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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Here it is. Just check the dev tracker section for updates.


I just love how someone will pop in every 10 pages or so and link this thinking "Oh, they must not have seen this" or "this oughta shut those whiners up".


I think what you, and the others who re-post that thinking it will end the discussion, are missing is that we at this point have NO FAITH IN BIOWARE to actually come thru on said promise. Just look at how the duping/slicing bugs were dealt with. OOOO 7 day ban and you can keep your ill gotten goods.


Lack of complete information or feedback, terrible customer service, obvious imperial bias, and countless untested and buggy patch releases has been the theme for Bioware since TORs launch.


They have essentially twisted the old "true definition of insanity' against us. WE are insane for thinking that THEY are going to break this pattern of behavior.

Edited by Ellvaan
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I'm typing this while flying my personal jet to Italy to pickup my new Lamborghini which I'll be driving to meet the Pope to get his blessing on my plan for world peace. What, you don't believe me? Guess that's you're problem.


If you posted a picture from your camera there's a good chance I would.

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Hello everyone; I wanted to update you on the issues we’ve been seeing today on the live servers, specifically within the Open World PvP area on Ilum. We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points. This is not a fair or balanced gameplay experience and can also severely affect client performance, so we’re taking steps to address this.


Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. In Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing an Emergency Patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST). [Note, please check the launcher and the main thread for the latest information on patch deployment timing -JG]


In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.


To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:




This isn't enough. Roll back all the changes or make every republic player that earned Valor on Ilum that day Battlemaster.


Roll it back.

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Makes me even mader. why? Its not individuals who got the advantage from this - ALL imperials on our server was camping our spawn using AoE heals and AoE damage to instantly kill us upon revival.



There is no way that:


1. Bioware can have any idea who exactly those people were.

2. You can count this huge ****up as a player to player problem. It all needs to be reversed.







Of course BW can track who exactly got what. If they don't have the tools to do it (and i seriously doubt they don't have them) they must be the most noobish developer ever to have stepped in the MMO market.

It should be a matter of several queries to the DB and a tool that calculates the changes in a certain value over time. Those with excessive increase should be easily tracked.

The real question is, will they actually take action against them, cause they could actually be hundreds if not thousands of ppl.

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I agree most were not "exploiting", but the dev post does state they are aware of some individuals who abused the system and will take action. I doubt they lose their valor, but will get a temp ban.


I also agree that playing the game is not exploiting. An exploit would be the speed hack in WZs. The real problem is faction imbalance. They need to solve it pronto.


Kudos for rational posting with legitimate concerns. The death of this game will be from the community "cancelling" on the forums every day.

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I just love how someone will pop in every 10 pages or so and link this thinking "Oh, they must not have seen this" or "this oughta shut those whiners up".


I think what you, and the others who re-post that thinking it will end the discussion, are missing is that we at this point have NO FAITH IN BIOWARE to actually come thru on said promise. Just look at how the duping/slicing bugs were dealt with. OOOO 7 day ban and you can keep your ill gotten goods.


Lack of complete information or feedback, terrible customer service, obvious imperial bias, and countless untested and buggy patch releases has been the theme for Bioware since TORs launch.


They have essentially twisted the old "true definition of insanity' against us. WE are insane for thinking that THEY are going to break this pattern of behavior.


I was responding to a request. The original is many pages back, and some people are not familiar with the dev tracker page.

Edited by Ellvaan
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Glad you have that much knowledge of the BW system, but if this was the case it would have been done hours and hours ago i promise, if BW could avoid all this with a rollback that simple rest assured it would be done.


Glad you DON'T have much knowledge about programming, because now I get to explain it to you.


All characters are saved as data, regardless of whether it's a file or a series of values transformed into a single numerical entry, all characters are saved as data. Somewhere in the data file/character save, the game stores a value for valor, a value that it calls up when it loads your character or has any need to know how much valor you have.


It is entirely possible to take recent data and through a find&replace program remove existing values and replace them with old values. Even the most incompetent of Bioware's programmers could manage such a simple college-level program AND automate it to apply to all characters on a given server or servers. All this requires is:


1) That characters are saved on a regular basis with BACKUPS available (most MMOs do this now in case of hardware failures or hacking attempts)

2) That the developers choose to take the time to develop the software needed to do so (unless they already have the capability, which saves a lot of time)

3) That a decision is made to do it (this thread, for example)


Also - None of this requires innate knowledge of Bioware's internal systems. This is how all computer data in the world operates. Without exception. Changing a specific statistical value on a specific file is a core concept of programming.

Edited by LordSemaj
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The rollback really can't be hard to do. If they don't have the tools for it.. well..

Bioware wasn't prepared to run an MMO in the first place, then.


@Lord - Thanks.. I didn't feel like typing it all out.

It's a simple statistical value that would need to be changed.

Edited by jnunzi
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I agree most were not "exploiting", but the dev post does state they are aware of some individuals who abused the system and will take action. I doubt they lose their valor, but will get a temp ban.


I also agree that playing the game is not exploiting. An exploit would be the speed hack in WZs. The real problem is faction imbalance. They need to solve it pronto.


I agree.


Worst part of this it is Bioware make us Empire players look like a bunch of evil exploiters when we were just exploring broken PvP content. People traded points before 1.1 and nobody got banned for NOT fighting in a PvP zone. Yet you want to ban me and others for testing Biowares content and getting "free loot".


I'm sorry about today...but banning me and players like me for testing content is irrational at best.

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But those that didnt earn obscene amounts still earned more valor than I do from an entire day of PvP


True. That can't be helped. If bothers you to the point you no longer enjoy the game, you should do as you see fit.


However, if you enjoy the game and are upset at the injustice, I would take comfort in the fact that all this gear and valor will be completely irrelevant in a few months. It will all even out with time.


As for me, I choose to keep enjoying the game.

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500 valor a minute x 120 minutes is 60,000 valor.


Valor rank 55 requires 34,000 valor. This is your math lesson for the day.




And before - 60k valor = about 60wz. Every warzone with waiting in que - about 20minutes.


60x20=1 200minutes = 20hours. Of hard playing wz not sstaying and spaming 1skill.


No roll back = epic fail of game.

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