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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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"UPDATE: This maintenance period is now scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30AM CST (7:30AM PST/ 10:30AM EST/ 3:30PM GMT/ 4:30PM CET) on 1/19 and end at 1:30PM CST (11:30AM PST/ 2:30PM EST/ 7:30PM GMT/ 8:30PM CET)."


They announced this a few minutes ago. Over a hour after we all noticed they hadn't taken the servers offline yet.


They've already delayed the "emergency patch" twice now.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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You and your friends are idiots for switching over a minor bug that was corrected in 24 hrs.


If you have other reasons then w/e, it has no place in this thread.


that "minor bug" means that some players dont have to farm ~92hours to get from rank 40 to rank 60 ...


92hours thats not a random number...

u need ~80.000 valor to get from 40 to 50

and u need ~336.000 valor to get from 50-60

assuming u get ~1500valor/20mins (which seems to be very optimistic) u will need those hours to reach this rank.




i dont think its that minor if those guys skiped nearly 4days of PLAYED time

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There wont be a rollback, you people should DEAL WITH IT.


It's too big of a complication and it would affect much more people who didn't participate in the exploit, than those who did who are a minority, a vast minority of the general number of players lets face it..


That being said, i am sure that VALOR will be REMOVED from exploiters because they wont have the hard time locating them, those who gained ENORMOUS amounts of valor today can clearly be tracked down.


OK two things, 1) you can't be a "vast minority" look up the definition of vast....

2) Repairing the damage done to the health of a servers PvP future far out strips the loss of a day leveling, bioware could comp everyone 2 days and call it good.

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"UPDATE: This maintenance period is now scheduled to begin at approximately 9:30AM CST (7:30AM PST/ 10:30AM EST/ 3:30PM GMT/ 4:30PM CET) on 1/19 and end at 1:30PM CST (11:30AM PST/ 2:30PM EST/ 7:30PM GMT/ 8:30PM CET)."


They announced this a few minutes ago. Over a hour after we all noticed they hadn't taken the servers offline yet.


Still 10 minutes until?

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I hadn't played in a week, logged into basically my entire guild (republic) saying they are cancelling and super pissed.. mostly the guys who have been lvling and pvping like crazy trying to get valor through warzones.


I hate to say it, but.. after playing warhammer, the type of things that are happening in this game just don't surprise me at all


I'll probably renew my sub anyway but maybe just for a month, if my guild quits then peace


fyi I don't think bioware has the capacity to rollback servers or they are just afraid to. thing is, rollbacks only work if you act quickly. if you sit around and twiddle your thumbs while you figure out what to do then it's already too late


hint: when you release a patch with a MASSIVE OVERSIGHT/BORDERLINE EXPLOIT you should take the servers down immediately. can't believe these goofs still haven't learned.


And what would you be crying about if the servers were down 24 hrs? Let me guess, your whole guild would quit...


It wasn't that big of a deal, the valor gains were not huge in most situations. I for one left the area to do WZs. RABEL RABEL some more.

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So there is imbalance and you switch to the other side to make it worse? All I have to say is dont roll melee, GL getting any kills with all the ranged pwning the few repubs from range.


Grass is always greener...


Oh gosh, you are totally right, I better not go sith because if I roll a melee class, I wont be able to attack the one republic on the server before the 100 ranged guys kill him, you right, im better off as that one guy. /sarcasm


Anyway, we changed to a more balanced server as well . Our republic characters on our current had to be ditched, and that is understandably frustrating. And seeing how we have to re-roll, might a well go the side that has the superior animations/story/gear.

Edited by Pokeytehpenguin
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Get through your thick head that this is the only realistic solution that they can implement.


There's no other solution in the realm of realism. Simple as that.


I understand that it is incredibly difficult for them to roll back the exploiters. However, I'd like to point out that they DO NOT BAN KNOWN BOTTERS AND 24-7 CHEST BOTS.


Please ponder that with your "thick skull".

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Centurion -> Champion Gear = Huge Stat Increase

Champion Gear - > Battlemaster Gear = Meh. Nothing to write home about


That kind of is what gets me the most, BM is a minor increase over Champion (Same for Rakata over Columi). Compared to it's lesser tiers which were huge jumps.


I could have seen this being a huge problem if BM gear was so far ahead of everything else.


But it's not.


And I'm sorry if all the previous BMs are getting their panties in a bunch because the farming of 50s on Ilum seemed cheap to their more legit Premade farming of lowbie in warzones.


(NOte: I Myself joined Ilum to get the daily done and got a good amount of valor. But it was to laggy and quite frankly too boring just sitting there so I left. I don't think I could watch jittering for more then a few minutes. But then again I'm impatient as anything)

Edited by exphryl
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LOOK THIS https://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NASDAQ:EA


1.1 awesome patch !!! no rollback .... i think that you are going to lose a lot money .... GO ROLLBACK and FIRE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WORKS on THIS PATCH


Fire a team that created this game because of a minor bug in a zone that was a joke pre-patch? I mean i spent 3 mins a day trading in Illum before this.


Can we just delete this trolls account?

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How can there be no capacity for a rollback? I am nearly 100% sure they back up the database before weekly maintanance, all they have to do is restore it back to that and there you go - a rollback.


I know what I'm on about, I was a GM on a private server for a very popular MMO...

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Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


So, I need clarificaiton here. If someone takes just a little advantage of an exploit that was approved by Gabe to be released it is ok? How much exploited valor is enough to get away with and how much is extreme? 5 levels in 1 hour ok? But 8 hours of farming it 15 levels is not?


Clearly you are communicating that some cheating is ok if it is not extreme. Just remember what the official line is now on exploits, do just a little, not too much and you will be fine.

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Oh great so they'll likely patch in Euro primetime. Can't be helped but still sucks... although I have connections problems the past days anyways as the connection to Ireland is currently overloaded due to IPv4 -> IPv6 and DNS issues...
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And what would you be crying about if the servers were down 24 hrs? Let me guess, your whole guild would quit...


It wasn't that big of a deal, the valor gains were not huge in most situations. I for one left the area to do WZs. RABEL RABEL some more.


You've openly admitted to everyone that you were one of the people that knowingly harassed other players by killing them for several hours whenever they respawned.


You've proven that BioWare isn't going to punish you or you would have had your account suspended already and you wouldn't be posting on the forums.


The fact you are still posting responses on this thread helps prove to everyone that BioWare lied about the fact they will be punishing people on an individual basis.


The more you talk/post the more you prove everyone is right. BioWare has NO INTENTION of actually doing anything about this problem.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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Centurion -> Champion Gear = Huge Stat Increase

Champion Gear - > Battlemaster Gear = Meh. Nothing to write home about


That kind of is what gets me the most, BM is a minor increase over Champion (Same for Rakata over Columi). Compared to it's lesser tiers which were huge jumps.


I could have seen this being a huge problem if BM gear was so far ahead of everything else.


But it's not.


And I'm sorry if all the previous BMs are getting their panties in a bunch because the farming of 50s on Ilum seemed cheap to their more legit Premade farming of lowbie in warzones.


Ya this is whats really funny about most these trolls... the BM gear is like 5-8 points stat upgrades.... GAME BREAKING!


The PvP gear is a joke, until they have ranked WZs or arenas it's just noob lewt.

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LOOK THIS https://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NASDAQ:EA


1.1 awesome patch !!! no rollback .... i think that you are going to lose a lot money .... GO ROLLBACK and FIRE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WORKS on THIS PATCH


This is what happens when you rush content wo fixing current issues. They thought they would get more players and subs with this patch when in fact they lost out big time. That looks like it hurts. I bet the CEO is raising all kinds of hell.. Looks like the netflix approach didnt work out for bioware either.

Edited by Grewvin
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Fire a team that created this game because of a minor bug in a zone that was a joke pre-patch? I mean i spent 3 mins a day trading in Illum before this.


Can we just delete this trolls account?


Minor bug?


- Random flickering and loading screen during gameplay, Warzones/open world PvP included

- Decreased FPS

- Increased ability stuttering

- Horrific UI change

- Major faction imbalance


Can we just delete this trolls account?

Edited by darthtoph
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How fast do you think valor was awarded? It wasn't that fast. I was there at least 4 hours, started at lvl 41 valor and ended at 49. It was not that great for much of the day. Running around yelling that everyone got an easy battlemaster title is completely false.





41-49 valor in 4 hours? ROFL.

You don't think that is unfair?

That is incredibly fast.

You just don't want your exploit taken away.

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easy to fix this imbalance.... cap the number of players based on the less populated faction.... and fix 3 times a day to open ilum.


example: ilum is open for war each 3 hours for a whole 2 hours... if 80 republic join the war in ilum, only 80 empire would be able to join too.

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I am a former TOR player, but I still enjoy reading the forums. I do not understand why everybody is asking for a rollback when the real issue is another one: Ilum and the rest of open PvP is broken.


People on PTR could see this coming, even people who just read the patch notes last week could see this coming. Still, BW pushed this crap on live.


Even without exploit, how long do you think players would go to Ilum if the only reason to go is valor? Once they cap their pvp rank, why on earth would the go there for? Reality is Pvp IN THIS GAME HAS NO PURPOSE! This is the real issue, not just a rollback.

Edited by Viareggio
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Minor bug?


- Random flickering and loading screen during gameplay, Warzones/open world PvP included

- Decreased FPS

- Increased ability stuttering

- Horrific UI change

- Major faction imbalance


Can we just delete this trolls account?


I'll give you the flickering


Decreases FPS? Are you talking about while sitting in Illum because there are 200 players there? My FPS are fine, no one in guild had any issues outside of Illum and we raided last night.


Ability shuttering, again Illum lag? No issues other places.


What UI change?


Faction imbalance has zero to do with this patch but i agree its an issue.

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