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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Does Bioware test their content before releasing it?


1.1 should have never went live as it is, the only explanation for missing such a broken mechanic is that they never tested it. The damage is already done.


That's what happens when a game sidelines PvP development for PvE.


Apparently not:


Random loading screen during gameplay/warzones:



Proudly announced UI "fix" that messes up PvP:



Increased ability stuttering:


(10x worse in PvP)


Then there's the entire Ilum crap, decreased FPS issues etc. Great Patch!


And they still haven't bothered to fix stuff like peeps falling through elevators, floors, ending up stuck in space during Warzones, stuck social/light/dark side bars, green walls, you name it!


Fix? Give everybody who resub a "Founder" title.


Way to go BW!

Edited by darthtoph
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no rollbacks! think of those who have spent houers leveling, those houers would have been lost.if rollback only rollback the valor points. and in any chase, things will even out in a year. its reallt not a big deal, after all, most people play this as a single player rpg.

Think of it as a gift from Bioware.




They are actually GIVING OUT more content to everyone, we SHOULD ALL PRAISE ALMIGHTY BIOWARE....

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They won't roll back the servers because the projected costs and problems associated with a rollback far outweigh the benefits of appeasing those of us here who may or may not unsub because of it. Their solution is simply to "encourage" us not to fight on Ilum... which will never work simply because human nature compels us to exploit advantages when they are there to be exploited.


Game's broken and has lost a lot of appeal for me. Will be unsubbing as of today, despite how much I enjoyed and wanted to continue enjoying this game.


lol then they will have a one sided game hope the imps enjoyed playing huttball cause that's about all they will get

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Ilum is just a pathetic mess at the moment. The measures and fixes are enough to make me keep my sub and PvP, but really the mess of Ilum world PvP need to be re-done.


It shouldn't be completely open. If having too many players causes the place to lag for most peoples computer system then it needs to be capped to a level where most people can play the thing. SWTOR is instanced game so this isn't going to ruin it for anyone.


Also, why not put in genuine bona fide PvP quests instead of the sad state of affairs we have now in going just for kills/armaments. We can go for kills in war zones...this is just replication.


the Ilum PvP zone itself looks great...it has always just been a plain sad and pathetic PvP zone which went from the simpatico of republic and imperials swapping objectives without bothering to PvP to -overnight- an Imperial faction Zerg fest where their mass gank squads camped zoning republic players incoming, who of course hit the incoming wall of lag and were consequently effectively valour camped out of the game.

Edited by Ewgal
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Originally Posted by AdamLKvist



Says enough.

Pathetic imperials, too.



Lmao. Playing on a pocket calculator?


Its not my computer or perspective, but its the same thing on my server, well was. My computer would kick yours anyday, but then again, that's beside the point and you're well aware of that.

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When I was seduced to this game I was told that the developers handling the PvP implementation had been recruited from Warhammer Online ...


... this made me excited about playing this game, since in my mind Warhammer Online has one of the the best thought out open world PvP ideas that have ever been implemented:

  • PvP lakes.
  • high end zones that the factions progress through to finally end up in each others city.
  • a free for all high end PvP zone that would lock the loosing faction out of the zone for a set period of time (instead of allowing this kind of farmfeast)... as in, if your faction didn't own the access then upon respawn you would spawn ... safely ... in your city (or if that was being invated) ... on a designated PvE spawn point (being rezed was still possible in the zone).
  • They even made it so that players could invate instances accessible from that zone that were already in progress by the other faction ... Oh, how much fun that was (just a group agains group) ... Being invated or invating that way was almost tooo much fun :)

So, what happened? Did the lead designer from Warhammer Online not get invited?


In any case ... the rollback issue aside ... then a fix to the spawn point issue could be that the spawn points/town be placed in a PvE area ... so farming at the spawn point becomes impossible ... or ... access to the open world area needs to be controlled (this one is actually better for solving this issue on PvP servers where there are necessarily no PvE areas).



  • Have 30+s PvP immunity timer when you enter/respawn (that should ofcourse drop if you do anything). Even when you spawn out in the field.
  • Automatically remove the PvP flag when you spawn at a healing center.
    • Reapplying the flag as soon as one enteres the "PvP lake".

    [*]... and for god sake ... remove the current 40+% slow down after respawn.

    • The current 8s at crawling speed is a simple invitation for ganking.

No prizes for figuring out which games (yes games) had any or all of the above in one form or another ...


... which is why I just don't get it.

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Did u read what he said? There has been no valor gains form npcs or turrents so why would they need to do a rollback?


Because it does not change the fact that the imps sat in the base and camped it and killed people as soon as they loaded in/flew in on a speeder not to mention why would imps sit in the republic base all day just killing turrets if they had nothing to gain? because on our server they just kept killing the turrets for about 7 hours or so.


So a roll back on ALL (repub and imp) the characters on the servers would be great to deal with the fact that the imps had to do absolutely nothing to get the valor.

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Yeah the battlemaster gear isn't SO ridiculous that they will wreck the republic from now on. Over-reaction because you're angy...seriously? Yes it sucks that they are now way far ahead, but how long will it really take to catch up and then this event won't even matter? A few weeks maybe, big whoop. This singular event didn't ruin this game, you;re simply choosing to let it.


To all the unsubbers, thank you for leaving and making my game world better for your abscence.

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Ilum is just a pathetic mess at the moment. The measures and fixes are enough to make me keep my sub and PvP, but really the mess of Ilum world PvP need to be re-done.


It shouldn't be completely open. If having too many players causes the place to lag for most peoples computer system then it needs to be capped to a level where most people can play the thing. SWTOR is instanced game so this isn't going to ruin it for anyone.


Also, why not put in genuine bona fide PvP quests instead of the sad state of affairs we have now in going just for kills/armaments. We can go for kills in war zones...this is just replication.


the Ilum PvP zone itself looks great...it has always just been a plain sad and pathetic PvP zone which went from the simpatico of republic and imperials swapping objectives without bothering to PvP to -overnight- an Imperial faction Zerg fest where there bank squads camped zoning republic players incoming, who of course hit the incoming wall of lag and were consequently effectively valour camped out of the game.


Only reason Ilum is lagging on low/high end computers is due to the fact that BW was extremely cheap in their decision of which Game engine to build the game on.


I still can't believe that a major company like BW, backed up with the fundings of EA went ahead and built their game on a FREE game engine...It's mind boggling. I know how the HeroEngine works, and let me tell you, it's filled with bugs and issues, but hey its free, right..


Me, you and random Joe can register on heroengine.com and get access to the same engine this game was built on. It's pathethic in so many ways and on so levels that it's just sad

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I understand the frustration that Ilum failure caused to a large number of players, mostly Reps but why dont we all see how and what Bioware fixes and save the verdict after that?


On a sidenote, the CMs are having the Big Sleep now. They should have been involved in this discussion as soon as the issue appeared and try to calm people down.


I only hope this will be a big lesson to Bioware so we ll never have to see these problems again. And before adding new content it is preferable to fix the majority of existing bugs, ability response and FPS issues. How can we enjoy the brand new content if it is haunted by the known issues too?

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Hmm, strange way to handle this situation, republics were already at impossible odds and now its decided that no punishment for abuse, sounds like glitching is supported and rewarded, and to top it off all republics who got stuck were basically temp banned since they were unable to leave the area. I think this game might turn pve only, I personally will stay out of pvp.
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  • Have 30+s PvP immunity timer when you enter/respawn (that should ofcourse drop if you do anything). Even when you spawn out in the field.

Ye, give them immunity and let them flock around your healers immune and annihilate them?


They might never be able to put massive amount of players into same area, at least not if they want the game to run. Sad thing for a MassiveMultiplayerOnline-game.

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Oh Victrixz, that's just rubbish.


The version of the hero engine that BW used is not the freeware one.


They licensed an optimised version way out of the reach of the casual developers' budget.


That factoid's been out there for years.



You're just getting hysterical now.



Look, chum. You've unsubbed. Why post here on the forums of a game you don't like? You're just torturing yourself.

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It was better when it was worse


Bioware, please, next time spent more hours thinking on your "solutions". 1.1 patch was an epic fail and the fix will be the same.



"The safe zone" it's not a solution! Powertech can grab a player inside this zone or near its and juggernaut can finish the job force pulling the enemy inside it.

Edited by Anabola
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Oh for the love of God stop crying already!

The whole QQ is about so-called "true" battlemasters getting their self-esteem destroyed. Yeah i know the feeling, same thing happened in WoW when blizz first released really hard bosses, and hardcore guilds worked hard to take them down and then, after a while blizz released a patch that nerfed those bosses to the ground so more casual guilds could get their epix.


Same thing is happening right here right now. So called true battlemasters are whining about their title not being so unique anymore, so they can't run around showing off their e-peen.

Fact is, getting battlemaster has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with skill, it's about how much time you are willing to invest in the game, however ppl forget about that.


So to all the whiners, i suggest all of you to **** and if you, my dear battlemasters, are so good, then go and prove that on actual battlefields, but not on these forums.


PS. For the record, i play operative, a melee class. Yesterday i spent like 3 hours on Ilum and got from valor rank 28 to 33, which is roughly 30-35k valor. May be it's just me, being a melee class, and not having any good aoe but something tells me that rumors about ppl getting battlemaster in one day are highly exaggerated.




And on WZ u would get less than 10k - and not by spaming skills but actually playing game. U dont see problem? 1 more thing - Republic cannot do it. Again u dont see problem?

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Bioware you need to rollback everyone who reached rank 60 before 1.1. They all exploited farming low level players to get there. Reset all their valor to level 1


and i bet you did too! so yeah... keep AOEing btw thanks for the report for absolutely nothing ;) are you that scared of getting your battle master rolled back?

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