced **** and **** storylines in ME3.


Blizzard are laughing as their ship still floats and dodges Icebergs like a boss.



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>destroy turrets over and over in Ilum for insane valor rewards, absoloutly destroy the system for those who didn't do it on the Republic side, and for the Imperials who didn't and will now get the **** steamrolled out of them in Huttbal - Oh, carry on good sir, no rollbacks here my chap.


Believes everything he reads on the internet.


Turrets don't give valor points. That was made up. You are crusading for a fictitious issue. You are the champion of a lie. You are living proof that the masses can be manipulated.

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Pssh this concieved notion that a rollback would DESTROY ZE WORLD is retarded.


I have been rolled back past winning raid gear in wow and in Everquest. Ive seen people moan their epic class quest lines because of a rollback.


it is terrible when they have to be performed!


But its something we recover from because we understand the logic behind it, or we have it explained to us. And for the better of the integrity of the game we suffer through those rollbacks.


When the Devs decide not to do rollbacks for fear of hurting our sensitive little minds - they are eroding any belief we might have had in the basic mechanics of the game and the stolid preservation of those mechanics - WHICH ARE NEEDED TO JUSTIFY THE TIME INVESTMENT we put into our toons.


Its the ONLY commodity an MMO should be concerned with preserving, because without it, you loose your subscribers.. I was told this by mrs. NGE and she should effing know!

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What a Mickey Mouse operation. Don't let people get away with rampant exploiting, MMO 101.


Don't let them exploit millions of credits first, then exploit valor and get away with it. MMO 101.


No rollback, failed game, failed studio behind it.

Edited by Die_Scream
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Believes everything he reads on the internet.


Turrets don't give valor points. That was made up. You are crusading for a fictitious issue. You are the champion of a lie. You are living proof that the masses can be manipulated.


Even though I saw it with my own eyes in that huge ops group I was in.



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